We are continuing our in depth look into; "The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity" as our basis. As indeed is the whole theme of this, "The Mirror Study Bible," is based upon.
1John 5:17-21, Romans 1:25-26, "We know that we have our origin in GOD; Yet the whole world [1] lies trapped in the blindfold-mode of a lost identity; Intoxicated by the ponderous system of a futile mentality of hardships laborings and annoyances! (The word [1] keimai means to lie prostrate, outstretched; buried.) This is what has become distinctly clear to us: the [1] coming of the Son of GOD is GOD'S mission accomplished! He is the incarnate Christ. The moment all of Scripture pointed to has arrived! The Son is [1] present! In Him GOD has given us the greatest of gifts, [2] a mind whereby we may know Him who is true; And in the same knowing, to find ourselves there in Him who is true! Humanity is fully included and located in Him, in His Son Jesus Christ; This means that whatever Jesus is as Son, we are. This is the true GOD; This is the life of the ages! This defeats every image of our imagination that could possibly compete with the authentic likeness of our design! Darling children, distance yourselves from every substitute image, which is what [1] idolatry is all about!" ( The word [1, G2240] hēkō, translates is come means present, in the verb has arrived. The word [2, G1271 from G1223 and G3563] dianoia, a mind, is a compound of two words, from (G1223) dia, meaning channel, and (G3563) nous, means intellect, and upward understanding. The word [1, G1497] eidolon, is often translated idol, refers to image or likeness. The word [1, G1504 from G1503 eikō, faintness, a copy] eikon,
means image or likeness - this is the theme of the whole Bible and
redemption; The image and likeness of GOD revealed and redeemed in human
form! Idolatry is a projection of an image of one's own making.
Idolatry is the crux of religion - it is expensive business since your
idol is like a slot machine at the casino! It remains hungry and it is
wired to bite and bankrupt you! Isaiah 40:18-21, To whom then will you liken GOD, or what likeness compares with Him? The idol? A workman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold, and casts for it silver chains. He who is impoverished chooses for an offering wood that will not rot; He seeks out a skillful craftsman to set up an image that will not move. Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundation of the earth? Remember your beginning! You are GOD'S idea - the Engineer of the Universe imagined you! gen. 1:26; Col. 1:15, 2:9-10.
Acts 17:28-31, For "In Him we live and move and have our being;" as even some of your poets have said, "For we are indeed His offspring." Being then GOD'S offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of human origin. The times of ignorance GOD overlooked, but now he compels all of humanity everywhere to awaken to their redeemed identity and innocence!)
Romans 1:25-26 "Truth suppressed (Rom. 1:18) became twisted truth. Instead of embracing their Maker as their authentic identity, they preferred the deception of a distorted image of their own making, religiously giving it their affection and worship. The true GOD is the blessed GOD of the ages. Hey! He is not defined by our devotion or indifference! (And all this because they traded the true GOD for a fake god, and worshiped the god they made instead of the GOD who made them.) By being confused about their Maker they became confused about themselves. (In order to now manage the inevitable feeling of failure, guilt, inferiority, condemnation and judgment, the idea of a scapegoat emerged whereby slain animals are sacrificed to appease angry deities of their imagination. This "pay now and sin later" or "sin now and pay later" - idea became the illusion of religion! The sense of relief and self-justification presents a very lucrative and marketable commodity! These ritual sacrifices and the feast that followed became extravagant indulgences of food, alcohol and licentiousness of every sort!
It is within this background that paganism of mindset was born that now typically requires a scapegoat-language was adopted in both the Torah and the Prophetic writings (including David's Psalms) whereby the promised Messiah is dynamically introduced as the Savior of humanity. Jesus did not come to "conveniently manage" our sin and sense of failure; He came to obliterate our sinfulness and sin-consciousness, bringing closure to a warped identity and mindset that we inherited from our fathers and in His resurrection he re-booted us and raised us into newness of life!) (The Mirror, with editing.)
We shall being our next visit with Hebrews 10:2, the LORD willing. Until then may He who IS bring us to ourselves yet again. As these days and time require it.
The revealing of the Revelation and the mysteries in the Light of the Gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ as given to Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel. As contained in the letters of Paul, to the Romans on through Philemon and the letter of persuasion written to the Hebrews. A Bible study and other insights. So we should get off that milk bottle. We have to tell those who find us and begin to read the posts to throw the milk bottle away.
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 17-1b, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
Continuing with the "Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity," picking things up at Revelation 13:6 in our look at our acquiring a redeemed mindset.
The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity:
Revelation 13:6 "It hurled its accusations in GOD'S face, while blaspheming His Name and tabernacle and those dwelling in the heavenlies." (The words, [1] pros ton theon positions the Accuser to now face GOD'S image and likeness incarnate in human form, since there is no trace of accusation present in the heavenlies, having been thoroughly expelled from any further presence or relevance in the heavenly sphere, as clearly announced in the previous chapter. [Rev. 12:8-10] The significance of heaven endorsing the tabernacle of GOD on earth - in both its prophetic symbolism as well as its tangible unveiling in incarnate human life, is Now the target of accusation and every blasphemous utterance of this Beast who takes its authority from Mr. Accusation himself, the personification of the Satanas-system through ignorant humanity.
And them that dwell in heaven; kai tous en too ouranoo skenountas - in contrast to those whose minds are still trapped in earthbound-mode!
See the extended note on the Battle Between the Earthbound and Heavenly perspective at the end of Rev. 16. Also the extended notes on Mount Sinai to Mount Zion at the end of Rev. 14.
Revelation 20:12; John 5:21-28, "And I saw everyone who ever died, small and great, standing before GOD. And the books were opened. And another book was opened! The Book of Life. The first volume of books represented humanity's judgment based on their own works, verses the Book of Life which celebrated the triumphant victory of the Lamb!....'For just as the Father awakens people from their death-sleep and revitalizes them with zoe-life so it pleases the Son to awaken people to Lie! For the Father judges no-one but has given all judgment to the Son! Oh now I desire for you to get this! The prophetic hour has come! This is the moment for the dead to hear the voice of the Son of GOD - 'C'mon! Hear and live!' The Father has also given the Son of man [1] authentic authority to execute judgment on humanity's behalf! (The word [1] exousia, often translated authority has two components, ek, out of source and eimi, I am!) Do not be alarmed by this, but the hour is come when those in the [1] graves will hear His voice (yet again)! (No-one who ever lived will escape the extent of His righteous judgment! Those who have [1] forgotten who they are will hear His incarnate voice! The word for grave, [1, G3419 from G3420 mnēmē, memory, from G3403 mimnēskō, to remind] mnemeion, means memory, suggesting a remembrance! Like David prophesies in Psalm 22, when he sees the cross-crisis [krisis - judgment] a thousand years before it happened! His conclusion in verse 27 sums up the triumph of GOD'S resolve! "All the ends of the earth shall [1] remember and turn to the LORD; And all the families of the nations shall worship before Him!" See 1Cor. 15:21-22, "The same humanity who died in a man was raised again in a man. In Adam all died; In Christ all are made alive.") (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit the LORD willing we shall take a look into humanity's disharmony realized under the fall, as found in 1John 5:17-21. Until then may the LORD help us all to realized our true origin of identity in Him.
The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity:
Revelation 13:6 "It hurled its accusations in GOD'S face, while blaspheming His Name and tabernacle and those dwelling in the heavenlies." (The words, [1] pros ton theon positions the Accuser to now face GOD'S image and likeness incarnate in human form, since there is no trace of accusation present in the heavenlies, having been thoroughly expelled from any further presence or relevance in the heavenly sphere, as clearly announced in the previous chapter. [Rev. 12:8-10] The significance of heaven endorsing the tabernacle of GOD on earth - in both its prophetic symbolism as well as its tangible unveiling in incarnate human life, is Now the target of accusation and every blasphemous utterance of this Beast who takes its authority from Mr. Accusation himself, the personification of the Satanas-system through ignorant humanity.
And them that dwell in heaven; kai tous en too ouranoo skenountas - in contrast to those whose minds are still trapped in earthbound-mode!
See the extended note on the Battle Between the Earthbound and Heavenly perspective at the end of Rev. 16. Also the extended notes on Mount Sinai to Mount Zion at the end of Rev. 14.
Revelation 20:12; John 5:21-28, "And I saw everyone who ever died, small and great, standing before GOD. And the books were opened. And another book was opened! The Book of Life. The first volume of books represented humanity's judgment based on their own works, verses the Book of Life which celebrated the triumphant victory of the Lamb!....'For just as the Father awakens people from their death-sleep and revitalizes them with zoe-life so it pleases the Son to awaken people to Lie! For the Father judges no-one but has given all judgment to the Son! Oh now I desire for you to get this! The prophetic hour has come! This is the moment for the dead to hear the voice of the Son of GOD - 'C'mon! Hear and live!' The Father has also given the Son of man [1] authentic authority to execute judgment on humanity's behalf! (The word [1] exousia, often translated authority has two components, ek, out of source and eimi, I am!) Do not be alarmed by this, but the hour is come when those in the [1] graves will hear His voice (yet again)! (No-one who ever lived will escape the extent of His righteous judgment! Those who have [1] forgotten who they are will hear His incarnate voice! The word for grave, [1, G3419 from G3420 mnēmē, memory, from G3403 mimnēskō, to remind] mnemeion, means memory, suggesting a remembrance! Like David prophesies in Psalm 22, when he sees the cross-crisis [krisis - judgment] a thousand years before it happened! His conclusion in verse 27 sums up the triumph of GOD'S resolve! "All the ends of the earth shall [1] remember and turn to the LORD; And all the families of the nations shall worship before Him!" See 1Cor. 15:21-22, "The same humanity who died in a man was raised again in a man. In Adam all died; In Christ all are made alive.") (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit the LORD willing we shall take a look into humanity's disharmony realized under the fall, as found in 1John 5:17-21. Until then may the LORD help us all to realized our true origin of identity in Him.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 17-1a, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
In our last post we began our look into the "Lamb's Book of Life and how Humanity's Redeemed Identity" relate. We are continuing on with this in-depth look over the next few postings, beginning with chapter 12 verses 7-10. What we as mere humanity need to know and understand is that everything down to the finest details GOD had already established and corroborated long before the world began including our own humanity.
The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity
Revelation 12:7 "Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers led the war in the heavenly realm against the Dragon and his Herding-Heralds. (The Hebrew name Mikael means, "Who is like GOD?" The context of the onslaught against the human race has always been image and likeness-identy related! Mankind's sense of lost identity is the fruit of the "I-am-not tree system!" Jesus faced this temptation on humanity's behalf, where the Devil [Diabolos-through the Fall] tempts Jesus' identity with, "If you are the Son of GOD...." Jesus rebuked Satan [the Accuser] and sends it off into smithereens. Mat. 4:6, 10, The leverage of the Satanas System is an identity challenger. 'Who do people say that I, the son of man, AM?' Is the question Jesus asks in Matthew 16:13 underlines the focus of His mission; 'If you discover who I am, you discover who you really are!' He is about to redeem mankind's lost sense of sonship and identity! Illiterate Simon answers, "Jesus, you, the son of man, are the Messiah, the son of GOD!" was his response. Then Jesus immediately endorsed him, 'Simon, son of Jonah,' 'Now that you know who I am, allow Me to introduce you, to you! You are Peter!' [Petros in the Greek means Rock! actually it means, little rock and Petra, upon which Jesus builds His Ekklesia, meaning Rock! a quarry stone of granite.] 'So, son of man, you are Mr. Rock, a Chip of the old Block!' We have forgotten the Rock from which we were hewn (corroborated)! Deu. 32:18. You who seek GOD and pursue righteousness, here is your clue! "Look to the Rock from which you are hewn! Isa. 51:1. Then Jesus makes this remarkable statement, that on this Rock [the revelation of humanity's true sonship, redeemed], 'He would build His Ekklesia [from ek, origin, and kaleo, to surname; original identity] and the gates of Hades will not prevail against you!' [The word, hades, is from the negative particle of, ha, and eido, to see, be it blindly or a skewed] The blindfold mode of the human race will not prevail against the revelation of the son of man as the offspring of GOD - this is the triumph of the Ekklesia! Rev. 2:7. [The term, "son of" surnames someone! So the word, Ekklesia, translated, church, literally points to the Source unveiling humanity's true identity by surname!] So, if what we call church today is not about the unveiling of mankind's true, redeemed Identity, it is not the Ekklesia that Jesus is building! [Rev. 7:9, where humanity was delivered out of their national, geographical and historical identity!] (See note on the Son of man is the Son of GOD at the end of chapter 2.)
Also in the beautiful encounter of Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4, the source-identity of humanity beautifully unfolds! John 4:6-11, "The well which Jacob dug was still in operation. Since it was already midday and Jesus felt exhausted and thirsty from their day and a half walk, [40 miles from Aenon] He decided to wait at the well while His disciples would go into the next village to buy food. (Having left the Place of Springs, Aenon early the previous morning, one can just imagine how Jesus' mind drifted to the fountain theme!), When a local Samaritan woman finally arrived to draw water, Jesus immediately asked her for a drink. The Samaritan woman obviously anticipated this request and was ready with her abrupt response, "You are a Jew, aren't you?! So why would you expect to get anything for free from a Samaritan woman?" Within the politics of the day, Jews looked down upon the Samaritans and had no dealings with them. (She knew very well how strategically en-route this precious well was and what political leverage it gave her over weary Jewish travelers!) (Jesus was not at all intimidated or embarrassed by her political stance; He didn't allow His awareness of His weariness and desperate thirst, as well as an obvious opportunity to negotiate for a quick fix-drink, to distract from His Person and mission - instead of associating Himself with the Jews as a mere Jew and endorsing the Samaritan's inferior' political identity, He immediately engaged her with a far superior conversation. He escaped the temptation to see Himself or the lady reduced to a lesser identity. He knew who He was and what His mission was all about, as the Messiah of humanity - by seeing Himself He was able to see her in the same light. What He had to offer was not for sale!) He looked her in the eye and said, 'If you could see the generosity of GOD'S gift, you would perceive who I am! (I am so much more than a Jewish man and you are so much more than a Samaritan woman!) So here I am asking you for a drink when you should be asking Me and I would give you the water of life for free! (Just like Nicodemus in the previous chapter, she struggles to determine which source Jesus was pointing to!) Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep! How would you reach this living water?") The Dragon's influence was totally demolished and rendered powerless - not a trace of its presence was found in the heavens! (Principalities and powers were completely disarmed on the Cross! Col. 2:14-15, "And their place was not found" see Dan. 2:35 - the little stone against whom the gates of Hades shall not prevail - the Chip of the old Block demolished the pseudo man-made identity. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 16:13-14, 17:13-14, 19:19 and 20:8.) So the great Dragon, the [1] ancient [2] ophis [serpent], also known as the Devil or Satan - whose sole mission was to lead the entire inhabited world astray - was cast down to the earth-dimension, together with all his [3] herding-Heralds. (The word, [1] archaios, ancient, of old, is from arche, from the beginning. As Jesus said that the Devil was a murderer 'from the beginning.' The Greek word, [2] ophis is translated as serpent and comes from optomai, to gaze, in this case, to present a visual idea through illusion. John 8:44. He was stripped of his pseudo rank of authority, see Col. 2:14-15, he was made a public spectacle! Luke 10:18, And Jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan falling out of Heaven like lightning!' Also John 12:31, 'Now is the judgment of this world; Now is the ruler of this world cast down!' ['When I am (humanity) lifted up on the cross,' John 12:32.]) Then I heard a very loud voice in the heavens announcing, "This is the moment which the entire prophetic word pointed to and culminates in; It is the realization of humanity's salvation. The power of the kingdom of our GOD and its authority is endorsed in the I-am-ness of His Christ. The business of accusation is bankrupted.The 24/7 industry of condemning the brotherhood of humanity before the face of GOD has been annihilated." (The word, [1] kategoros, a name given to the Devil by the Rabbis, the one whose business is accusation, is from kata, downward and agora, to trade, a word used for all kinds of businesses in the public arena.
Luke 10:18. Also John 12:27, 'My soul is exceedingly perplexed right now! What shall I say, 'Father! Rescue Me [1] out of the clutches of this hour! No! It is for this hour and its culmination of My destiny that I have come.' (Greek preposition, [1] ek, out of source, origin.)
John 12:28, 'Father! Glorify Your name!' And immediately there came a voice out of the heavenly realm saying, 'I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again!') (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit we shall begin at Revelation 13:6, the LORD willing. Until then may he continue to increase our understanding of all that is Him.
The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity
Revelation 12:7 "Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers led the war in the heavenly realm against the Dragon and his Herding-Heralds. (The Hebrew name Mikael means, "Who is like GOD?" The context of the onslaught against the human race has always been image and likeness-identy related! Mankind's sense of lost identity is the fruit of the "I-am-not tree system!" Jesus faced this temptation on humanity's behalf, where the Devil [Diabolos-through the Fall] tempts Jesus' identity with, "If you are the Son of GOD...." Jesus rebuked Satan [the Accuser] and sends it off into smithereens. Mat. 4:6, 10, The leverage of the Satanas System is an identity challenger. 'Who do people say that I, the son of man, AM?' Is the question Jesus asks in Matthew 16:13 underlines the focus of His mission; 'If you discover who I am, you discover who you really are!' He is about to redeem mankind's lost sense of sonship and identity! Illiterate Simon answers, "Jesus, you, the son of man, are the Messiah, the son of GOD!" was his response. Then Jesus immediately endorsed him, 'Simon, son of Jonah,' 'Now that you know who I am, allow Me to introduce you, to you! You are Peter!' [Petros in the Greek means Rock! actually it means, little rock and Petra, upon which Jesus builds His Ekklesia, meaning Rock! a quarry stone of granite.] 'So, son of man, you are Mr. Rock, a Chip of the old Block!' We have forgotten the Rock from which we were hewn (corroborated)! Deu. 32:18. You who seek GOD and pursue righteousness, here is your clue! "Look to the Rock from which you are hewn! Isa. 51:1. Then Jesus makes this remarkable statement, that on this Rock [the revelation of humanity's true sonship, redeemed], 'He would build His Ekklesia [from ek, origin, and kaleo, to surname; original identity] and the gates of Hades will not prevail against you!' [The word, hades, is from the negative particle of, ha, and eido, to see, be it blindly or a skewed] The blindfold mode of the human race will not prevail against the revelation of the son of man as the offspring of GOD - this is the triumph of the Ekklesia! Rev. 2:7. [The term, "son of" surnames someone! So the word, Ekklesia, translated, church, literally points to the Source unveiling humanity's true identity by surname!] So, if what we call church today is not about the unveiling of mankind's true, redeemed Identity, it is not the Ekklesia that Jesus is building! [Rev. 7:9, where humanity was delivered out of their national, geographical and historical identity!] (See note on the Son of man is the Son of GOD at the end of chapter 2.)
Also in the beautiful encounter of Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4, the source-identity of humanity beautifully unfolds! John 4:6-11, "The well which Jacob dug was still in operation. Since it was already midday and Jesus felt exhausted and thirsty from their day and a half walk, [40 miles from Aenon] He decided to wait at the well while His disciples would go into the next village to buy food. (Having left the Place of Springs, Aenon early the previous morning, one can just imagine how Jesus' mind drifted to the fountain theme!), When a local Samaritan woman finally arrived to draw water, Jesus immediately asked her for a drink. The Samaritan woman obviously anticipated this request and was ready with her abrupt response, "You are a Jew, aren't you?! So why would you expect to get anything for free from a Samaritan woman?" Within the politics of the day, Jews looked down upon the Samaritans and had no dealings with them. (She knew very well how strategically en-route this precious well was and what political leverage it gave her over weary Jewish travelers!) (Jesus was not at all intimidated or embarrassed by her political stance; He didn't allow His awareness of His weariness and desperate thirst, as well as an obvious opportunity to negotiate for a quick fix-drink, to distract from His Person and mission - instead of associating Himself with the Jews as a mere Jew and endorsing the Samaritan's inferior' political identity, He immediately engaged her with a far superior conversation. He escaped the temptation to see Himself or the lady reduced to a lesser identity. He knew who He was and what His mission was all about, as the Messiah of humanity - by seeing Himself He was able to see her in the same light. What He had to offer was not for sale!) He looked her in the eye and said, 'If you could see the generosity of GOD'S gift, you would perceive who I am! (I am so much more than a Jewish man and you are so much more than a Samaritan woman!) So here I am asking you for a drink when you should be asking Me and I would give you the water of life for free! (Just like Nicodemus in the previous chapter, she struggles to determine which source Jesus was pointing to!) Sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep! How would you reach this living water?") The Dragon's influence was totally demolished and rendered powerless - not a trace of its presence was found in the heavens! (Principalities and powers were completely disarmed on the Cross! Col. 2:14-15, "And their place was not found" see Dan. 2:35 - the little stone against whom the gates of Hades shall not prevail - the Chip of the old Block demolished the pseudo man-made identity. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 16:13-14, 17:13-14, 19:19 and 20:8.) So the great Dragon, the [1] ancient [2] ophis [serpent], also known as the Devil or Satan - whose sole mission was to lead the entire inhabited world astray - was cast down to the earth-dimension, together with all his [3] herding-Heralds. (The word, [1] archaios, ancient, of old, is from arche, from the beginning. As Jesus said that the Devil was a murderer 'from the beginning.' The Greek word, [2] ophis is translated as serpent and comes from optomai, to gaze, in this case, to present a visual idea through illusion. John 8:44. He was stripped of his pseudo rank of authority, see Col. 2:14-15, he was made a public spectacle! Luke 10:18, And Jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan falling out of Heaven like lightning!' Also John 12:31, 'Now is the judgment of this world; Now is the ruler of this world cast down!' ['When I am (humanity) lifted up on the cross,' John 12:32.]) Then I heard a very loud voice in the heavens announcing, "This is the moment which the entire prophetic word pointed to and culminates in; It is the realization of humanity's salvation. The power of the kingdom of our GOD and its authority is endorsed in the I-am-ness of His Christ. The business of accusation is bankrupted.The 24/7 industry of condemning the brotherhood of humanity before the face of GOD has been annihilated." (The word, [1] kategoros, a name given to the Devil by the Rabbis, the one whose business is accusation, is from kata, downward and agora, to trade, a word used for all kinds of businesses in the public arena.
Luke 10:18. Also John 12:27, 'My soul is exceedingly perplexed right now! What shall I say, 'Father! Rescue Me [1] out of the clutches of this hour! No! It is for this hour and its culmination of My destiny that I have come.' (Greek preposition, [1] ek, out of source, origin.)
John 12:28, 'Father! Glorify Your name!' And immediately there came a voice out of the heavenly realm saying, 'I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again!') (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit we shall begin at Revelation 13:6, the LORD willing. Until then may he continue to increase our understanding of all that is Him.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 17-1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We have just completed chapter 17 and are now looking into the author's notes on the same beginning with:
The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity
Revelation 3:5 "'Everyone who sees their victory in Me, will I clothe in white garments - and they will realize that I am not in the business of fulfilling their law and performance based fears, by blotting out their names from the Book of Life! Instead, I am the one who endorses their true identity face to face before My Father and His Shepherd-Messengers.'"
Revelation 20:12, 15 "And I saw everyone who ever died, small and great, standing before GOD. And the books were opened. And another book was opened! The Book of Life. The first volume of books represented humanity's judgment based on their own works, versus the Book of Life which celebrated their triumph in the Lamb!....And [1] everything that was not written in the Book of Life was poured into the lake of fire." (The Greek (G1536), εἴ τις ei tis, meaning everything or everyone - but, what is cast into the symbolic Lake ablaze with Brimstone is not a person but a mindset! A distorted perception of identity!
The authentic ID of human life is defined in the Book of Life - or the Tree of Life, representing the redeemed life of our design, verses the alternative Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, representing humanity's identity under scrutiny and questioned. The "I am not-Tree" heads up the System of a Works and Performance base Philosophy. To have your name written in the Book of Life simply suggests that you discovered your identity in Zoe-Life redeemed by your identity in the Lamb. You may have only known yourself according to the flesh, as did Simon, the son of Jonah, while you are Petros! Mr. Rock, you are a chip of the old Block! Every evidence of an inferior identity will be cast into the lake of Sulphur burning away the dross to reveal the gold! Any idea of an identity outside of the Book of Life, is dissolved! The Lamb's Book of Life and not the Law of personal performance, defines us!)
Revelation 17:8 ..."Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones who are convinced that their name were not included in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with." (The idea of a Book of Life is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue (such as a populations sensuous). In Jewish tradition there was a prevailing fear that your name might be blotted out of the Book of Life if your behavior did not please GOD. Ex. 32:32.
Here the suggestion is that some names were not even written in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with! This idea would obviously boost the Calvinistic deception of election, that if you're not "chosen," you're doomed - which is a ridiculous contradiction to the entire context and conclusion of the Gospel!
See Matthew 24:31, "And He will send out His Shepherd-Messengers with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His blueprint likeness from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." The word, eklegomai, traditionally associates source or origin and lego, meaning to communicate ideas; Thus, the original blueprint-word, the logos; see John 1:1-3 and 12. The many are called, [kaleo, to surname] but few are "chosen" eklegomai thus, 'The masses are defined by My name but few yet realize their origin in Me!'" Mat. 22:14.
Your in-Christness is not the result of a lucky draw! Calvinism lied to you! Neither is it the result of your "choice" to follow Jesus! Something doesn't become true by popular vote! or by our beliefs! if it wasn't true to begin with, we are wasting our time trying to "believe" it true! faith happens to you when you encounter the Good Announcement!
Of GOD'S doing are we IN CHRIST...(1Cor. 1:30) For "evangelical theology," to miss the meaning of humanity's inclusion IN CHRIST, before they knew it or believed it, is to completely miss the point of the death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Jesus! This would make Jesus irrelevant and reduce the salvation of the human race to their own life fate managed by institutionalized religion, attaching mere sentimental value to an historic Jesus who died and rose again. By dying our death became as fully GOD and fully man, once and for all (not for a "select few!"), death became the doorway, whereby Jesus would enter into our hell and deepest darkness and sense of lost-ness and loneliness as a result of the lies we believed about ourselves - to triumphantly lead us out as His trophies and relocate us face to face with Father, the true father of the universe! Eph. 4:7-9, see the Mirror Bible! All this happened while we were still dead in our trespasses and sins! Eph. 2:5-6, Co-quickened, co-raised, co-seated in His Executive authority [His right hand]. Now ponder Colosians 3:1-3 and engage your thoughts with Throne room realities!) (The Mirror, with editing.)
We shall the LORD willing pick this back up in our next visit at Rev. 12:7. Until then may the LORD confirm within you all that you have read thus far in this blog, done in His name for His glory restored within us all.
The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity
Revelation 3:5 "'Everyone who sees their victory in Me, will I clothe in white garments - and they will realize that I am not in the business of fulfilling their law and performance based fears, by blotting out their names from the Book of Life! Instead, I am the one who endorses their true identity face to face before My Father and His Shepherd-Messengers.'"
Revelation 20:12, 15 "And I saw everyone who ever died, small and great, standing before GOD. And the books were opened. And another book was opened! The Book of Life. The first volume of books represented humanity's judgment based on their own works, versus the Book of Life which celebrated their triumph in the Lamb!....And [1] everything that was not written in the Book of Life was poured into the lake of fire." (The Greek (G1536), εἴ τις ei tis, meaning everything or everyone - but, what is cast into the symbolic Lake ablaze with Brimstone is not a person but a mindset! A distorted perception of identity!
The authentic ID of human life is defined in the Book of Life - or the Tree of Life, representing the redeemed life of our design, verses the alternative Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, representing humanity's identity under scrutiny and questioned. The "I am not-Tree" heads up the System of a Works and Performance base Philosophy. To have your name written in the Book of Life simply suggests that you discovered your identity in Zoe-Life redeemed by your identity in the Lamb. You may have only known yourself according to the flesh, as did Simon, the son of Jonah, while you are Petros! Mr. Rock, you are a chip of the old Block! Every evidence of an inferior identity will be cast into the lake of Sulphur burning away the dross to reveal the gold! Any idea of an identity outside of the Book of Life, is dissolved! The Lamb's Book of Life and not the Law of personal performance, defines us!)
Revelation 17:8 ..."Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones who are convinced that their name were not included in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with." (The idea of a Book of Life is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue (such as a populations sensuous). In Jewish tradition there was a prevailing fear that your name might be blotted out of the Book of Life if your behavior did not please GOD. Ex. 32:32.
Here the suggestion is that some names were not even written in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with! This idea would obviously boost the Calvinistic deception of election, that if you're not "chosen," you're doomed - which is a ridiculous contradiction to the entire context and conclusion of the Gospel!
See Matthew 24:31, "And He will send out His Shepherd-Messengers with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His blueprint likeness from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." The word, eklegomai, traditionally associates source or origin and lego, meaning to communicate ideas; Thus, the original blueprint-word, the logos; see John 1:1-3 and 12. The many are called, [kaleo, to surname] but few are "chosen" eklegomai thus, 'The masses are defined by My name but few yet realize their origin in Me!'" Mat. 22:14.
Your in-Christness is not the result of a lucky draw! Calvinism lied to you! Neither is it the result of your "choice" to follow Jesus! Something doesn't become true by popular vote! or by our beliefs! if it wasn't true to begin with, we are wasting our time trying to "believe" it true! faith happens to you when you encounter the Good Announcement!
Of GOD'S doing are we IN CHRIST...(1Cor. 1:30) For "evangelical theology," to miss the meaning of humanity's inclusion IN CHRIST, before they knew it or believed it, is to completely miss the point of the death, descent into hell, resurrection and ascension of Jesus! This would make Jesus irrelevant and reduce the salvation of the human race to their own life fate managed by institutionalized religion, attaching mere sentimental value to an historic Jesus who died and rose again. By dying our death became as fully GOD and fully man, once and for all (not for a "select few!"), death became the doorway, whereby Jesus would enter into our hell and deepest darkness and sense of lost-ness and loneliness as a result of the lies we believed about ourselves - to triumphantly lead us out as His trophies and relocate us face to face with Father, the true father of the universe! Eph. 4:7-9, see the Mirror Bible! All this happened while we were still dead in our trespasses and sins! Eph. 2:5-6, Co-quickened, co-raised, co-seated in His Executive authority [His right hand]. Now ponder Colosians 3:1-3 and engage your thoughts with Throne room realities!) (The Mirror, with editing.)
We shall the LORD willing pick this back up in our next visit at Rev. 12:7. Until then may the LORD confirm within you all that you have read thus far in this blog, done in His name for His glory restored within us all.
Friday, March 27, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, chapter 17:15, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are deep into the discovery of all that man's imagination builds to dissuade him from living a righteous life. The very obstacles used by him on himself while retaining a lower level opinion of his true state and condition of mind that has taken on this condition. It is these that drive mental institutions and hospitals and physiologists around the world. This is also the reason that there have have been wars since time began and upon which history exists and bears witness.
Revelation 17:15-18 "And he saith unto me, "The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." (KJV)
Revelation 17:15-18 "And the angel said to me, "The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth." (ESV)
Revelation 17:15-18 "The same Messenger who addressed me earlier to come and see the judgment of that notorious prostitute - the one who sat enthroned upon the many trade routes of the waters, both the rivers and seas - proceeded to explain to me that the waters I saw represent the entire spectrum of people-groupings and tribal identities with their unique language-specific dialect preferences. (These are the very masses of humanity that were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb as referenced earlier in the book, every sphere of society were there and effected - laoi kai ochloi eisin kai ethne kai glossai - Rev. 10:11, And he said to me, "Necessity is laid upon you to now disclose with new insight the prophetic word again - this prophecy's time has come and is now relevant and you will declare it before many peoples and different nations and their kings in their specific mother tongue language." - This list of people occurs seven times in Revelation with a like grouping of words for all humanity, of all races and nations; - Rev. 5:9, 7:9, 10:11, 11:9, 13:7, 14:6 and here in 17:15.
See Ezekiel 43:2, And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the east; And the sound of His coming was like the sound of many waters; And the earth shone with His glory. Then in Mat. 24:31, And He will send out His Shepherd-Messengers with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His blueprint likeness from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. The word, eklegomai, traditional associated with the idea of election, has two components, ek, a preposition that indicates source or origin and legomai, is from lego, to speak, meaning to communicate ideas, - the Lamb is the logos, the language and conversation of GOD; Humanity is His audience thus, the original blueprint-word, the logos; see John 1:1-3 and 12. Mat. 22:14, Then many are called, [kaleo] but few are "chosen," eklegomai, thus, The masses are defined by My name while few yet realize their origin in Me!") In realizing their defeat by the Lamb, the ten horns which you saw on the Beast will turn against the prostitute with furious hatred and will strip her of all her decorations, expose her nakedness, consume her flesh and burn her body. (Again, John sees a counterfeit drama to the slaying of the Lamb of GOD; Here, the figurehead of the religious corrupt systems, the great whore, is sacrificed and her flesh is eaten by her previous colleagues, clients and supporters. This reminds us of Jesus' conversation about eating His flesh and drinking of His blood as a reminder in the Last Supper.) This happened according to GOD'S strategic plan as he gave them a mind to be united against the woman and to give their kingdom to the beast until his word would be fulfilled. (See Col. 2:15, In Him (taking on humanity's judgment and) dying humanity's death, he defused every possible claim of accusation against the human race and thus made a public (Mat. 27:51b-54; Dan. 12:2, 9:24, Hosea 6:2-3, 13:14, Isaiah 25:8, 26:19; John 5:25-29, 1Cor. 15:20) spectacle of every rule and authority in GOD'S brilliant triumph, demonstrated in Him. The voice of the cross will never be silenced! (The horror of the Cross is Now the eternal trophy of GOD'S triumph over sin! The cross stripped religion of its authority to manipulate humanity with guilt and slavery. Every accusation lost its leverage to blackmail the human race with condemnation and shame! The word, apekduomai, is translated from apo, away from, and ekdup, to be stripped of clothing; The religious facade that disguised the Law of works as a means of defining a person's life, was openly defeated. The same word is used in Col. 3:9. The dominance of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [poneros, hard work and labor] was ended. The word, deikmatizo, means to exhibit in public. See the commentary below of the words arche, rule and exousia, authority. The word, parresia, comes from pas, all and rheo, outspokenness, pouring forth speech.
"He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets of Jerusalem.") The woman you saw is the great city which dominated the kings of the earth. (The Prostitute city-society of Babylon stands in contrast to the bride of Christ as the New Jerusalem.
Just like Babylon is not a city in the symbolic language of Revelation, it is a "fallen," distorted-mindset-society; So the New Jerusalem is not a city but the redeemed society of humanity! The Bride of Christ!) (The Mirror, with editing.)
Now we come to the authors extended notes on this chapter and they titled as follows: "The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity, End Times, The triumph of the Lamb, and Babylon has Fallen." We shall share these as we have in the past, in sections where required. Until our next visit may the LORD increase our understanding of Him.
Revelation 17:15-18 "And he saith unto me, "The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." (KJV)
Revelation 17:15-18 "And the angel said to me, "The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth." (ESV)
Revelation 17:15-18 "The same Messenger who addressed me earlier to come and see the judgment of that notorious prostitute - the one who sat enthroned upon the many trade routes of the waters, both the rivers and seas - proceeded to explain to me that the waters I saw represent the entire spectrum of people-groupings and tribal identities with their unique language-specific dialect preferences. (These are the very masses of humanity that were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb as referenced earlier in the book, every sphere of society were there and effected - laoi kai ochloi eisin kai ethne kai glossai - Rev. 10:11, And he said to me, "Necessity is laid upon you to now disclose with new insight the prophetic word again - this prophecy's time has come and is now relevant and you will declare it before many peoples and different nations and their kings in their specific mother tongue language." - This list of people occurs seven times in Revelation with a like grouping of words for all humanity, of all races and nations; - Rev. 5:9, 7:9, 10:11, 11:9, 13:7, 14:6 and here in 17:15.
See Ezekiel 43:2, And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the east; And the sound of His coming was like the sound of many waters; And the earth shone with His glory. Then in Mat. 24:31, And He will send out His Shepherd-Messengers with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His blueprint likeness from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. The word, eklegomai, traditional associated with the idea of election, has two components, ek, a preposition that indicates source or origin and legomai, is from lego, to speak, meaning to communicate ideas, - the Lamb is the logos, the language and conversation of GOD; Humanity is His audience thus, the original blueprint-word, the logos; see John 1:1-3 and 12. Mat. 22:14, Then many are called, [kaleo] but few are "chosen," eklegomai, thus, The masses are defined by My name while few yet realize their origin in Me!") In realizing their defeat by the Lamb, the ten horns which you saw on the Beast will turn against the prostitute with furious hatred and will strip her of all her decorations, expose her nakedness, consume her flesh and burn her body. (Again, John sees a counterfeit drama to the slaying of the Lamb of GOD; Here, the figurehead of the religious corrupt systems, the great whore, is sacrificed and her flesh is eaten by her previous colleagues, clients and supporters. This reminds us of Jesus' conversation about eating His flesh and drinking of His blood as a reminder in the Last Supper.) This happened according to GOD'S strategic plan as he gave them a mind to be united against the woman and to give their kingdom to the beast until his word would be fulfilled. (See Col. 2:15, In Him (taking on humanity's judgment and) dying humanity's death, he defused every possible claim of accusation against the human race and thus made a public (Mat. 27:51b-54; Dan. 12:2, 9:24, Hosea 6:2-3, 13:14, Isaiah 25:8, 26:19; John 5:25-29, 1Cor. 15:20) spectacle of every rule and authority in GOD'S brilliant triumph, demonstrated in Him. The voice of the cross will never be silenced! (The horror of the Cross is Now the eternal trophy of GOD'S triumph over sin! The cross stripped religion of its authority to manipulate humanity with guilt and slavery. Every accusation lost its leverage to blackmail the human race with condemnation and shame! The word, apekduomai, is translated from apo, away from, and ekdup, to be stripped of clothing; The religious facade that disguised the Law of works as a means of defining a person's life, was openly defeated. The same word is used in Col. 3:9. The dominance of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [poneros, hard work and labor] was ended. The word, deikmatizo, means to exhibit in public. See the commentary below of the words arche, rule and exousia, authority. The word, parresia, comes from pas, all and rheo, outspokenness, pouring forth speech.
"He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets of Jerusalem.") The woman you saw is the great city which dominated the kings of the earth. (The Prostitute city-society of Babylon stands in contrast to the bride of Christ as the New Jerusalem.
Just like Babylon is not a city in the symbolic language of Revelation, it is a "fallen," distorted-mindset-society; So the New Jerusalem is not a city but the redeemed society of humanity! The Bride of Christ!) (The Mirror, with editing.)
Now we come to the authors extended notes on this chapter and they titled as follows: "The Lamb's Book of Life - Humanity's Redeemed Identity, End Times, The triumph of the Lamb, and Babylon has Fallen." We shall share these as we have in the past, in sections where required. Until our next visit may the LORD increase our understanding of Him.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, chapter 17:8, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
Continuing on with our endeavors to discover the secret and power of the great whore that holds the world under her spell through such endeavors as religion and political adventures, this is not to leave out the world financial and health systems. We are entering in on the conversation of revealing who this woman and the Beast that carries her is. Here's a hint keep in mind all that has to this point been revealed by word meanings a use-sage or you could become lost yet again.
Revelation 17:8-14 "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful." (KJV)
Revelation 17:8-14 "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come. This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; They are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction. And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast. They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful." (ESV)
Revelation 17:8-14 "The brutal Beast you saw is a [1] "has been" from the beginning - it indeed has no real existence - yet it seems to make "a come back" as if emerging out of the Abyss only to dissolve again into perdition. Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their [2] earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones whose identities are not [3] based upon the Lamb's Book of Life. They do not yet see that their original identity was redeemed in the Lamb." (The word, [1] en kai ouk esti, means, to be and not to be; with the verb en being the Imperfect of eimi, I am - another meaning of the imperfect indicative is to refer to unreal (counterfactual) situations in present or past time.
This is in total contrast to the One who is I am; Who always was and will continually be the accompanying One. An antithesis to "ho en kai ho on" of Rev. 1:4.
The earthbound ones. The word [2] katoikeo is from kata, down and oikeo, to dwell or set up home - thus, to be earthbound. Remember how Paul invites us to engage our thoughts with resurrection realities and to see ourselves seated together with Christ in heavenly places! Eph. 2:5-6. Also Col. 3:1-3. Since you are raised together with Christ, engage your thoughts with "Throne room realities" [the things that are above - relevant to your co-seatedness] and not with things below - "soul-room realities!" As in Rev. 16:16, where Armageddon pictures the battle between the lower earthbound thought patterns and the thoughts of GOD in stilled within the redeemed mind. Revelation 13:8, The "earthbound" perception is inn essence an identity crisis - knowing oneself and one another merely "according to the flesh" as Paul says in 2Cor. 5:16.
Note, the preposition, [3] epi, upon, as in continual influence upon! An "earthbound-identity" is based upon the "Fallen Mindset," taken from the fruit of the wrong Tree - the I-am-not Tree! And not [3] upon the Lamb's Book of Life!
The word often translated foundation, kataballo, is from kata and ballo, means, "to fall away, to put in a lower place (frame of mind)," instead of themelios, meaning "foundation" [see Eph. 2:20 also Rev. 21:14, 19] thus, I translate it "the fall of the world," instead of "the foundation of the world." The entire "Fall" was a falling away from our identity as image and likeness bearers of Elohim. Just like eve, were we all deceived to believe a lie about ourselves, which is the fruit of the "I-am-not-tree." We all, like sheep have gone astray. [Is. 53:6] However Redemption brought all of the worlds human form back into alignment again.) Here is understand for the inquiring mind: the seven heads, or mindsets, upon which the woman was seated represent seven mountains, or typically social structures, found within the city context. (Many cities besides Rome can boast of their seven hills: also Constantinople, Brussels, and especially Jerusalem. These social structures could typically include the essential building blocks of society, i.e. Family, Education, Religion, Business, Governmant, Arts/Entertainment and the Media.) These seven social rulers represent five fallen structure, another current (at the time of writing) and another, which is still to come for a very brief spell. (The influence of all these typical social spheres under the control of the Harlot, are equally defeated in the Lamb's victory.
The mindset that the Trinity of Beasts operate in is like a virus hosted by political leaders and their followers - infiltrating societies with its predictable symptoms.
There are also interesting historical parallels - Of the first seven kings, five had come at the time of writing - Julius Ceasar, Augustus, Tberius, Gaius, and Claudius - one was currently in power [Nero, the number vales of his name calculated 666] and had not yet come [Calba], but would only remain a little time [six months].) And the "has been" - Beast is the eighth (the rider on the horse - which is the woman in this symbolic scene); She is part and parcel of the seven and dissolves into perdition. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received rule until they come to power with the Scarlet Beast for a brief hour to fight against the Lamb. (The "ten horns" on the seven-headed monster suggests that the horns are closely related and connected to the same head or mindset of the same animal. [Rev. 12:9, The great Dragon, the ancient ophis [serpent] also known as the Devil or Satan, together with all his herding-Heralds. Also Rev. 13:11, Then I saw another wild animal; This one emerges out of the earth - it had two horns and resembled a young lamb; Yet it had a Dragon voice. (The counterfeit "trinity" emerges - the one mirroring the other - the Dragon Accuser, the seven-headed sea-monster of religion with its leading role players, the head that was slain but became alive again and now the Dragon clothed in a lamb's-disguise) Rev. 13:12, Even through it has the appearance of a lamb, it operated under the same authority as the previous Beast - under the watchful eye of the Dragon! [Counterfeit-Christianity as a religion is a wolf in sheep's cloth!] It's the same old Dragon in a lamb's disguise! It's sole mission is to engage the [1] earthbound dwellers to worship the counterfeit - the slaughtered animal that was restored to life out of its death.] Also Rev. 17:3. See commentary at the end of chapter on End Times.) These rulers were in full agreement to hand over their authority to the Beast. (At the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, former enemies became allies as they banded together against the Lamb see Luke 23:12, That day Herod and Pilote became friends--before this they had been enemies. Ps. 83:5, With one mind they plot together; They form an alliance against you.) These join forces in that hour to wage war against the Lamb but the Lamb defeated them since He is the LORD of lords and King of kings. And sharing with His His victory are His [1] kindred, the ones who recognized their [2] origin in this conversation; They are Now of the same [3] persuasion. The Lamb led them into freedom from their lost identity, and their doubts. (The words [1, G2822 from G 2821 klēsis, from a shorter form of G2564] kletoi is from (G2564) kaleo, to surname; where kai [2, G1588] eklektoi, is from ek source and legomai is from lego, to speak-the Lamb is the true logos, the conversation of GOD, humanity is His audience: kai [3, G4103] pistoi, the persuaded ones. Humanity is joint sharers in the Lamb's triumph and glory! They are the kindred of the Lamb, having their origin (restored) in the word that was from the beginning face to face with (Elohim) GOD [John 1:1, 14] and the recipients of GOD'S faith. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 12:7, 16:13-14, 19:19 and 20:8. See the extended notes on The Triumph of the Lamb at the end of this chapter.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
The LORD willing we shall begin our studies again at verse 15 of this chapter. Until then may He help us all to become over comers yet again of the viruses that plague humanity today.
Revelation 17:8-14 "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful." (KJV)
Revelation 17:8-14 "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to rise from the bottomless pit and go to destruction. And the dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come. This calls for a mind with wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman is seated; They are also seven kings, five of whom have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and when he does come he must remain only a little while. As for the beast that was and is not, it is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and it goes to destruction. And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast. They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful." (ESV)
Revelation 17:8-14 "The brutal Beast you saw is a [1] "has been" from the beginning - it indeed has no real existence - yet it seems to make "a come back" as if emerging out of the Abyss only to dissolve again into perdition. Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their [2] earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones whose identities are not [3] based upon the Lamb's Book of Life. They do not yet see that their original identity was redeemed in the Lamb." (The word, [1] en kai ouk esti, means, to be and not to be; with the verb en being the Imperfect of eimi, I am - another meaning of the imperfect indicative is to refer to unreal (counterfactual) situations in present or past time.
This is in total contrast to the One who is I am; Who always was and will continually be the accompanying One. An antithesis to "ho en kai ho on" of Rev. 1:4.
The earthbound ones. The word [2] katoikeo is from kata, down and oikeo, to dwell or set up home - thus, to be earthbound. Remember how Paul invites us to engage our thoughts with resurrection realities and to see ourselves seated together with Christ in heavenly places! Eph. 2:5-6. Also Col. 3:1-3. Since you are raised together with Christ, engage your thoughts with "Throne room realities" [the things that are above - relevant to your co-seatedness] and not with things below - "soul-room realities!" As in Rev. 16:16, where Armageddon pictures the battle between the lower earthbound thought patterns and the thoughts of GOD in stilled within the redeemed mind. Revelation 13:8, The "earthbound" perception is inn essence an identity crisis - knowing oneself and one another merely "according to the flesh" as Paul says in 2Cor. 5:16.
Note, the preposition, [3] epi, upon, as in continual influence upon! An "earthbound-identity" is based upon the "Fallen Mindset," taken from the fruit of the wrong Tree - the I-am-not Tree! And not [3] upon the Lamb's Book of Life!
The word often translated foundation, kataballo, is from kata and ballo, means, "to fall away, to put in a lower place (frame of mind)," instead of themelios, meaning "foundation" [see Eph. 2:20 also Rev. 21:14, 19] thus, I translate it "the fall of the world," instead of "the foundation of the world." The entire "Fall" was a falling away from our identity as image and likeness bearers of Elohim. Just like eve, were we all deceived to believe a lie about ourselves, which is the fruit of the "I-am-not-tree." We all, like sheep have gone astray. [Is. 53:6] However Redemption brought all of the worlds human form back into alignment again.) Here is understand for the inquiring mind: the seven heads, or mindsets, upon which the woman was seated represent seven mountains, or typically social structures, found within the city context. (Many cities besides Rome can boast of their seven hills: also Constantinople, Brussels, and especially Jerusalem. These social structures could typically include the essential building blocks of society, i.e. Family, Education, Religion, Business, Governmant, Arts/Entertainment and the Media.) These seven social rulers represent five fallen structure, another current (at the time of writing) and another, which is still to come for a very brief spell. (The influence of all these typical social spheres under the control of the Harlot, are equally defeated in the Lamb's victory.
The mindset that the Trinity of Beasts operate in is like a virus hosted by political leaders and their followers - infiltrating societies with its predictable symptoms.
There are also interesting historical parallels - Of the first seven kings, five had come at the time of writing - Julius Ceasar, Augustus, Tberius, Gaius, and Claudius - one was currently in power [Nero, the number vales of his name calculated 666] and had not yet come [Calba], but would only remain a little time [six months].) And the "has been" - Beast is the eighth (the rider on the horse - which is the woman in this symbolic scene); She is part and parcel of the seven and dissolves into perdition. The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received rule until they come to power with the Scarlet Beast for a brief hour to fight against the Lamb. (The "ten horns" on the seven-headed monster suggests that the horns are closely related and connected to the same head or mindset of the same animal. [Rev. 12:9, The great Dragon, the ancient ophis [serpent] also known as the Devil or Satan, together with all his herding-Heralds. Also Rev. 13:11, Then I saw another wild animal; This one emerges out of the earth - it had two horns and resembled a young lamb; Yet it had a Dragon voice. (The counterfeit "trinity" emerges - the one mirroring the other - the Dragon Accuser, the seven-headed sea-monster of religion with its leading role players, the head that was slain but became alive again and now the Dragon clothed in a lamb's-disguise) Rev. 13:12, Even through it has the appearance of a lamb, it operated under the same authority as the previous Beast - under the watchful eye of the Dragon! [Counterfeit-Christianity as a religion is a wolf in sheep's cloth!] It's the same old Dragon in a lamb's disguise! It's sole mission is to engage the [1] earthbound dwellers to worship the counterfeit - the slaughtered animal that was restored to life out of its death.] Also Rev. 17:3. See commentary at the end of chapter on End Times.) These rulers were in full agreement to hand over their authority to the Beast. (At the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, former enemies became allies as they banded together against the Lamb see Luke 23:12, That day Herod and Pilote became friends--before this they had been enemies. Ps. 83:5, With one mind they plot together; They form an alliance against you.) These join forces in that hour to wage war against the Lamb but the Lamb defeated them since He is the LORD of lords and King of kings. And sharing with His His victory are His [1] kindred, the ones who recognized their [2] origin in this conversation; They are Now of the same [3] persuasion. The Lamb led them into freedom from their lost identity, and their doubts. (The words [1, G2822 from G 2821 klēsis, from a shorter form of G2564] kletoi is from (G2564) kaleo, to surname; where kai [2, G1588] eklektoi, is from ek source and legomai is from lego, to speak-the Lamb is the true logos, the conversation of GOD, humanity is His audience: kai [3, G4103] pistoi, the persuaded ones. Humanity is joint sharers in the Lamb's triumph and glory! They are the kindred of the Lamb, having their origin (restored) in the word that was from the beginning face to face with (Elohim) GOD [John 1:1, 14] and the recipients of GOD'S faith. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 12:7, 16:13-14, 19:19 and 20:8. See the extended notes on The Triumph of the Lamb at the end of this chapter.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
The LORD willing we shall begin our studies again at verse 15 of this chapter. Until then may He help us all to become over comers yet again of the viruses that plague humanity today.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, chapter 17:1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are looking into the small book of Revelation from the prescriptive of our having a renewed mind, a mind of humanity's origin or as it has been put, having the mind of Christ as our origin. Our next character on the stage of discovery is the harlot, whore of humanity's design Religion or is she political in nature or how about finance, or here's another one, how about plagues or harmful diseases that spread around the world rapidly, as a good deceiver, beginning in chapter 17. Did you notice that each listed affliction of humanity began in mans imagination?
Revelation 17:1-7 "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, "Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, "Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns." (KJV)
Revelation 17:1-7 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk." And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: "Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations." And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her, I marveled greatly. But the angel said to me, "Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her." (ESV)
Revelation 17:1-7 "And one of the seven Messengers with the seven golden temple vessels approached me and called me to come and see the judgment of the notorious prostitute who sat enthroned upon the many trade routes of the waters - both the rivers and seas. (Same language repeated in Rev. 21:9 with the seven last wounds, came to me and spoke with me, saying, "Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife!" The Prostitute Society of Babylon [the "Old Jerusalem" is set up against the Bride-society-the New Jerusalem.) She engaged the kings of the earth with her harlotry, intoxicating the earth dwellers with the wine of her passion and fornication. The Messenger then carried me into a desert place [in total contrast to the hustle and bustle of the busy trade routes of the oceans and the rivers] I saw transported there in spirit and saw a woman seated upon a [1] scarlet colored Beast; With [2] blasphemous, insulting names written all over them like a label revealing the content of their [3] cargo. The beast had seven heads and ten horns. (For reference to the same Beast, Rev. 13:1-10 and its second Partner in verse 11, 12, the Lamb with the Dragon's voice, later called the False Prophet and here, the Harlot. Together in their alliance with the Dragon they form the Counterfeit Trinity. Also Rev. 17:12.
The word [2, G2847 from G2848] kokkinos refers to the crimson or scarlet color which was produced from the berry of the "ilex coccifers;" these "berries" are the clusters of the eggs of a female insect, the "kermes" [resembling the cochineal] and when collected and pulverized produces a red which was used in dyeing scarlet cloth. The color is so steadfast that it was one of the most difficult dyes to remove from clothing. So when Isaiah compares our sins leaving its stubborn stain upon our consciences, he says in Isaiah 1:18, "'Come now, let us reason together,' says the LORD: 'though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.'"
Again the [2] blasphemy and insults against the Name is emphasized. See the comments on Rev. 13:1.
Rev. 15:7, These golden fire-pan were loaded with the entire meaning of the sacrifice! Filled, (G1073) gemo, to be full, from [3] gomos, load, cargo.) The woman was draped in purple and scarlet fabric, festooned and sprinkled with golden glitter and ornaments. She was elaborately decorated with gold, precious stones and pearls, holding a golden [1] cup in her hand which was brimming with defiling obscenities and the stench of her impurities. (Again the surface, make-belief beauty and apparent splendor cannot hide her true filthy character - like the white washed tombs Jesus compared the religious systems to. "'Hypocrities! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the [1] cup [poterion] and the dish, but inside you are filthy-full of greed and self-indulgences! You are like beautifully decorated tombs on the outside, desperately trying to hide the stench of decaying corpses within.'" Mat. 23:25, 27. [2] bdelugma derivative of bdeo - to stink.
The harlot represents the counterfeit [1] cup [poterion] of covenant to the cup of the LORD.
1Corinthians 10:21, "You cannot drink the cup [poterion] of the Lord, and the cup [poterion] of devils: you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."
1Corinthians 11:25, "After the same manner also the cup, [poterion] when He had supped, saying, 'This cup [poterion] is the new testament in My blood: this do, as often as you drink in remembrance of Me.'"
The covenant cup of the Lord communicates the redeemed life of our design incarnate in our person and fellowship and celebrated in our every meal!) The words written upon her forehead exposed her mystery identity: 'Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Whores and the filth of the earth.' (Romans harlots wore a label with their names on their brows - Seneca, Rhet. 1, 2, 7; Juvenal VI. 122f.) The woman I saw was intoxicated with the blood of the [1] Saints and the blood of [2] those who bore the testimony of Jesus. This left me mesmerized, pondering what I saw, desiring understanding the content of it all. (The cup she drank represented her opposition to everything that the blood of Jesus communicates. She was intoxicated with the thought that accused, sinful humanity could be reckoned blameless Saints by the blood of the Lamb. Rev. 7:9, 13&14. Also Rev. 12:11, Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers [representing the entire Host of heaven - including all the multitudes previously mentioned in revelation] conquered the Dragon because of the blood of the little Lamb and the word of their testimony!
Also rev. 16:19, And the great city split into three portions and the cities of the nations fell and Babylon the great was remembered in the cup of GOD'S [1] great passion and [2] desire to bring everything to conclusion. (The word [1] thumos, passion and [2] orge are from oregomai, to stretch one's self out in order to touch or to grasp something, to reach after with intense desire.) And the Shepherd-Messenger said to me, "Why were you so perplexed? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and the Beast carrying her; Also the meaning of his seven heads and ten horns." (The Mirror, with editing.)
With more to come in our investigation of the mystery Babylon, our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick it back up at verse 8. Until then may the LORD increased our comprehension of all that is of Him.
Revelation 17:1-7 "And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, "Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication." So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, "Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns." (KJV)
Revelation 17:1-7 "Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality, and with the wine of whose sexual immorality the dwellers on earth have become drunk." And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: "Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations." And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. When I saw her, I marveled greatly. But the angel said to me, "Why do you marvel? I will tell you the mystery of the woman, and of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that carries her." (ESV)
Revelation 17:1-7 "And one of the seven Messengers with the seven golden temple vessels approached me and called me to come and see the judgment of the notorious prostitute who sat enthroned upon the many trade routes of the waters - both the rivers and seas. (Same language repeated in Rev. 21:9 with the seven last wounds, came to me and spoke with me, saying, "Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife!" The Prostitute Society of Babylon [the "Old Jerusalem" is set up against the Bride-society-the New Jerusalem.) She engaged the kings of the earth with her harlotry, intoxicating the earth dwellers with the wine of her passion and fornication. The Messenger then carried me into a desert place [in total contrast to the hustle and bustle of the busy trade routes of the oceans and the rivers] I saw transported there in spirit and saw a woman seated upon a [1] scarlet colored Beast; With [2] blasphemous, insulting names written all over them like a label revealing the content of their [3] cargo. The beast had seven heads and ten horns. (For reference to the same Beast, Rev. 13:1-10 and its second Partner in verse 11, 12, the Lamb with the Dragon's voice, later called the False Prophet and here, the Harlot. Together in their alliance with the Dragon they form the Counterfeit Trinity. Also Rev. 17:12.
The word [2, G2847 from G2848] kokkinos refers to the crimson or scarlet color which was produced from the berry of the "ilex coccifers;" these "berries" are the clusters of the eggs of a female insect, the "kermes" [resembling the cochineal] and when collected and pulverized produces a red which was used in dyeing scarlet cloth. The color is so steadfast that it was one of the most difficult dyes to remove from clothing. So when Isaiah compares our sins leaving its stubborn stain upon our consciences, he says in Isaiah 1:18, "'Come now, let us reason together,' says the LORD: 'though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.'"
Again the [2] blasphemy and insults against the Name is emphasized. See the comments on Rev. 13:1.
Rev. 15:7, These golden fire-pan were loaded with the entire meaning of the sacrifice! Filled, (G1073) gemo, to be full, from [3] gomos, load, cargo.) The woman was draped in purple and scarlet fabric, festooned and sprinkled with golden glitter and ornaments. She was elaborately decorated with gold, precious stones and pearls, holding a golden [1] cup in her hand which was brimming with defiling obscenities and the stench of her impurities. (Again the surface, make-belief beauty and apparent splendor cannot hide her true filthy character - like the white washed tombs Jesus compared the religious systems to. "'Hypocrities! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the [1] cup [poterion] and the dish, but inside you are filthy-full of greed and self-indulgences! You are like beautifully decorated tombs on the outside, desperately trying to hide the stench of decaying corpses within.'" Mat. 23:25, 27. [2] bdelugma derivative of bdeo - to stink.
The harlot represents the counterfeit [1] cup [poterion] of covenant to the cup of the LORD.
1Corinthians 10:21, "You cannot drink the cup [poterion] of the Lord, and the cup [poterion] of devils: you cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."
1Corinthians 11:25, "After the same manner also the cup, [poterion] when He had supped, saying, 'This cup [poterion] is the new testament in My blood: this do, as often as you drink in remembrance of Me.'"
The covenant cup of the Lord communicates the redeemed life of our design incarnate in our person and fellowship and celebrated in our every meal!) The words written upon her forehead exposed her mystery identity: 'Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Whores and the filth of the earth.' (Romans harlots wore a label with their names on their brows - Seneca, Rhet. 1, 2, 7; Juvenal VI. 122f.) The woman I saw was intoxicated with the blood of the [1] Saints and the blood of [2] those who bore the testimony of Jesus. This left me mesmerized, pondering what I saw, desiring understanding the content of it all. (The cup she drank represented her opposition to everything that the blood of Jesus communicates. She was intoxicated with the thought that accused, sinful humanity could be reckoned blameless Saints by the blood of the Lamb. Rev. 7:9, 13&14. Also Rev. 12:11, Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers [representing the entire Host of heaven - including all the multitudes previously mentioned in revelation] conquered the Dragon because of the blood of the little Lamb and the word of their testimony!
Also rev. 16:19, And the great city split into three portions and the cities of the nations fell and Babylon the great was remembered in the cup of GOD'S [1] great passion and [2] desire to bring everything to conclusion. (The word [1] thumos, passion and [2] orge are from oregomai, to stretch one's self out in order to touch or to grasp something, to reach after with intense desire.) And the Shepherd-Messenger said to me, "Why were you so perplexed? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and the Beast carrying her; Also the meaning of his seven heads and ten horns." (The Mirror, with editing.)
With more to come in our investigation of the mystery Babylon, our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick it back up at verse 8. Until then may the LORD increased our comprehension of all that is of Him.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2h, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We have come to the end of our in-depth look into the battle of Armageddon that has been so misunderstood over the years by all kinds of theologians and non theologians. My pray is simple, I hope with this labor of agape, we have done our part to remove the veil and deception of this small book and its purpose and meaning.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs Heavenly Dimension:
We started this with this: In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation people's perception of the world was four sided dimensional: heaven, earth, the ocean, and the deep underworld. Today we have a more accurate knowledge than they did back then but man still hangs onto the unknown of himself and the mysterious. This plays a big part of what religious people the world believe and think of GOD and who He is and what He is all about.
Hebrews 2:8-10 "GOD'S intention was that human life should rule the planet. He subjected everything without exception to His control. Yet, looking at the human race, it does not seem that way at all. But what is apparent, is Jesus (but now GOD spoke to us in a Son...Heb. 1:1-3) . Let us then consider Him in such a way, that we may clearly perceive what GOD is saying to humanity in (through) Him. In the death He suffered, He descended for a brief moment below the lowest ranked Shepherd-Messenger, in order to taste the death of the entire human race, and in doing so, to fulfill the grace of GOD and be crowned again ( as a man, representing all humanity) with glory and highly esteemed honor. He towers in conspicuous prominence far above all things. He now summons every son of His, through a perfected salvation, to His own glory. The extent of the suffering He bore is the measure of the perfection of the salvation over which He presides." (The Mirror, with editing.)
Our next visit will bring us to chapter 17 of Revelation, the LORD willing. Now may the LORD raise us all to the truth of Him in us all.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs Heavenly Dimension:
We started this with this: In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation people's perception of the world was four sided dimensional: heaven, earth, the ocean, and the deep underworld. Today we have a more accurate knowledge than they did back then but man still hangs onto the unknown of himself and the mysterious. This plays a big part of what religious people the world believe and think of GOD and who He is and what He is all about.
Hebrews 2:8-10 "GOD'S intention was that human life should rule the planet. He subjected everything without exception to His control. Yet, looking at the human race, it does not seem that way at all. But what is apparent, is Jesus (but now GOD spoke to us in a Son...Heb. 1:1-3) . Let us then consider Him in such a way, that we may clearly perceive what GOD is saying to humanity in (through) Him. In the death He suffered, He descended for a brief moment below the lowest ranked Shepherd-Messenger, in order to taste the death of the entire human race, and in doing so, to fulfill the grace of GOD and be crowned again ( as a man, representing all humanity) with glory and highly esteemed honor. He towers in conspicuous prominence far above all things. He now summons every son of His, through a perfected salvation, to His own glory. The extent of the suffering He bore is the measure of the perfection of the salvation over which He presides." (The Mirror, with editing.)
Our next visit will bring us to chapter 17 of Revelation, the LORD willing. Now may the LORD raise us all to the truth of Him in us all.
Monday, March 23, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2g, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are marching along in our discovery of what the battle of Armageddon is actually all about. Now that we have been redeemed in death judgment and blood of that judgment in our co-death, co-burial, co-descension, co-resurrection and co-ascension in Christ Jesus, the Messiah and Son of man and of GOD. This being the very thing that mans imagination has resisted in and by religions efforts often in the guise of a wolf in sheep's cloth known and called the "Christian-Religion" and religion it is a means of binding humanity from the power and authority of a resurrected life.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs Heavenly Dimension:
James 3:2-10; 1:5, "It is common habit to [1] descend from a higher place (of faith) to a lower (of the senses), especially in conversation. However, if you want to be in perfect charge of your whole person (facilities), the best place to begin is to take charge of your tongue. (To reflect the word that confirms your true genesis [James 1:18-19]. The word, [1] peripito, comes from, peri meaning surrounded (G4098) +pipto, from (G4072) petomai, meaning to fly; thus, to descend from a higher place to a lower, to stop flying. Gen. 1:26-27, 2:6-7 the flying high portion and Gen. 3 and there after the lower mindset portion, until the resurrection.) With bit and bridle we are able to direct the strong body of a horse; It's the little bit in the mouth that makes the difference! Consider the effect of a small rudder on a large ship, when the seasoned captain skillfully steers that vessel on a straight course contrary to fierce winds and weather. As small a member the tongue might be it can make great claims. A little fire can go out of control and consume a large forest! a tongue can strike like lightning and turn the harmony of your world into chaos; One little member can stain the whole body. It can disrupt the pattern of your design, taking its spark from the smoldering garbage heaps of [1] Gehenna. ([1]The garbage heap outside Jerusalem, commonly related to hell. Gehenna, is the Latin; Geenas is the Greek word used for the hebrew "Valley of Hinnom," which is modern day Wadi er-Rababi. A fiery place for the disposal of waste matter from the city of Jerusalem. The "Valley of Hinnom" lies outside of ancient jerisalem. Thus to slander someone is to reduce that person to rubbish.) From tigers to eagles, cobras to dolphins, humans have succeeded to curb the wild nature of beasts and birds, reptiles and sea creatures. Yet no-one can tame a tongue; No-one can restrain the evil in its fatal venom. (The Law of works operated by willpower cannot match the effect of the law of perfect liberty! Mirror likeness ignites true freedom to utter that which is precious!) We can say beautiful things about GOD the Father but with the same mouth curse a fellow human made in His mirror likeness. (The whole point is not what the person did to deserve the insult. The point is that people are image and likeness bearers of GOD by design! True worship is to touch someone's life with the same devotion and care you would touch Jesus Himself with; even if the other person seems a most unlikely candidate.) My Friends, a blessing and a curse cannot originate from the same source. (Discovering our true source brings true freedom. [James 1:17-18])....The only thing you could possibly lack is wisdom, (One might sometimes feel challenged beyond the point of sanity) however, make your request in such a way that you draw directly from the [2] source (not filtered through other opinions). GOD is the origin and author of wisdom; He [1] intertwines your thoughts with good judgment. His gifts are available to all, without regret. (The word, [1, G574 from G573 haplous, singleness, from G1 (as a particle of union) and the base of G4120] haplos, is from (G1) ha, particle of union; hama, together with (G4120) +pleko , meaning to plait, braid, weave together. See Luke 11:34, "'The eye is the lamp of the body; If the eye is single the whole body is full of light!'" Entwining iur eyes with Papa's eyes is what enlightens our entire being! Which is exactly what the word (H6960) קָוָה Kawa in Hebrew means in Isaiah 40:31, they that entwine with the LORD'S thoughts mount up with wings like eagles! We are wired by design to entwine! Also Matthew 6:22, "'If your eye is entwined with light your whole body will be full of light.'" See 2Corinthians 1:12, "Wisdom that comes from above remains unaffected by the contradictions of the senses." The word, [2, G1325] didomi, means to give, to be the author or source of a thing ---- Wesley J. Perschbacher.) (The Mirror, with editing)
We shall, the LORD willing close this out with our next visit. Until then may he enlighten us all,especially those of the lower mindset. Thank You LORD.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs Heavenly Dimension:
James 3:2-10; 1:5, "It is common habit to [1] descend from a higher place (of faith) to a lower (of the senses), especially in conversation. However, if you want to be in perfect charge of your whole person (facilities), the best place to begin is to take charge of your tongue. (To reflect the word that confirms your true genesis [James 1:18-19]. The word, [1] peripito, comes from, peri meaning surrounded (G4098) +pipto, from (G4072) petomai, meaning to fly; thus, to descend from a higher place to a lower, to stop flying. Gen. 1:26-27, 2:6-7 the flying high portion and Gen. 3 and there after the lower mindset portion, until the resurrection.) With bit and bridle we are able to direct the strong body of a horse; It's the little bit in the mouth that makes the difference! Consider the effect of a small rudder on a large ship, when the seasoned captain skillfully steers that vessel on a straight course contrary to fierce winds and weather. As small a member the tongue might be it can make great claims. A little fire can go out of control and consume a large forest! a tongue can strike like lightning and turn the harmony of your world into chaos; One little member can stain the whole body. It can disrupt the pattern of your design, taking its spark from the smoldering garbage heaps of [1] Gehenna. ([1]The garbage heap outside Jerusalem, commonly related to hell. Gehenna, is the Latin; Geenas is the Greek word used for the hebrew "Valley of Hinnom," which is modern day Wadi er-Rababi. A fiery place for the disposal of waste matter from the city of Jerusalem. The "Valley of Hinnom" lies outside of ancient jerisalem. Thus to slander someone is to reduce that person to rubbish.) From tigers to eagles, cobras to dolphins, humans have succeeded to curb the wild nature of beasts and birds, reptiles and sea creatures. Yet no-one can tame a tongue; No-one can restrain the evil in its fatal venom. (The Law of works operated by willpower cannot match the effect of the law of perfect liberty! Mirror likeness ignites true freedom to utter that which is precious!) We can say beautiful things about GOD the Father but with the same mouth curse a fellow human made in His mirror likeness. (The whole point is not what the person did to deserve the insult. The point is that people are image and likeness bearers of GOD by design! True worship is to touch someone's life with the same devotion and care you would touch Jesus Himself with; even if the other person seems a most unlikely candidate.) My Friends, a blessing and a curse cannot originate from the same source. (Discovering our true source brings true freedom. [James 1:17-18])....The only thing you could possibly lack is wisdom, (One might sometimes feel challenged beyond the point of sanity) however, make your request in such a way that you draw directly from the [2] source (not filtered through other opinions). GOD is the origin and author of wisdom; He [1] intertwines your thoughts with good judgment. His gifts are available to all, without regret. (The word, [1, G574 from G573 haplous, singleness, from G1 (as a particle of union) and the base of G4120] haplos, is from (G1) ha, particle of union; hama, together with (G4120) +pleko , meaning to plait, braid, weave together. See Luke 11:34, "'The eye is the lamp of the body; If the eye is single the whole body is full of light!'" Entwining iur eyes with Papa's eyes is what enlightens our entire being! Which is exactly what the word (H6960) קָוָה Kawa in Hebrew means in Isaiah 40:31, they that entwine with the LORD'S thoughts mount up with wings like eagles! We are wired by design to entwine! Also Matthew 6:22, "'If your eye is entwined with light your whole body will be full of light.'" See 2Corinthians 1:12, "Wisdom that comes from above remains unaffected by the contradictions of the senses." The word, [2, G1325] didomi, means to give, to be the author or source of a thing ---- Wesley J. Perschbacher.) (The Mirror, with editing)
We shall, the LORD willing close this out with our next visit. Until then may he enlighten us all,especially those of the lower mindset. Thank You LORD.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2f, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are still in our in-depth look at the most feared subject, misquoted, misguided and misinterpreted of all scriptures the battle of all battles.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:
2Corinthians 10:4-6, 12:7-10 "The dynamic of our strategy is revealed in GOD'S ability to disengage mindsets and false perceptions that have held people captive in pseudo fortresses for centuries! Every lofty ides and argument positioned against the knowledge of GOD is cast down and exposed to be a mere invention of our own imaginations. We [1] arrest every thought that could possibly trigger an opposing threat to our redeemed identity and innocence at spear point! The caliber of our weaponry is empowered by the revelation of the ultimate consequence of the obedience of Christ. (The obedience of Christ dwarfs the effects of the disobedience of Adam into insignificance and arbitrarily useless! See Rom. 5:12-21. The word, (G163 from G164 aichmalōtos, is from a derivative of G259) aichmalotizo is from (G259) aichme, means spear and (G259 from a collateral form of G138) halosis, to capture, and (G138) aihreomai, to take for one's self, to arrest at spear point.) Our ears are fine tuned to [1] echo the voice of [3] likeness that resonates within us. We are [2] acquainted with the articulate detail of the authentic language of our origin. (The word, [1, G2192] echo, means to hold or embrace, the word [2, G2092] hetoimos, is from an old noun heteos (fitness) which means adjusted, ready, prepared. The word, [3, G1556 from G1558 ekdikos, to carry out justice, from G1537 and G1349] ekdikeo is from (G1537) ek, denoting origin + (G1349) dike, two parties finding likeness in each other. The word, [4, G3876 from G3878 parakouō is from G3844 and G191] parakeo is from (G3844) para, to mishear, originating from (G191), +akouo, to hear a right, understand.).....
2Corinthians 12:7-10 "In sharp contrast to these spiritual revelations, the physical pain that I suffer and my severe discomfort momentarily distracted me. It was as if the old mindset of accusation (Satan) persuaded me that this affliction was actually GOD'S way of keeping me humble. (Note that it was not a Messenger from GOD, but from Satan! The word, (G4566 from Hebrew H7854)-(G4567) satanas, means accuser! By these revelations of extreme proportions and consequences Paul understood that we are indeed co-seated together with Christ in heavenly places. In His resurrection he already elevated us beyond any claim of accusation. See Hosea 6:2 and Ephesians 2:5-6. we cannot get any more elevated into the bliss of our redeemed innocence than discovering our joint-seatedness with Christ in the Throne room! Col. 3:1-3) I almost believed this lie and even implored the LORD three times to remove the thorn from my flesh. Finally it dawned on me that grace is GOD'S language; He doesn't speak "thorn-language!" He said to me, 'My grace [1] elevates you, to be fully content,' And now, instead of being overwhelmed with a sense of my own weakness, He overwhelms me with an awareness of His strength! Oh what [2] bliss to rejoice in the fact that in the midst of my frailties I encounter the dynamic of the grace of GOD to be my [3] habitation! (The word, [1, G714 a primary verb, the idea of raising a barrier, from G142] arkeo, content, stems from the word (G142 compare [H5375] to lift up) airo, which means to elevate. The word [2, G2236 a neuter plural of the superlative of the same as G2234] hedista, with great pleasure, is from (G2234) hedeos, means pleasure. The word [3, G1981 from G1909 and G4637] episkenoo has two components: (G1909) epi, a continual influence upon and (G4637 from G4636) skenoo, to camp, to reside in a tent (our flesh), (G4636) skenos, the human body, this reminds us of the English word skin! Paul suggests that GOD'S grace fits us like a skin! One feels most at home in the consciousness of His restored grace!) I now enjoy a [1] delightfully different frame of mind when I encounter things that would normally make me feel frail, whether ot be from insults or when I am in situations where [2] I'm forced to do things with my arms twisted behind my back; Whether I am persecuted or feel squeezed into [3] claustrophobic spaces. Because of Christ, every time that I encounter weakness I escape into the strength of my [4] I am-ness!" (The word, [1, G2106 from G2095 and G1380 ] eudokeo, to think well specifically to appropriate, is a compound word from, (G2095) eu, well done, beautiful, and (G1380) dokeo, to form an opinion. The word, [2, G318 from G303 ana, reversal, and the base of G43 agkalē, to bend the arm] anagke, to bend the arm like when your arm is locked behind your back, where your own efforts to clear or save yourself are completely neutralized. The word, [3, G4730 from a compound of G4728 stenos, narrow and G5561 chōra, empty expanse] stenochoria, means a narrowness of place. The word, [4, G1510] eimi, is the verb, I am.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
With our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick the follow up with James 3:3. Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of His revelation of His incarnation (the Christ) with in us.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:
2Corinthians 10:4-6, 12:7-10 "The dynamic of our strategy is revealed in GOD'S ability to disengage mindsets and false perceptions that have held people captive in pseudo fortresses for centuries! Every lofty ides and argument positioned against the knowledge of GOD is cast down and exposed to be a mere invention of our own imaginations. We [1] arrest every thought that could possibly trigger an opposing threat to our redeemed identity and innocence at spear point! The caliber of our weaponry is empowered by the revelation of the ultimate consequence of the obedience of Christ. (The obedience of Christ dwarfs the effects of the disobedience of Adam into insignificance and arbitrarily useless! See Rom. 5:12-21. The word, (G163 from G164 aichmalōtos, is from a derivative of G259) aichmalotizo is from (G259) aichme, means spear and (G259 from a collateral form of G138) halosis, to capture, and (G138) aihreomai, to take for one's self, to arrest at spear point.) Our ears are fine tuned to [1] echo the voice of [3] likeness that resonates within us. We are [2] acquainted with the articulate detail of the authentic language of our origin. (The word, [1, G2192] echo, means to hold or embrace, the word [2, G2092] hetoimos, is from an old noun heteos (fitness) which means adjusted, ready, prepared. The word, [3, G1556 from G1558 ekdikos, to carry out justice, from G1537 and G1349] ekdikeo is from (G1537) ek, denoting origin + (G1349) dike, two parties finding likeness in each other. The word, [4, G3876 from G3878 parakouō is from G3844 and G191] parakeo is from (G3844) para, to mishear, originating from (G191), +akouo, to hear a right, understand.).....
2Corinthians 12:7-10 "In sharp contrast to these spiritual revelations, the physical pain that I suffer and my severe discomfort momentarily distracted me. It was as if the old mindset of accusation (Satan) persuaded me that this affliction was actually GOD'S way of keeping me humble. (Note that it was not a Messenger from GOD, but from Satan! The word, (G4566 from Hebrew H7854)-(G4567) satanas, means accuser! By these revelations of extreme proportions and consequences Paul understood that we are indeed co-seated together with Christ in heavenly places. In His resurrection he already elevated us beyond any claim of accusation. See Hosea 6:2 and Ephesians 2:5-6. we cannot get any more elevated into the bliss of our redeemed innocence than discovering our joint-seatedness with Christ in the Throne room! Col. 3:1-3) I almost believed this lie and even implored the LORD three times to remove the thorn from my flesh. Finally it dawned on me that grace is GOD'S language; He doesn't speak "thorn-language!" He said to me, 'My grace [1] elevates you, to be fully content,' And now, instead of being overwhelmed with a sense of my own weakness, He overwhelms me with an awareness of His strength! Oh what [2] bliss to rejoice in the fact that in the midst of my frailties I encounter the dynamic of the grace of GOD to be my [3] habitation! (The word, [1, G714 a primary verb, the idea of raising a barrier, from G142] arkeo, content, stems from the word (G142 compare [H5375] to lift up) airo, which means to elevate. The word [2, G2236 a neuter plural of the superlative of the same as G2234] hedista, with great pleasure, is from (G2234) hedeos, means pleasure. The word [3, G1981 from G1909 and G4637] episkenoo has two components: (G1909) epi, a continual influence upon and (G4637 from G4636) skenoo, to camp, to reside in a tent (our flesh), (G4636) skenos, the human body, this reminds us of the English word skin! Paul suggests that GOD'S grace fits us like a skin! One feels most at home in the consciousness of His restored grace!) I now enjoy a [1] delightfully different frame of mind when I encounter things that would normally make me feel frail, whether ot be from insults or when I am in situations where [2] I'm forced to do things with my arms twisted behind my back; Whether I am persecuted or feel squeezed into [3] claustrophobic spaces. Because of Christ, every time that I encounter weakness I escape into the strength of my [4] I am-ness!" (The word, [1, G2106 from G2095 and G1380 ] eudokeo, to think well specifically to appropriate, is a compound word from, (G2095) eu, well done, beautiful, and (G1380) dokeo, to form an opinion. The word, [2, G318 from G303 ana, reversal, and the base of G43 agkalē, to bend the arm] anagke, to bend the arm like when your arm is locked behind your back, where your own efforts to clear or save yourself are completely neutralized. The word, [3, G4730 from a compound of G4728 stenos, narrow and G5561 chōra, empty expanse] stenochoria, means a narrowness of place. The word, [4, G1510] eimi, is the verb, I am.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
With our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick the follow up with James 3:3. Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of His revelation of His incarnation (the Christ) with in us.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2e, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are doing an in depth look at the war that drives fear into the hearts of many of the world population., the battle of Armageddon.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:
Ephesians 2:5-7, 4:8-10 "This is how grace rescued us: while we were yet in that state of deadness and indifference in our [1] deviations, we were co-quickened together with Christ! We had nothing to do with it. By [2] grace you are o having been saved! Grace defines us and interprets our salvation. (The word often translated, trespasses (G3900 from G3895 parapiptō, from G3844 and G4098), παράπτωμα paraptome, is from (G3844) para, meaning close proximity and (G4098) pipto, to descend from a higher place (mans spiritual place of origin, Gen. 1:26-27, 2:1-2) to a lower (Gen. 2:6-7); to stop flying, (G4072) petomai, to fly. Losing altitude speaks of humanity's fallen mindset Col. 3:1-3. The sentence, Χριστός χάρις ἐστέ σωτηρία - literally translates, "By grace you are - having been saved!" We had no contribution to our salvation! GOD'S Master-Plan unfolded in the mystery of the gospel declaring our salvation of joint inclusion in Christ's death and resurrection. This is the mystery of grace, GOD reveals us in Christ! Now we may know, even as we have always been known! 1Cor. 13:12, Of GOD'S doing are we in Christ! 1Cor. 1:30, GOD saw us in Christ, in His death and resurrection before we saw ourselves there! He declared humanity's co-resurrection with Christ 800 BC. This is the only scripture in the entire OT that specifically mentions the third day resurrection and it included us! "After two days He will revive us, on the third day, He will raise us up!" Hosea 6:2.) We are co-included in His resurrection. We are also co-elevated in His ascension to be equally present in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are co-seated with Him in His executive authority. We are fully represented in Christ Jesus. (We have wasted so much time trying to get there, when "there" is where we are to begin with! Our joint position in Christ defines us; This can never again be a distant goal to reach through religious devotions or strivings, but our immediate location. Col. 3:1-3) (In a single triumphant action of righteousness GOD rescued humanity from the "gutter-most" to the uttermost. Here we are NOW, to realize the revealed Christ in us in the highest possible position of bliss! If humanity's sad history could not distract from the extravagant future.) Imagine how GOD is now able for timeless perpetuity (the eternal future) to exhibit the trophy of the wealth of His grace demonstrated in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. Grace exhibits excessive evidence of the success of the cross."
Ephesians 4:8-10 "Scripture confirms that He led us as trophies in His triumphant procession on high; He [1] repossessed His gift (likeness) in human form. (See Eph. 2:6, We are also elevated in His ascension to be equally welcome in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are NOW seated together with Him in His authority. Quote taken from Hebrew text, Psalm 68:18, [1] lakachta mattanoth baadam, You have have taken gifts in human form, in Adam. [The gifts which Jesus Christ distributed to us He has received in us, in and by virtue of His incarnation. Commentary by Adam Clarke.] We were born anew in His resurrection. 1Peter 1:3, Hosea 6:2.) The fact that He ascended confirms His victorious descent into the deepest pits of human despair. ( See John 3:13, "No one has ascended into heaven but He who [1] descended from heaven, even the son of man." All humanity originated from above; We are [1] anouthen, form above [see James 1:17-18].) He now occupies the ultimate rank of authority from the lowest region where He stooped down to rescue us to the highest authority in the heavens, having executed His mission to the full." (Fallen humanity is fully restored to the authority of the authentic life of it's design. [Psalm 139:7-8, Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Thy presence? If I ascend to heaven, You! If I make my bed in Sheol, You!] Eph. 1:2) (see note and rendering on Eph. 6 on Spiritual Warfare, also 2Cor. 10:3-6)
Thoughts on spiritual warfare: Speak tenderly to Jerusalem; And cry to her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned! [Isaiah 40:2].
The Message translation....the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's Cross. He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets." (Mat. 27:51b-54) [Col. 2:14-15]
Spiritual warfare teachings are a popular distraction that many modern-day churches engage in! It preaches a defeated Devil back into business! Pharaoh was taken out of the equation when Israel was delivered out of Egypt! They then became their own worst enemy by continuing to believe a lie about themselves! [see Num. 13:33 and Jos. 2:11] The same thing is in effect today because of unbelief in humanity's fallen mindset, of a fallen religious system devised to bring this about.
James says that a double-minded person deceives himself!
Neither Jesus or anyone of the Acts church ever marched around towns to bind so-called "strong men" or blew shofares (rams-horns) or pour oil over buildings or other places!
Any teaching that distracts from the success of the cross is a waste of time to pursue. The only possible way we can delay the glory that follows the cross is by understanding what took place and what happened there when Jesus died and cried: 'It is Finished!'
Jesus, grilled by the Pharisees on when the kingdom of GOD would come, answered; "'The kingdom of GOD doesn't come by counting the days on the calendar.' - 'The kingdom of GOD is within you!'" Luke 17:20-21) (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit we shall, the LORD willing, pick this back up at 2Corinthians 10:4.Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of where and who we are.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:
Ephesians 2:5-7, 4:8-10 "This is how grace rescued us: while we were yet in that state of deadness and indifference in our [1] deviations, we were co-quickened together with Christ! We had nothing to do with it. By [2] grace you are o having been saved! Grace defines us and interprets our salvation. (The word often translated, trespasses (G3900 from G3895 parapiptō, from G3844 and G4098), παράπτωμα paraptome, is from (G3844) para, meaning close proximity and (G4098) pipto, to descend from a higher place (mans spiritual place of origin, Gen. 1:26-27, 2:1-2) to a lower (Gen. 2:6-7); to stop flying, (G4072) petomai, to fly. Losing altitude speaks of humanity's fallen mindset Col. 3:1-3. The sentence, Χριστός χάρις ἐστέ σωτηρία - literally translates, "By grace you are - having been saved!" We had no contribution to our salvation! GOD'S Master-Plan unfolded in the mystery of the gospel declaring our salvation of joint inclusion in Christ's death and resurrection. This is the mystery of grace, GOD reveals us in Christ! Now we may know, even as we have always been known! 1Cor. 13:12, Of GOD'S doing are we in Christ! 1Cor. 1:30, GOD saw us in Christ, in His death and resurrection before we saw ourselves there! He declared humanity's co-resurrection with Christ 800 BC. This is the only scripture in the entire OT that specifically mentions the third day resurrection and it included us! "After two days He will revive us, on the third day, He will raise us up!" Hosea 6:2.) We are co-included in His resurrection. We are also co-elevated in His ascension to be equally present in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are co-seated with Him in His executive authority. We are fully represented in Christ Jesus. (We have wasted so much time trying to get there, when "there" is where we are to begin with! Our joint position in Christ defines us; This can never again be a distant goal to reach through religious devotions or strivings, but our immediate location. Col. 3:1-3) (In a single triumphant action of righteousness GOD rescued humanity from the "gutter-most" to the uttermost. Here we are NOW, to realize the revealed Christ in us in the highest possible position of bliss! If humanity's sad history could not distract from the extravagant future.) Imagine how GOD is now able for timeless perpetuity (the eternal future) to exhibit the trophy of the wealth of His grace demonstrated in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. Grace exhibits excessive evidence of the success of the cross."
Ephesians 4:8-10 "Scripture confirms that He led us as trophies in His triumphant procession on high; He [1] repossessed His gift (likeness) in human form. (See Eph. 2:6, We are also elevated in His ascension to be equally welcome in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are NOW seated together with Him in His authority. Quote taken from Hebrew text, Psalm 68:18, [1] lakachta mattanoth baadam, You have have taken gifts in human form, in Adam. [The gifts which Jesus Christ distributed to us He has received in us, in and by virtue of His incarnation. Commentary by Adam Clarke.] We were born anew in His resurrection. 1Peter 1:3, Hosea 6:2.) The fact that He ascended confirms His victorious descent into the deepest pits of human despair. ( See John 3:13, "No one has ascended into heaven but He who [1] descended from heaven, even the son of man." All humanity originated from above; We are [1] anouthen, form above [see James 1:17-18].) He now occupies the ultimate rank of authority from the lowest region where He stooped down to rescue us to the highest authority in the heavens, having executed His mission to the full." (Fallen humanity is fully restored to the authority of the authentic life of it's design. [Psalm 139:7-8, Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? Or where shall I flee from Thy presence? If I ascend to heaven, You! If I make my bed in Sheol, You!] Eph. 1:2) (see note and rendering on Eph. 6 on Spiritual Warfare, also 2Cor. 10:3-6)
Thoughts on spiritual warfare: Speak tenderly to Jerusalem; And cry to her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned! [Isaiah 40:2].
The Message translation....the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's Cross. He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets." (Mat. 27:51b-54) [Col. 2:14-15]
Spiritual warfare teachings are a popular distraction that many modern-day churches engage in! It preaches a defeated Devil back into business! Pharaoh was taken out of the equation when Israel was delivered out of Egypt! They then became their own worst enemy by continuing to believe a lie about themselves! [see Num. 13:33 and Jos. 2:11] The same thing is in effect today because of unbelief in humanity's fallen mindset, of a fallen religious system devised to bring this about.
James says that a double-minded person deceives himself!
Neither Jesus or anyone of the Acts church ever marched around towns to bind so-called "strong men" or blew shofares (rams-horns) or pour oil over buildings or other places!
Any teaching that distracts from the success of the cross is a waste of time to pursue. The only possible way we can delay the glory that follows the cross is by understanding what took place and what happened there when Jesus died and cried: 'It is Finished!'
Jesus, grilled by the Pharisees on when the kingdom of GOD would come, answered; "'The kingdom of GOD doesn't come by counting the days on the calendar.' - 'The kingdom of GOD is within you!'" Luke 17:20-21) (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit we shall, the LORD willing, pick this back up at 2Corinthians 10:4.Until then may the LORD increase our understanding of where and who we are.
Friday, March 20, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2d, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
Picking things back up with look deep dive into Armageddon from the redeemed mindset perspective as apposed to the earthbound. John is seeking of the Beast that he saw coming out of the sea of humanity, meaning those who walk in religions deception and denial of their own redemption. As they look to salvation thru the eyes of a twisted mindset, as described in chapter 13.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimensional:
Revelation 13:6-8, 12; 19:19, 20:8-9 "It hurled its accusation in GOD'S face, while blaspheming His Name and tabernacle and those dwelling in the heavenlies. (The words, pros ton theon, position the Accuser to now face GOD'S image and likeness incarnate in human form, since there was no trace of accusation present in the heavenly sphere. [Rev. 12:8-10] The significance of heavens endorsing the tabernacle of GOD on earth - in both its prophetic symbolism as well as its tangible unveiling in incarnate human life, is now the target of accusation and every blasphemous utterance of this Beast who takes its authority from the Accusation himself!
And then that dwell in heaven; kai tous en too ouranoo skenountas - in contrast to those whose minds are still trapped in earthbound-mode! (see verse 8). And it was given the mission to wage war against those who have discovered their (healing, as in being made well, no, but rather in) wholeness in Christ and to conquer them and to dominate the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Every tribe, tongue and nation. (The words remind us of Daniel 7:21-23. Where there seemed to be no escape from the Beast's rule. However, the fact that the Beast failed in its mission is already celebrated in Rev. 5:13 as well as in Rev. 7:9, "At this moment I saw a massive throng of people, impossible to count, standing tall and innocent everyone of them dressed in white with psalm branches in their hands; They have escaped everything that could possibly define them as a non-Jewish Gentile world! In fact, every sphere of society were there - including the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Tribal identities with their unique language-specific dialect preferences; They were all present there facing the Throne and the Lamb as the people of the planet!") The plan was to engage the entire [1] earthbound population of the planet to worship the Beast. ( The counterfeit "slain and risen lamb," of Religions deception, that honors the triune Beast.) This would endorse the idea (of religion) that there were individuals, since the [3] fall of the [4] cosmos, whose [2] names were not included in the [5] slain Lamb's Book of Life. (The word, [1, G2730 from G2596 and G3611 from G3624 oikos, to dwell] katoikeo is from (G2596) kata, down and (G3611) oikeo, to dwell or set up home - thus, to be earthbound. Paul invites us to engage our thoughts with resurrection realities and to see ourselves co-raised and seated together with Christ in heavenly places! In Col. 3:1-3. Rev. 17:8 and 16:16.
In the context of verse 6, clearly the target of the "blasphemy" is to insult and interrogate the [2] Name! See Eph. 3:15, "Every family in heaven and on earth originate in Him; His is humanity's family name and He remains the authority identity of every nation." The entire industry of accusation is about the blatant blasphemy of the name that reveals and redeems humanity's original identity.
"The Book of Life" - this language is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue. In Jewish mythical superstition and tradition (old wives tails, as Paul put it) there was a prevailing fear that your name might be blotted out of the Book of Life if your behavior did not please GOD. See Ex. 32:32, Here the suggestion is that some names were not even written in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with! See also Rev. 17:8, ....."the ones whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the fall of the world." this idea would obviously boost the Calvinistic deception of election, that if you're not "chosen," you're doomed - which is a ridiculous contradiction to the entire context and conclusion of the true Gospel! As only known by a redeemed mindset, an upward thinking and vision. See note on the Book of Life at the end of chapter 17.
The word, [4, G2889 ] kosmos in the NT refers to the entire human family and their social structures. The word often translated foundation (G2602), kataballo, is from (G2598 kardiognōstēs, means a heart knower, a higher knowing, is from G2588 and G1097) while kataballo, means conception or deposition, from kata and ballo, meaning "to fall away, to put in a lower place," instead of themelios, meaning "foundation" [see Eph. 2:20, also Rev. 21:14, 19]; thus, we translated it, "the fall of the world," instead of "the foundation of the world." The entire "Fall" was a falling away in our minds from our true identity as image and likeness bearers of Elohim. Just like eve, were we all deceived to believe a lie about ourselves, which is the fruit of the "I-am-not-tree." [We are the reason Jesus died and was raised!])
Even though it had the appearance of the lamb, it operated under the same authority as the previous Beast - under the watchful eye of the Dragon! [ Counterfeit-Christianity as a religion is a wolf in sheep's skin, a convincing disguise!] It's the same old Dragon in a lamb's disguise! It's mission is to engage the [1] earthbound dwellers to worship the counterfeit - the slaughtered animal that was restored to life out of its death. (The historic relevance of the death and resurrection of the Lamb is in the revelation of humanity's co-inclusion - Jesus, Jesus died our death and went into our hell and we were co-quickened (born anew from above) in His resurrection and are co-seated together with Him in heavenly places! (Even while of earthen bodies remain on the earth, as houses or temples unto GOD'S dwelling.)
Here again John employs the word [1] katiokeo which is from kata, down and oikeo , to dwell or set up home - thus to be earthbound. Rev. 13:8.
Matthew 7:15, Jesus is quoted as saying, "'Beware of false Prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.'" In His sight - enopion autou. In the eye of the first beast who gets his authority from the Dragon - Rev. 13:3)
Revelation 19:19, "And I saw the Beast in alliance with the kings of the earth muster their armies to engage a [1] once and for all war against the One seated on the horse and His army! (The idea of a once and for all war is implied by the Aorist Infinitive tense of the verb, poiesai. [Weymouth] This is the Aorist active Infinitive which indicates prior completion of an action in relationship to a point in time. The Greek infinitives could have either a present or Aorist form. The contrast between the two forms was not necessarily one of time, it is a difference of aspect. The present Infinitive was used to express progressive or imperfect aspects. It pictures the action expressed by the verb as being in progress. The Aorist Infinitive however does not express progressive aspects. It presents the action expressed by the verb as a completed unit with a beginning and end.
This is an important fact since there are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 12:7, 16:13-14, 17:13-14 and 20:8.)
Revelation 20:8-9, "And his obvious strategy would be to deceive the nations on a global scale including the four corners of the earth by assembling Gog and Magog in war; Their number is as the sand of the sea. (Again, every traditional Jewish concept of judgment is addressed. God and Magog is now brought into the conversation, since Jewish eschatology viewed Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the messiah, which will usher in the age of the Messiah. "Then Eldad and Modad [brothers of Moses] both prophesied together and said, "In the very end of time Gog and Magog and their army shall come up against Jerusalem, and they shall fall by the hand of the King Messiah; They shall be slain by the flame of fire which shall proceed from under the Throne of glory, and afterwards all the dead of Israel shall rise again to life, and shall enjoy the delights prepared for them from the beginning." Quoted from the Jewish Targum. See refence in Num. 11:26 and Eze. 38:17.) They will spread across the earth and attempt to neutralize the "Queen Bee bride" of the Lamb by surrounding and besieging GOD'S Saints in the beloved city. Then fire will pour out of heaven and consume them. (Again, the mindset of satanic accusation are made a meal of - yet another reference to the great supper-feast celebrating the new covenant and the conclusion of the old.)" (The Mirror, with editing.)
With our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick things up again with Ephesians 2:5. Until then may the LORD show us all His glory within us.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimensional:
Revelation 13:6-8, 12; 19:19, 20:8-9 "It hurled its accusation in GOD'S face, while blaspheming His Name and tabernacle and those dwelling in the heavenlies. (The words, pros ton theon, position the Accuser to now face GOD'S image and likeness incarnate in human form, since there was no trace of accusation present in the heavenly sphere. [Rev. 12:8-10] The significance of heavens endorsing the tabernacle of GOD on earth - in both its prophetic symbolism as well as its tangible unveiling in incarnate human life, is now the target of accusation and every blasphemous utterance of this Beast who takes its authority from the Accusation himself!
And then that dwell in heaven; kai tous en too ouranoo skenountas - in contrast to those whose minds are still trapped in earthbound-mode! (see verse 8). And it was given the mission to wage war against those who have discovered their (healing, as in being made well, no, but rather in) wholeness in Christ and to conquer them and to dominate the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Every tribe, tongue and nation. (The words remind us of Daniel 7:21-23. Where there seemed to be no escape from the Beast's rule. However, the fact that the Beast failed in its mission is already celebrated in Rev. 5:13 as well as in Rev. 7:9, "At this moment I saw a massive throng of people, impossible to count, standing tall and innocent everyone of them dressed in white with psalm branches in their hands; They have escaped everything that could possibly define them as a non-Jewish Gentile world! In fact, every sphere of society were there - including the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Tribal identities with their unique language-specific dialect preferences; They were all present there facing the Throne and the Lamb as the people of the planet!") The plan was to engage the entire [1] earthbound population of the planet to worship the Beast. ( The counterfeit "slain and risen lamb," of Religions deception, that honors the triune Beast.) This would endorse the idea (of religion) that there were individuals, since the [3] fall of the [4] cosmos, whose [2] names were not included in the [5] slain Lamb's Book of Life. (The word, [1, G2730 from G2596 and G3611 from G3624 oikos, to dwell] katoikeo is from (G2596) kata, down and (G3611) oikeo, to dwell or set up home - thus, to be earthbound. Paul invites us to engage our thoughts with resurrection realities and to see ourselves co-raised and seated together with Christ in heavenly places! In Col. 3:1-3. Rev. 17:8 and 16:16.
In the context of verse 6, clearly the target of the "blasphemy" is to insult and interrogate the [2] Name! See Eph. 3:15, "Every family in heaven and on earth originate in Him; His is humanity's family name and He remains the authority identity of every nation." The entire industry of accusation is about the blatant blasphemy of the name that reveals and redeems humanity's original identity.
"The Book of Life" - this language is taken from the custom of registering the names of persons in a list, roll, or catalogue. In Jewish mythical superstition and tradition (old wives tails, as Paul put it) there was a prevailing fear that your name might be blotted out of the Book of Life if your behavior did not please GOD. See Ex. 32:32, Here the suggestion is that some names were not even written in the Lamb's Book of Life to begin with! See also Rev. 17:8, ....."the ones whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from the fall of the world." this idea would obviously boost the Calvinistic deception of election, that if you're not "chosen," you're doomed - which is a ridiculous contradiction to the entire context and conclusion of the true Gospel! As only known by a redeemed mindset, an upward thinking and vision. See note on the Book of Life at the end of chapter 17.
The word, [4, G2889 ] kosmos in the NT refers to the entire human family and their social structures. The word often translated foundation (G2602), kataballo, is from (G2598 kardiognōstēs, means a heart knower, a higher knowing, is from G2588 and G1097) while kataballo, means conception or deposition, from kata and ballo, meaning "to fall away, to put in a lower place," instead of themelios, meaning "foundation" [see Eph. 2:20, also Rev. 21:14, 19]; thus, we translated it, "the fall of the world," instead of "the foundation of the world." The entire "Fall" was a falling away in our minds from our true identity as image and likeness bearers of Elohim. Just like eve, were we all deceived to believe a lie about ourselves, which is the fruit of the "I-am-not-tree." [We are the reason Jesus died and was raised!])
Even though it had the appearance of the lamb, it operated under the same authority as the previous Beast - under the watchful eye of the Dragon! [ Counterfeit-Christianity as a religion is a wolf in sheep's skin, a convincing disguise!] It's the same old Dragon in a lamb's disguise! It's mission is to engage the [1] earthbound dwellers to worship the counterfeit - the slaughtered animal that was restored to life out of its death. (The historic relevance of the death and resurrection of the Lamb is in the revelation of humanity's co-inclusion - Jesus, Jesus died our death and went into our hell and we were co-quickened (born anew from above) in His resurrection and are co-seated together with Him in heavenly places! (Even while of earthen bodies remain on the earth, as houses or temples unto GOD'S dwelling.)
Here again John employs the word [1] katiokeo which is from kata, down and oikeo , to dwell or set up home - thus to be earthbound. Rev. 13:8.
Matthew 7:15, Jesus is quoted as saying, "'Beware of false Prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.'" In His sight - enopion autou. In the eye of the first beast who gets his authority from the Dragon - Rev. 13:3)
Revelation 19:19, "And I saw the Beast in alliance with the kings of the earth muster their armies to engage a [1] once and for all war against the One seated on the horse and His army! (The idea of a once and for all war is implied by the Aorist Infinitive tense of the verb, poiesai. [Weymouth] This is the Aorist active Infinitive which indicates prior completion of an action in relationship to a point in time. The Greek infinitives could have either a present or Aorist form. The contrast between the two forms was not necessarily one of time, it is a difference of aspect. The present Infinitive was used to express progressive or imperfect aspects. It pictures the action expressed by the verb as being in progress. The Aorist Infinitive however does not express progressive aspects. It presents the action expressed by the verb as a completed unit with a beginning and end.
This is an important fact since there are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 12:7, 16:13-14, 17:13-14 and 20:8.)
Revelation 20:8-9, "And his obvious strategy would be to deceive the nations on a global scale including the four corners of the earth by assembling Gog and Magog in war; Their number is as the sand of the sea. (Again, every traditional Jewish concept of judgment is addressed. God and Magog is now brought into the conversation, since Jewish eschatology viewed Gog and Magog as enemies to be defeated by the messiah, which will usher in the age of the Messiah. "Then Eldad and Modad [brothers of Moses] both prophesied together and said, "In the very end of time Gog and Magog and their army shall come up against Jerusalem, and they shall fall by the hand of the King Messiah; They shall be slain by the flame of fire which shall proceed from under the Throne of glory, and afterwards all the dead of Israel shall rise again to life, and shall enjoy the delights prepared for them from the beginning." Quoted from the Jewish Targum. See refence in Num. 11:26 and Eze. 38:17.) They will spread across the earth and attempt to neutralize the "Queen Bee bride" of the Lamb by surrounding and besieging GOD'S Saints in the beloved city. Then fire will pour out of heaven and consume them. (Again, the mindset of satanic accusation are made a meal of - yet another reference to the great supper-feast celebrating the new covenant and the conclusion of the old.)" (The Mirror, with editing.)
With our next visit the LORD willing we shall pick things up again with Ephesians 2:5. Until then may the LORD show us all His glory within us.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2c, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are looking at the saga of the legion of Armageddon from the vantage point of a renewed mindset or one that has been lifted from the gutter of corruption to the higher plains of heavenly thinking as man had in Genesis 2. This being a renewed redeemed innocence. This coming after one actually is born anew through the understanding of the secret things of GOD of Deu. 29:29 or as Jesus told the disciples they would know the mysteries of the kingdom in Mark 4:11. They being one! By way of inspiration of Galatians 2:20, humanity's inclusion in the trial (judgment), execution, burial (blood), decent, resurrection and ascension.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:
Revelation 19:11 "Then, in my vision, heaven opened and I saw a white horse appear; And the name of the one seated upon the horse is Faithful and True. Righteousness spans the range of His judgment and warfare." (Ephesians 3:15 also 1:3, Let's celebrate GOD! He lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ! See Ephesians 4:8-10, Scripture confirms that He led us as trophies in His triumphant procession (Mat. 27:51b-54, Dan. 12:2, Hosea 6:2-3, 1Cor. 15:20, 1Th. 5:10) of high; He repossessed His gift (likeness) in human form. (Also Ephesians 2:6, We are also elevated in His resurrection to be equally welcome in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are now seated together with Him in His authority. Quote from the Hebrew text, Ps. 68:18, Thou hast taken gifts in human form, in Adam. [The gifts which Jesus Christ distributes to us he has received in us, in and by virtue of His incarnation. Commentary by Adam Clarke.]
Ephesians 4:9-10 The fact that he ascended confirms His victorious descent into the deepest into the deepest pits of human despair. (See John 3:13, "No one has ascended into heaven but He who descended from heaven, even the son of man." All humanity originated from above; We are anouther, from above. [see James 1:17-18] He now occupies the ultimate rank of authority from the lowest regions where he stooped down to rescue us to the highest authority in the heavens, having executed his mission to the full. (Fallen humanity is fully restored to the authority of the authentic life of their design. [Ps. 139:7-8, Where can I go where Your Spirit is absent? Or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You! If I make my bed in Sheol, You!])
Revelation 12:7-9, 12-17 "Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers led the war in the heavenly realm against the Dragon and his Herding-Heralds." (Mikael means, "Who is like GOD?" The context of the onslaught against the human race has always been identity-related! The fruit of the "I-am-not tree system!" Jesus faced this temptation on humanity's behalf, "If you are the Son of GOD?" see John 10:30-36) The Dragon's influence was totally demolished and rendered powerless - not a trace of its presence was found in the heavens! (Principalities and powers were completely disarmed on the cross! Col. 2:14-15, "And their place was not found" see Dan. 2:35 - the little stone against whom the Gates of Hades shall not prevail - the Chip of the old Block demolished the pseudo man-made identity. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 16:13-14, 17:13-14, 19:19, and 20:8.) So the great Dragon, the [1] ancient [2] ophis [serpent], also known as the Devil or Satan - whose sole mission was to lead the entire inhabited world astray - was cast down to the earth-dimension, together with all his [3] Herding-Heralds. (The word [1, G744 from G746 ] archaios , means ancient, of old, primeval, is from (G746) arche, is from the beginning. as Jesus said that the Devil was a murderer 'from the beginning.' The Greek word, [2, G3789 from G3700] ophis is translated serpent and comes from (G3700) optomai, to gaze, in this case, to present a visual idea through illusion. John 8:44. He was stripped of his pseudo rank of authority, see Col. 2:14-15, he was made a public spectacle! Luke 10:18, and Jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan falling out of Heaven like lightning!' Also John 12:31, Now is the judgment of this world; Now the ruler of this world shall be cast down. [When I am lifted up on the cross. John 12:32])
An [1] eruption of belly-laughter followed in the heavenlies and in all those inhabiting this realm. Woe to the land and sea for the Devil was cast down there in great embarrassment, seeing that his time has run out! (The word, [1,G2165 from G2095 and G5424] euphraino, jubilant rejoicing, is from (G2095) eu, well done, extravagantly good, and (G5424) phren, the midriff or diaphragm, the innermost parts of the heart. This makes Paul's appeal in Col. 3:1-3 so relevant! Engage your minds with heavenly dimension realities and not with the earthbound soul realm.) As soon as the Dragon realized that he has lost his supposed position in the heavenlies and was now confined to the earth realm, he pursued the woman who birthed the male child. But the woman was given very large eagle wings with which to fly away to her safe place in the wilderness where she would be pampered for a time and times and half time out of sight of the serpent. (Beyond the reach of Ophis! 1260 days; 3 and a half years which points to the uninterrupted extent of Jesus' ministry.) Then waters flooded out of the mouth of the serpent in an attempt to drown the woman [the Prophetic voice unveiling the Christ] in his devilish conversation. But the earth rescued the woman by opening its mouth and gulped down the entire river proceeding from the Dragon's mouth. (In His death, burial and decent into the lowest parts of the earth. See Eph. 4:8-9. Note, like in Rev. 12:9, the words for the Serpent-system are interchanged, including the Dragon, Satan, Devil and also in 12:10, the accuser, Kategoros, whose business is the industry of accusation. For us here in America we witnessed this during President Trumps first three and half years, take place before our eyes.) The fact that the woman escaped his pursuit extremely infuriated the Dragon, so he turned his attention to contend with the remnant of her seed who treasured [1] the completeness of GOD'S fulfilled purpose echoing the [2] testimony of Jesus! ( The word [1, G1785 from G1781 entellomai, from G1722 and the base of G5056] entole, which is often translated commandment or precept, has two components: (G1722) en, in and (G5056 from a primary word τέλλω tellō) telso, is from tello, to set out for a definite point or goal; The point aimed at as a limit, that is, by implication, the conclusion of an act or state, the result, the ultimate or prophetic purpose. Strong's 5056, see 1John 2:3 in my Mirror Bible text) The [2] testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19:10. see the extended notes on the Word of GOD and the testimony of Jesus Christ at the end of chapter 20.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit we shall begin at Revelation 13:6, the LORD willing. Until then may the LORD help us all get through these trying days.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimension:
Revelation 19:11 "Then, in my vision, heaven opened and I saw a white horse appear; And the name of the one seated upon the horse is Faithful and True. Righteousness spans the range of His judgment and warfare." (Ephesians 3:15 also 1:3, Let's celebrate GOD! He lavished every blessing heaven has upon us in Christ! See Ephesians 4:8-10, Scripture confirms that He led us as trophies in His triumphant procession (Mat. 27:51b-54, Dan. 12:2, Hosea 6:2-3, 1Cor. 15:20, 1Th. 5:10) of high; He repossessed His gift (likeness) in human form. (Also Ephesians 2:6, We are also elevated in His resurrection to be equally welcome in the Throne room of the heavenly realm where we are now seated together with Him in His authority. Quote from the Hebrew text, Ps. 68:18, Thou hast taken gifts in human form, in Adam. [The gifts which Jesus Christ distributes to us he has received in us, in and by virtue of His incarnation. Commentary by Adam Clarke.]
Ephesians 4:9-10 The fact that he ascended confirms His victorious descent into the deepest into the deepest pits of human despair. (See John 3:13, "No one has ascended into heaven but He who descended from heaven, even the son of man." All humanity originated from above; We are anouther, from above. [see James 1:17-18] He now occupies the ultimate rank of authority from the lowest regions where he stooped down to rescue us to the highest authority in the heavens, having executed his mission to the full. (Fallen humanity is fully restored to the authority of the authentic life of their design. [Ps. 139:7-8, Where can I go where Your Spirit is absent? Or where shall I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You! If I make my bed in Sheol, You!])
Revelation 12:7-9, 12-17 "Mikael and his Shepherd-Messengers led the war in the heavenly realm against the Dragon and his Herding-Heralds." (Mikael means, "Who is like GOD?" The context of the onslaught against the human race has always been identity-related! The fruit of the "I-am-not tree system!" Jesus faced this temptation on humanity's behalf, "If you are the Son of GOD?" see John 10:30-36) The Dragon's influence was totally demolished and rendered powerless - not a trace of its presence was found in the heavens! (Principalities and powers were completely disarmed on the cross! Col. 2:14-15, "And their place was not found" see Dan. 2:35 - the little stone against whom the Gates of Hades shall not prevail - the Chip of the old Block demolished the pseudo man-made identity. There are numeral references to the same "once and for all war" in the heavens! It is however the same hour; The same event! Rev. 16:13-14, 17:13-14, 19:19, and 20:8.) So the great Dragon, the [1] ancient [2] ophis [serpent], also known as the Devil or Satan - whose sole mission was to lead the entire inhabited world astray - was cast down to the earth-dimension, together with all his [3] Herding-Heralds. (The word [1, G744 from G746 ] archaios , means ancient, of old, primeval, is from (G746) arche, is from the beginning. as Jesus said that the Devil was a murderer 'from the beginning.' The Greek word, [2, G3789 from G3700] ophis is translated serpent and comes from (G3700) optomai, to gaze, in this case, to present a visual idea through illusion. John 8:44. He was stripped of his pseudo rank of authority, see Col. 2:14-15, he was made a public spectacle! Luke 10:18, and Jesus said to them, 'I saw Satan falling out of Heaven like lightning!' Also John 12:31, Now is the judgment of this world; Now the ruler of this world shall be cast down. [When I am lifted up on the cross. John 12:32])
An [1] eruption of belly-laughter followed in the heavenlies and in all those inhabiting this realm. Woe to the land and sea for the Devil was cast down there in great embarrassment, seeing that his time has run out! (The word, [1,G2165 from G2095 and G5424] euphraino, jubilant rejoicing, is from (G2095) eu, well done, extravagantly good, and (G5424) phren, the midriff or diaphragm, the innermost parts of the heart. This makes Paul's appeal in Col. 3:1-3 so relevant! Engage your minds with heavenly dimension realities and not with the earthbound soul realm.) As soon as the Dragon realized that he has lost his supposed position in the heavenlies and was now confined to the earth realm, he pursued the woman who birthed the male child. But the woman was given very large eagle wings with which to fly away to her safe place in the wilderness where she would be pampered for a time and times and half time out of sight of the serpent. (Beyond the reach of Ophis! 1260 days; 3 and a half years which points to the uninterrupted extent of Jesus' ministry.) Then waters flooded out of the mouth of the serpent in an attempt to drown the woman [the Prophetic voice unveiling the Christ] in his devilish conversation. But the earth rescued the woman by opening its mouth and gulped down the entire river proceeding from the Dragon's mouth. (In His death, burial and decent into the lowest parts of the earth. See Eph. 4:8-9. Note, like in Rev. 12:9, the words for the Serpent-system are interchanged, including the Dragon, Satan, Devil and also in 12:10, the accuser, Kategoros, whose business is the industry of accusation. For us here in America we witnessed this during President Trumps first three and half years, take place before our eyes.) The fact that the woman escaped his pursuit extremely infuriated the Dragon, so he turned his attention to contend with the remnant of her seed who treasured [1] the completeness of GOD'S fulfilled purpose echoing the [2] testimony of Jesus! ( The word [1, G1785 from G1781 entellomai, from G1722 and the base of G5056] entole, which is often translated commandment or precept, has two components: (G1722) en, in and (G5056 from a primary word τέλλω tellō) telso, is from tello, to set out for a definite point or goal; The point aimed at as a limit, that is, by implication, the conclusion of an act or state, the result, the ultimate or prophetic purpose. Strong's 5056, see 1John 2:3 in my Mirror Bible text) The [2] testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev. 19:10. see the extended notes on the Word of GOD and the testimony of Jesus Christ at the end of chapter 20.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
In our next visit we shall begin at Revelation 13:6, the LORD willing. Until then may the LORD help us all get through these trying days.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2b, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
Continuing with our Redeemed mindset look at Armageddon from an upward thinking regenerated perspective. Having laid aside the earthbound, worldly and religious thinking for GOD'S. As it was limited in scope and intangibility it being only four dimensional.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimensional:
In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation people's perception of the world is four dimensional: heaven, earth, the ocean and the deep underworld [including under the ocean Eze. 28:8; Rev. 3:15.] The idea being of all earth dwellers of the time was that the planet was flat and square! So the four corners of the earth were not factual but merely to communicate a symbolic picture and principle within their perception - as was also the idea of an under world. See the four phrases already referenced in Gen. 1:2, and the earth being without form and empty, and darkness on the face of the deep, [abussos - LXX] and the Spirit of GOD moving gently on the face of the waters. Also in Ps. 135:6, Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and the Abyss. Or in the LXX it is Ps. 134:6.
Armageddon pictures the battle between the lower, earthbound thought patterns and the elevated, heavenly thoughts of GOD. Col. 3:1-3, Rev. 17:8.
The "earthbound-dilemma" of mankind is addressed in the Incarnate Christ reawakened (redeemed-restored) within the higher, elevated thoughts of GOD by the spirit of man and the Spirit of GOD, of Romans 8, 12:1-2.
Ephesians 6:12, "People are not enemy, [whether they be husbands, wives, children, or parents, slaves, or bosses. They might host hostilities, law inspired thought patterns through their unbelief or ignorance but], to target one another is to engage in the wrong combat. We represent the authority of the victory of Christ in the spiritual realm. We are positioned there [in Christ]; we [1] confront the mind games and [2] structures of darkness, religious thought patterns, governing and conditioning human behavior." (The word, translated against, [1, G4314, a strengthened form of G4253 pro] pros, face to face, towards. The word, [2, G4189 ponēria, depravity, from G4190] poneros hurtful, is often translated as evil, this word is described in Thayer's Lexicon as full of annoyances, hardships and labor, which is exactly what the DIY law-system of works produce!)
1Corinthians 15:24, "The complete conclusion in His work of redemption is celebrated in His yielding the full harvest of His reign to GOD the Father, having [1] brought to naught the Law of works which supported every definition of dominion under the fall, including all [2] principalities, all [3] authority and every [4] dynamic influence in society." (He brought to naught the Law of works, [1, G2673 from G2596 and G691] katargeo, to render idle, is from (G2596) kata, meaning intensity, and (G691) argos, meaning labor; thus, to be free from all self-effort to attempt to improve what GOD has already perfected in Christ! All principalities, [2, G746 from G756 archomai, to commence] arche, or chief ranks, i.e., kings, governors; This includes any governing system whereby one is ranked above the other on the basis of their performance or preference. all authority, [3, G1849 from G1832 exesti, also ἐξόν exon, from a singular present indicative of a compound of G1537 and G1510 ] exousia, comes from (G1537) ek, denoting origin and (G1510) eimi, I am, I exist; in this case, because of what I can do I am defined by what I can do better than you; therefore, I have authority over you. Every dynamic influence in society, [4, G1411 from G1410 dunamai, absolute power, authority] dunamis, means power, in this case willpower. Every government structure in society will be brought under the dominion of Grace where the Christ life rules.
The kingdom of GOD is the dominion of the Christ life in human form, where righteousness is based on who we are and not on what we do; who we are by GOD'S doing and not who we are by our own doing; Right being and not merely right acting. Where the Law of works was duty and guilt driven; The law of Faith is Agape driven. [Rom. 3:27, Gal. 5:6, 2Cor. 10:12] When they measure themselves by one another, and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.)
John 1:50-51, "Jesus said, 'So you believe because I say I saw you sitting under the fig tree? You haven't seen anything yet! Truly I say to you, Nathaniel [singular], because of who I am, you [plural] - You-manity - all the families in heaven and on the earth] will surely see this communication between the heavenly sphere and earth throw wide [1] open and the Angelic Shepherd-Messengers of GOD ascending and descending upon the Incarnate son of man. heaven and earth meet in the Incarnate one!'" (In Him every definition of separation and distance is cancelled! Isaiah 55:10-11, 'For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and return not there without saturating the earth [all flesh], so shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that fore-which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it!' The prophetic word was defined to become flesh; Every nook and cranny of human life is saturated in the incarnation! The word, aneogota, is in the Perfect Active Participle Accusative masculine Singular, 2nd Conjugation-form; the one who has led us upwards - from anoigo, ana, upwards and agoo, to lead! Jesus reminds Nathaniel of Genesis 28:12-14, and Jacob dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of GOD were ascending and descending on it! And Jahweh said to him, 'I am Elohim of Abraham, your seed shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; And in you and your descendant have all the families of the earth been blessed!'"
"Jesus has united heaven and earth, the life of GOD and human life in Himself. Just as it was planned before the time of the ages." Quote taken from Dr. Baxter Kruger.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
We the LORD willing shall pick this back up in our next visit. Until then may He increase within us all His awareness.
Armageddon - Earthbound vs. Heavenly Dimensional:
In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation people's perception of the world is four dimensional: heaven, earth, the ocean and the deep underworld [including under the ocean Eze. 28:8; Rev. 3:15.] The idea being of all earth dwellers of the time was that the planet was flat and square! So the four corners of the earth were not factual but merely to communicate a symbolic picture and principle within their perception - as was also the idea of an under world. See the four phrases already referenced in Gen. 1:2, and the earth being without form and empty, and darkness on the face of the deep, [abussos - LXX] and the Spirit of GOD moving gently on the face of the waters. Also in Ps. 135:6, Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and the Abyss. Or in the LXX it is Ps. 134:6.
Armageddon pictures the battle between the lower, earthbound thought patterns and the elevated, heavenly thoughts of GOD. Col. 3:1-3, Rev. 17:8.
The "earthbound-dilemma" of mankind is addressed in the Incarnate Christ reawakened (redeemed-restored) within the higher, elevated thoughts of GOD by the spirit of man and the Spirit of GOD, of Romans 8, 12:1-2.
Ephesians 6:12, "People are not enemy, [whether they be husbands, wives, children, or parents, slaves, or bosses. They might host hostilities, law inspired thought patterns through their unbelief or ignorance but], to target one another is to engage in the wrong combat. We represent the authority of the victory of Christ in the spiritual realm. We are positioned there [in Christ]; we [1] confront the mind games and [2] structures of darkness, religious thought patterns, governing and conditioning human behavior." (The word, translated against, [1, G4314, a strengthened form of G4253 pro] pros, face to face, towards. The word, [2, G4189 ponēria, depravity, from G4190] poneros hurtful, is often translated as evil, this word is described in Thayer's Lexicon as full of annoyances, hardships and labor, which is exactly what the DIY law-system of works produce!)
1Corinthians 15:24, "The complete conclusion in His work of redemption is celebrated in His yielding the full harvest of His reign to GOD the Father, having [1] brought to naught the Law of works which supported every definition of dominion under the fall, including all [2] principalities, all [3] authority and every [4] dynamic influence in society." (He brought to naught the Law of works, [1, G2673 from G2596 and G691] katargeo, to render idle, is from (G2596) kata, meaning intensity, and (G691) argos, meaning labor; thus, to be free from all self-effort to attempt to improve what GOD has already perfected in Christ! All principalities, [2, G746 from G756 archomai, to commence] arche, or chief ranks, i.e., kings, governors; This includes any governing system whereby one is ranked above the other on the basis of their performance or preference. all authority, [3, G1849 from G1832 exesti, also ἐξόν exon, from a singular present indicative of a compound of G1537 and G1510 ] exousia, comes from (G1537) ek, denoting origin and (G1510) eimi, I am, I exist; in this case, because of what I can do I am defined by what I can do better than you; therefore, I have authority over you. Every dynamic influence in society, [4, G1411 from G1410 dunamai, absolute power, authority] dunamis, means power, in this case willpower. Every government structure in society will be brought under the dominion of Grace where the Christ life rules.
The kingdom of GOD is the dominion of the Christ life in human form, where righteousness is based on who we are and not on what we do; who we are by GOD'S doing and not who we are by our own doing; Right being and not merely right acting. Where the Law of works was duty and guilt driven; The law of Faith is Agape driven. [Rom. 3:27, Gal. 5:6, 2Cor. 10:12] When they measure themselves by one another, and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.)
John 1:50-51, "Jesus said, 'So you believe because I say I saw you sitting under the fig tree? You haven't seen anything yet! Truly I say to you, Nathaniel [singular], because of who I am, you [plural] - You-manity - all the families in heaven and on the earth] will surely see this communication between the heavenly sphere and earth throw wide [1] open and the Angelic Shepherd-Messengers of GOD ascending and descending upon the Incarnate son of man. heaven and earth meet in the Incarnate one!'" (In Him every definition of separation and distance is cancelled! Isaiah 55:10-11, 'For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and return not there without saturating the earth [all flesh], so shall My word be that goes out from My mouth; It shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that fore-which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it!' The prophetic word was defined to become flesh; Every nook and cranny of human life is saturated in the incarnation! The word, aneogota, is in the Perfect Active Participle Accusative masculine Singular, 2nd Conjugation-form; the one who has led us upwards - from anoigo, ana, upwards and agoo, to lead! Jesus reminds Nathaniel of Genesis 28:12-14, and Jacob dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold, the angels of GOD were ascending and descending on it! And Jahweh said to him, 'I am Elohim of Abraham, your seed shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; And in you and your descendant have all the families of the earth been blessed!'"
"Jesus has united heaven and earth, the life of GOD and human life in Himself. Just as it was planned before the time of the ages." Quote taken from Dr. Baxter Kruger.) (The Mirror, with editing.)
We the LORD willing shall pick this back up in our next visit. Until then may He increase within us all His awareness.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-2a, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
Our hot subject for this section of the notes on chapter 16 is titled "Armageddon." Keeping in mind that most everything spoken of in Revelation is of symbolic language more so than the first 65 books in the Bible. So without further ado we shall get into our subject, which we shall break up as it is lengthy.
In the symbolic language of the book of the Revelation of Christ people's perception of the world is four dimensional: heaven, earth, the oceans, and the deep underworld [including under the ocean, Eze. 28:8, Rev. 5:13. The idea of all earth dwellers of the time was that the planet was flat and square! So the four corners of the earth were not factual but merely to communicate a symbolic picture and principle within their perceptions - as also the idea of an under world. The book is filled with mysticism and superstition language of old world beliefs. See the four spheres already referenced in Gen. 1:2, and the earth being without form and empty, and darkness on the face of the waters. Also in Ps. 135:6, Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and the Abyss. Or in the LXX it is Ps. 134:6.
Armageddon pictures the battle between the lower, earthbound thought patterners and the elevated heavenly thoughts of GOD. Col. 3:1-3, Rev. 17:8.
The "earthbound-dilemma" of mankind is addressed in the Incarnate Christ Redeemed person.
Revelation 16:16 "And the frog demons worked as one, gathering the kings of the earth together in a place with a Hebrew name, Armageddon." (The natural Topography and history of the land are used symbolically to describe a significant spiritual principle. "Bounded as it is by the hills of Palestine on both north and south, it would naturally become the arena of war between the low-landers who trusted in their chariots, and the Israelites highlanders of the neighboring heights. To this cause mainly it owes its celebrity, as the battle-field of the world, which has, through its adoption into the language of Revelation, passed into an global proverb. If that mysterious book proceeded from the hand of a Galilean fisherman, it is the more easy to understand why, with the scene of those many battles constantly before him, he should have drawn the figurative name of the final conflict between the hosts of the good and evil, from the 'place which is called in the Hebrew tongue Harmagedon'" (quoted from: Stanley, "Sinai and Palestine.")
The scene of a struggle of good and evil is suggested by that battle plain of Esdraelon, which was famous for two great victories, of Barak over the Canaanites, and of Gideon over the Midianites; and for two great disasters, the deaths of Saul and Josiah. Hence in Revelation a place of great slaughter, the scene of the triumph of the Lamb over every definition of an enemy in mankind's minds. The RSV translates the name as Har-Magedon, i.e. the hill (as Ar is the city) of Megiddo. Thus Armageddon picture the battle between the lower earthbound thought pattern and the thoughts of GOD in the Redeemed of humanity. Har, mountain or a range of hills and megiddon - a gathering of a crowd - a rendezvous.)
Revelation 17:8 "The brutal Beast you saw is a [1] "has been" form the beginning - it indeed has no real existence - yet it seems to make "a come back" as if emerging out of the Abyss only to dissolve again into perdition. Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their [2] earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones whose identities are not [3] based upon the Lamb's Book of Life. They do not yet see that their original identity was redeemed in the Lamb." (The words, [1, G2258, G2532, G3756, G2076 ] en kai ouk esti, means, to be and not to be; with the verb en being the Imperfect Indicative of eimi, I am - another meaning of the imperfect indicative is to refer to unreal (counterfactual) situation in present or past time.
This is total contrast to the One who is I am; Who always was and will continually be the accompanying One. An antithesis to "ho en kai ho on" of Rev. 1:4.)
Revelation 11:16-18 "At that moment, the twenty four elders who were seated on their thrones face to face with GOD, fell down prostrate before Him in adoration and exclaimed: "Our hearts are flooded with gratitude and the affection of Your favor! We salute Your Lordship oh GOD! You are the Supreme Authority over all things; Your I-am-ness defines time - present, past and future. The [1] due dynamic of Your [2] Royal-reign is forever established! (The word translated due, [1] eilepsas is from (G2983) lambano, is in the perfect active tense which suggests the continual effect of an action already completed in the past. The word lambano means to take what is one's own, one's due. Then the word esbasileusas is from basileuo, to reign, is in the Aorist active tense which speaks of a completed act. Both of these tenses emphasize the permanence of GOD'S rule. There was never a time where GOD'S royal rule was in question. In giving Himself as our scapegoat to be murdered by His own creation (creatures) assumes a weakness that does not compromise His authority at all! In the genius of His wisdom He defeats the entire system of judgment under the Law of performance, governing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The seeming frailty of the slain Lamb never compromised the authority of the Lion of Judah! 1Cor. 1:25, It seems so foolish that GOD should die humanity's death on the cross; It seems so weak of GOD to suffer such insult; Yet mankind's wisest schemes and most powerful display of genius cannot even begin to comprehend or compete with GOD in His weakest moment on the cross.) The culmination of humanity's wrath collided with Your passion oh GOD - this is the critical moment where judgment is met in death! (Jesus said, 'When I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw all judgment unto Me!') This is the anticipated moment and prize of Your bond-friends, the Prophets, the Saints and everyone who were awed by Your Name - both the insignificant and the prominent - this is the destruction of the corruption virus in the earth! ( In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation, the judgment of the Dragon, the beast and the Whore; The counterfeit Trinity, is not a judgment against an entity, but against a corrupt mindset-system. a virus doesn't have a life of its own - it needs a host!
Microbiology Professor, Vincent Racaniello writes. "Life is 'an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.' Vituses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including protiens, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things.") (The Mirror, with editing.)
We shall begin again in our next visit the LORD willing in these day of virus fear. Until then may the LORD inoculate us all from this virus by Himself being ramped up within us all.
In the symbolic language of the book of the Revelation of Christ people's perception of the world is four dimensional: heaven, earth, the oceans, and the deep underworld [including under the ocean, Eze. 28:8, Rev. 5:13. The idea of all earth dwellers of the time was that the planet was flat and square! So the four corners of the earth were not factual but merely to communicate a symbolic picture and principle within their perceptions - as also the idea of an under world. The book is filled with mysticism and superstition language of old world beliefs. See the four spheres already referenced in Gen. 1:2, and the earth being without form and empty, and darkness on the face of the waters. Also in Ps. 135:6, Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and the Abyss. Or in the LXX it is Ps. 134:6.
Armageddon pictures the battle between the lower, earthbound thought patterners and the elevated heavenly thoughts of GOD. Col. 3:1-3, Rev. 17:8.
The "earthbound-dilemma" of mankind is addressed in the Incarnate Christ Redeemed person.
Revelation 16:16 "And the frog demons worked as one, gathering the kings of the earth together in a place with a Hebrew name, Armageddon." (The natural Topography and history of the land are used symbolically to describe a significant spiritual principle. "Bounded as it is by the hills of Palestine on both north and south, it would naturally become the arena of war between the low-landers who trusted in their chariots, and the Israelites highlanders of the neighboring heights. To this cause mainly it owes its celebrity, as the battle-field of the world, which has, through its adoption into the language of Revelation, passed into an global proverb. If that mysterious book proceeded from the hand of a Galilean fisherman, it is the more easy to understand why, with the scene of those many battles constantly before him, he should have drawn the figurative name of the final conflict between the hosts of the good and evil, from the 'place which is called in the Hebrew tongue Harmagedon'" (quoted from: Stanley, "Sinai and Palestine.")
The scene of a struggle of good and evil is suggested by that battle plain of Esdraelon, which was famous for two great victories, of Barak over the Canaanites, and of Gideon over the Midianites; and for two great disasters, the deaths of Saul and Josiah. Hence in Revelation a place of great slaughter, the scene of the triumph of the Lamb over every definition of an enemy in mankind's minds. The RSV translates the name as Har-Magedon, i.e. the hill (as Ar is the city) of Megiddo. Thus Armageddon picture the battle between the lower earthbound thought pattern and the thoughts of GOD in the Redeemed of humanity. Har, mountain or a range of hills and megiddon - a gathering of a crowd - a rendezvous.)
Revelation 17:8 "The brutal Beast you saw is a [1] "has been" form the beginning - it indeed has no real existence - yet it seems to make "a come back" as if emerging out of the Abyss only to dissolve again into perdition. Meanwhile the minds of those blinded by their [2] earthbound perceptions continue to be mesmerized by its apparent relevance. They are the ones whose identities are not [3] based upon the Lamb's Book of Life. They do not yet see that their original identity was redeemed in the Lamb." (The words, [1, G2258, G2532, G3756, G2076 ] en kai ouk esti, means, to be and not to be; with the verb en being the Imperfect Indicative of eimi, I am - another meaning of the imperfect indicative is to refer to unreal (counterfactual) situation in present or past time.
This is total contrast to the One who is I am; Who always was and will continually be the accompanying One. An antithesis to "ho en kai ho on" of Rev. 1:4.)
Revelation 11:16-18 "At that moment, the twenty four elders who were seated on their thrones face to face with GOD, fell down prostrate before Him in adoration and exclaimed: "Our hearts are flooded with gratitude and the affection of Your favor! We salute Your Lordship oh GOD! You are the Supreme Authority over all things; Your I-am-ness defines time - present, past and future. The [1] due dynamic of Your [2] Royal-reign is forever established! (The word translated due, [1] eilepsas is from (G2983) lambano, is in the perfect active tense which suggests the continual effect of an action already completed in the past. The word lambano means to take what is one's own, one's due. Then the word esbasileusas is from basileuo, to reign, is in the Aorist active tense which speaks of a completed act. Both of these tenses emphasize the permanence of GOD'S rule. There was never a time where GOD'S royal rule was in question. In giving Himself as our scapegoat to be murdered by His own creation (creatures) assumes a weakness that does not compromise His authority at all! In the genius of His wisdom He defeats the entire system of judgment under the Law of performance, governing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The seeming frailty of the slain Lamb never compromised the authority of the Lion of Judah! 1Cor. 1:25, It seems so foolish that GOD should die humanity's death on the cross; It seems so weak of GOD to suffer such insult; Yet mankind's wisest schemes and most powerful display of genius cannot even begin to comprehend or compete with GOD in His weakest moment on the cross.) The culmination of humanity's wrath collided with Your passion oh GOD - this is the critical moment where judgment is met in death! (Jesus said, 'When I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw all judgment unto Me!') This is the anticipated moment and prize of Your bond-friends, the Prophets, the Saints and everyone who were awed by Your Name - both the insignificant and the prominent - this is the destruction of the corruption virus in the earth! ( In the symbolic language of the book of Revelation, the judgment of the Dragon, the beast and the Whore; The counterfeit Trinity, is not a judgment against an entity, but against a corrupt mindset-system. a virus doesn't have a life of its own - it needs a host!
Microbiology Professor, Vincent Racaniello writes. "Life is 'an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.' Vituses are not living things. Viruses are complicated assemblies of molecules, including protiens, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, but on their own they can do nothing until they enter a living cell. Without cells, viruses would not be able to multiply. Therefore, viruses are not living things.") (The Mirror, with editing.)
We shall begin again in our next visit the LORD willing in these day of virus fear. Until then may the LORD inoculate us all from this virus by Himself being ramped up within us all.
Monday, March 16, 2020
"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes of chapter 16-1, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.
We are now looking at the authors notes on "The Brazen Altar," as seen from the eyes and understanding of the Redeemed mindset. Who receive the light spoken so often in Scripture but remains little understood and misused or applied in the religious community. For us of the Galatians 2:20 inspiration, we know like few do these days the distinction between them.
Revelation 16:1 "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, "Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." (KJV)
Revelation 16:1 "Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, "Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God." (ESV)
Revelation 16:1 "Then I heard the sound of a loud voice coming out of the inner shrine, commanding the seven Shepherd-Messengers to pour out upon the earth the weight of the passion of GOD which had been loaded onto the golden fire-pans they received from the brazen altar of sacrifice." (A golden "fire-pan" was used for the purpose of carrying fire, in order to burn incense on the day of Atonement once a year in the ultimate place of worship. Rev. 8:3, This was a preparation peculiar to the day of expiation (to explain in great detail). "On other days it was the custom of the priests to take fire from the brazen altar (each in his family order, this once each, as was the ranking system of Levites, the office held by their high priest, this being his duty.) in a silver censer, but on the great Day of Atonement the high priest took the fire from the great altar in a golden censer; and when he was come down from the great altar, he took incense from one of the priests, who brought it to him, and went with it to the golden altar; And while he offered the incense the people prayed without in silence." Quote take from the writings of Sir Isaac Newton.
The source of every reference to fire in the Book of Revelation would always be from the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice, symbolizing the Cross where the Lamb of GOD died humanity's death in judgment. See the extended note on the Lake of Fire at the end of chapter 19.
In each of these plagues we have a graphic picture of the extent of the Lamb's suffering - wounded by humanity's plagues - see Isaiah 53.
There is a likeness between the seven trumpets and the seven vessels in some things, especially in the first four; For as the first four trumpets affect the earth, the sea, the fountains, and rivers of water, and the sun, so the first four vessels are poured out on the same, and that in the same order. Earth and sea represent mankind's natural life and habitat, sustained by water and sunlight.
There is in many of these vessels an allusion to the plagues of Egypt; In the first, Rev. 16:2 to the plague of boils, Ex. 9:8 in the second and third, Rev. 16:3 to that of turning the waters of Egypt into blood, Ex. 7:19 in the fourth, Rev. 16:10 to the darkness that was over all the land of Egypt, Ex. 10:21 and in the fifth there is a manifest reference to the frogs that distressed the Egyptians, Ex. 8:5 and in the seventh, to the plague of hail, Ex. 9:23 and they have much the same effect, even the hardening of those on whom they fell, being far from being brought to a change of heart by them, Rev. 16:9.
Again and again, the obstinate slave-mindset of the earth-dwellers are addressed in graphic judgment imagery, in order to overcome and persuade every single individual to awaken them out of their slumbering to see the triumph of the Lamb on their behalf! The coals from the brazen altar, then the altar of incense and worship at the torn veil, gives new context to everything! The symbolic vessels contains the interpretation and implication of the sacrificed Lamb. as in Isaiah 52:10, "The LORD has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of GOD." Isaiah 52:14-15, "Just as many were astonished at You - so was he marred in His appearance, more than any human and His form beyond that of human semblance ---so will He startle many nations. Kings will shut their mouths because of Him; For what had not been told them, they will see and what they had heard, they will understand."
Yet, initially, we, of humanity, esteemed Him not! He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him. we thought He was stricken by GOD! Not realizing that in the drama of the ages, the Son of GOD presented Himself as humanity's scapegoat to be butchered by His own creation! Isaiah 53:3-8, 10 He was despised and rejected by His own people; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with our grief; And as one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by GOD, and afflicted. (See verse 10 in the Septuagint! No! It did not "please the LORD to bruise Him!" The LORD desires to cleans His wounds - and in the offeering of His life as sacrifice he shall see His seed afar off! See verse 11 - the joy that is set before Him! The offspring is the fruit of the travail of His soul! Heb. 12:2, for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame!) But He was wounded by our transgressions, He was bruised by our iniquities; Upon His was the chastisement that made us whole, and by His stripes we are healed! all we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned every one to his own way; And Jaweh gave Him for our sins. (The Septuagint renders it, The LORD gave Him for our sins. See Rom. 4:25 - He was handed over because of our sins - he was raised because of our Redeemed innocence!) He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not His mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; And as for His generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken by the transgression of My people? He was not bruised by GOD, but by the very humanity he was about to Redeem! You may ask, "But what about Isaiah 53:10?" [It pleased the LORD to "crush" Him!] Translators of the New Revised Standard version say in their footnotes to this verse: "Meaning of Hebrew uncertain." The Septuagint [Greek version] of this verse, written 200 years before Jesus, by 70 Hebrew and Greek scholars [with access to much older manuscripts than what we have today;] have rendered the Hebrew text as follows. "The LORD desires to cleans His wounds!" The word, plege means a wound. [The Septuagint is 1000 years older than the Masoretic text from which our OT is translated!]" (the Mirror, with editing.)
May the LORD raise our understanding of the hidden things that are His. Our next visit will bring us to the notes on "Armageddon," a word that bring fear within the hearts of many.
Revelation 16:1 "And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, "Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth." (KJV)
Revelation 16:1 "Then I heard a loud voice from the temple telling the seven angels, "Go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath of God." (ESV)
Revelation 16:1 "Then I heard the sound of a loud voice coming out of the inner shrine, commanding the seven Shepherd-Messengers to pour out upon the earth the weight of the passion of GOD which had been loaded onto the golden fire-pans they received from the brazen altar of sacrifice." (A golden "fire-pan" was used for the purpose of carrying fire, in order to burn incense on the day of Atonement once a year in the ultimate place of worship. Rev. 8:3, This was a preparation peculiar to the day of expiation (to explain in great detail). "On other days it was the custom of the priests to take fire from the brazen altar (each in his family order, this once each, as was the ranking system of Levites, the office held by their high priest, this being his duty.) in a silver censer, but on the great Day of Atonement the high priest took the fire from the great altar in a golden censer; and when he was come down from the great altar, he took incense from one of the priests, who brought it to him, and went with it to the golden altar; And while he offered the incense the people prayed without in silence." Quote take from the writings of Sir Isaac Newton.
The source of every reference to fire in the Book of Revelation would always be from the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice, symbolizing the Cross where the Lamb of GOD died humanity's death in judgment. See the extended note on the Lake of Fire at the end of chapter 19.
In each of these plagues we have a graphic picture of the extent of the Lamb's suffering - wounded by humanity's plagues - see Isaiah 53.
There is a likeness between the seven trumpets and the seven vessels in some things, especially in the first four; For as the first four trumpets affect the earth, the sea, the fountains, and rivers of water, and the sun, so the first four vessels are poured out on the same, and that in the same order. Earth and sea represent mankind's natural life and habitat, sustained by water and sunlight.
There is in many of these vessels an allusion to the plagues of Egypt; In the first, Rev. 16:2 to the plague of boils, Ex. 9:8 in the second and third, Rev. 16:3 to that of turning the waters of Egypt into blood, Ex. 7:19 in the fourth, Rev. 16:10 to the darkness that was over all the land of Egypt, Ex. 10:21 and in the fifth there is a manifest reference to the frogs that distressed the Egyptians, Ex. 8:5 and in the seventh, to the plague of hail, Ex. 9:23 and they have much the same effect, even the hardening of those on whom they fell, being far from being brought to a change of heart by them, Rev. 16:9.
Again and again, the obstinate slave-mindset of the earth-dwellers are addressed in graphic judgment imagery, in order to overcome and persuade every single individual to awaken them out of their slumbering to see the triumph of the Lamb on their behalf! The coals from the brazen altar, then the altar of incense and worship at the torn veil, gives new context to everything! The symbolic vessels contains the interpretation and implication of the sacrificed Lamb. as in Isaiah 52:10, "The LORD has bared His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of GOD." Isaiah 52:14-15, "Just as many were astonished at You - so was he marred in His appearance, more than any human and His form beyond that of human semblance ---so will He startle many nations. Kings will shut their mouths because of Him; For what had not been told them, they will see and what they had heard, they will understand."
Yet, initially, we, of humanity, esteemed Him not! He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him. we thought He was stricken by GOD! Not realizing that in the drama of the ages, the Son of GOD presented Himself as humanity's scapegoat to be butchered by His own creation! Isaiah 53:3-8, 10 He was despised and rejected by His own people; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with our grief; And as one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by GOD, and afflicted. (See verse 10 in the Septuagint! No! It did not "please the LORD to bruise Him!" The LORD desires to cleans His wounds - and in the offeering of His life as sacrifice he shall see His seed afar off! See verse 11 - the joy that is set before Him! The offspring is the fruit of the travail of His soul! Heb. 12:2, for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame!) But He was wounded by our transgressions, He was bruised by our iniquities; Upon His was the chastisement that made us whole, and by His stripes we are healed! all we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned every one to his own way; And Jaweh gave Him for our sins. (The Septuagint renders it, The LORD gave Him for our sins. See Rom. 4:25 - He was handed over because of our sins - he was raised because of our Redeemed innocence!) He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not His mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; And as for His generation, who considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken by the transgression of My people? He was not bruised by GOD, but by the very humanity he was about to Redeem! You may ask, "But what about Isaiah 53:10?" [It pleased the LORD to "crush" Him!] Translators of the New Revised Standard version say in their footnotes to this verse: "Meaning of Hebrew uncertain." The Septuagint [Greek version] of this verse, written 200 years before Jesus, by 70 Hebrew and Greek scholars [with access to much older manuscripts than what we have today;] have rendered the Hebrew text as follows. "The LORD desires to cleans His wounds!" The word, plege means a wound. [The Septuagint is 1000 years older than the Masoretic text from which our OT is translated!]" (the Mirror, with editing.)
May the LORD raise our understanding of the hidden things that are His. Our next visit will bring us to the notes on "Armageddon," a word that bring fear within the hearts of many.
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