Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Continuing with the Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us of Colossians

Colossians 1:10b

"…being fruitful in every good work, and increasing (day by day, moment by moment) in the knowledge of (to be acquainted with) God:"
Listen, every believer starts at the same level in his Christian walk toward Eternal Life. Whether we are 8 or 80. Every believer starts at that same level and what is it? A babe in Christ! We all begin as babes in Christ. But, just like in the physical realm, is there anything more pitiful than someone who is 40, 50 or 80 years old and still has the mentality or the physical attributes of a 5 year old? And our hearts go out to them. We can not think of anything worse and yet this is just the situation of most Christians. They’ve never gotten away from their infancy of spiritually, they remain in the corral under the tutor and under the Law, as the Law was Israel's tutor so is it the babes. And the Corinthians were that way. Let’s go back. It has been a long time since we’ve been in Corinthians and we’ve got a lot of new readers coming every day, and so for those of you who have read all this before, bear with us because we're doing this for the sake of new folks. Go back to 1Corinthians 3, starting at verse 1.
1Corinthians 3:1
"And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ."
They were believers. Paul by the Spirit is not using the word "carnal" here as denoting the lost person or the unbeliever. Though as babes a new born has not progressed to a level of acceptability and is therefore still under a tutor. These were Christians, who were believers, but they were still infants spiritually. They were still on milk as most church people are to this day. Why? Because they have not progressed to the point of accepting the strong meat of the word. Many will attempt to partake of it but like banies will vomit it out as being distasteful. And by so doing will choose to remain on safe ground even though this safe ground is not always safe to their spiritual growth, in the true knowledge of God and Christ Jesus. I know personally of people who have reached well into their 70's and 80's who have never progressed past childhood. And remember a young child is at some 3 or 4 years in mans age. In the spirit this would equate to being a new born. Keep this in mind as we read on.
1Corinthians 3:2
"I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able."
That’s not the only sad part, they still were not able to handle meat, however long Paul had been dealing with them. So you see, if Paul could look at our situation today, he’d probably smile and say, "I know. I went through it. It’s no different." It is so hard to get people off of the milk of the Word and into the meat. But listen, once you get a taste of the T-bone steak (of the lamb and His bread) you don’t ever want to go back to the baby bottle. It is the same way here. My, once you get a taste of how thrilling this is, and how it all fits from Genesis through Revelation, you can’t get enough of it. This is the way it is supposed to be. The more Light we acquire the more Light we But you see, that’s not most Christians. Most professing Christians are just satisfied that they’re saved, and we sincerely hope they are, and they never intend to go any further. But that’s the sorry part that they’re content to remain as babes and on the spiritual milk. That's what breaks our hearts when we hear and see what they're doing because of it. Now let’s go back to Colossians chapter 1.
Colossians 1:10b
"…being fruitful in every good work, and increasing (day by day) in the knowledge of God:’
We're to grow in the knowledge of Him, that is Christ. Because every thing now has to do either with Him, through Him or In Him-Christ as the central point of everything sense the cross and His resurrect and ascension. The cross of course being the pivotal point as a gate, or door, for all humanity. And all things from that point on being spiritual, having passed through the water and blood of His body. That said, if we are not spiritual we will not grow in the knowledge and truth of Him. Because these things are only spiritually discerned. Now when we get down to verses 15-17 we are going to hit some of those areas that very few people have delved into, with regard to the true and accurate knowledge of God. But for now, let’s just move on in Paul’s prayer.
Colossians 1:11
"Strengthened (spiritually) with all might, according to his glorious (what’s the word?) power,…"
You see none of these things that we teach and share can be accomplished without the power of God. It is utterly and virtually impossible to receive in any other way. We cannot become a student of the Word, without the power of God. We cannot become a child of God or a God-child without the power of God. And so it is the intrinsic word that means exactly what it says. That it has to have the power of God that will bring us to where God wants us all to be. In other words, we should have pointed out that this is another one of those instances where Paul has seven things. You can pick them out yourself. Paul didn’t sit there and rack his brain and think, now how can I get seven statements in here. But over and over, throughout his Epistles he comes out with 7 full statements. And each relates to the other, in the seven seals (like the tape the police put up around a crime scene) from the small book of Daniel and Revelation not to mention the prophets. This is of divine inspiration, because that is God’s perfect number, aside from the number 8 which equates to completion. So here again, he has 7 statements and now he goes on to verse 12 where he is giving thanks to the Father. Remember also Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse 29, which states that when we have learned these secrets they become ours and our children's to the second generation, no but forever. Jesus liken this to the rooms or suites that become ours when He said “in My Fathers House there are many mansions” (John 14:2 paraphrased).

Monday, September 29, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Continuing with the Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us of Colossians

Galatians 5:22b-23

"…peace, (an absent of conflict) longsuffering, (patience is another word for long suffering) gentleness, (you will never see a gentle person commit murder or constantly aggravating everyone) goodness, faith. Meekness, temperance; (maintaining a balance) against such there is no law."
An again there are words which an early preflood righteous man wrote of those in the Lord's Covenant would exhibit and these words are righteousness and rectitude because these are the nature of Father-Christ, as know in the word LORD. Not a one of these is an attribute that somebody would say, "I would not wont that to happen to me.” They are good attributes for any body’s Christian life. Well it’s fruit, and the results then of God’s working in the life of the believer. Allow me to share what Webster says about “rectitude” as found in the 1828 Dictionary: “In morality, rightness of principle or practice; uprightness of mind; exact conformity to truth, or to the rules prescribed for moral conduct, either by divine or human laws. Rectitude of mind is the disposition to act in conformity to any known standard of right, truth or justice; rectitude of conduct is the actual conformity to such standard. Perfect rectitude belongs only to the Supreme Being. The more nearly the rectitude of men approaches to the standard of the divine law, the more exalted and dignified is their character. Want of rectitude is not only sinful, but debasing.
There is a sublimity in conscious rectitude - in comparison with which the treasures of earth are not worth naming.”

Earlier I mentioned James chapter 4 and in particular verse 4 where it states this in the ASV in verses 1-10, 11-12, 13-14, “Where is the source of wars and conflicts of fightings among you? Are these not the source of your pleasures that wage war in your members? You lust, and have not: you kill, and covet, and cannot obtain: you fight and war; you have not, because you ask not. If you ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it in your pleasures. You are adulteresses, know you not that the friendship of the world is enmity (hostility) with God? Whoever therefore would be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think that the scripture speaks in vain? Does the spirit which He made to dwell in us long to envying? But He gives more grace. Therefore the scripture says, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Be subject therefore to God; but resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and He will draw nearer still to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall exalt you (in due time).

Speak not one against another, brethren. He that speaks against a brother, or judges his brother, and speaks against the (Royal) law, and judges the (Royal) law: but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is One lawgiver and judge, the One who is able to save and to destroy: but who are you that judge your neighbor?
Come now, you that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into this city, and spend a year there, and trade, and get gain: Yet you know not what shall be on the morrow. What is your life? For you are a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.”
What I want to look at is the word “world” because of what follows it, here is what the Thayer Greek Dictionary [Strong's Number G2889] reveals about it in 7a and then 6, 8 in its definition: the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments riches, advantages, pleasures, etc, which although hollow and frail and fleeting, stir desire, seduce from God and are obstacles to the cause of Christ....the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ...any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort.
Then we have Daniel Webster's 1828 Dictionary which states this: 1.Secular; temporal; pertaining to this world or life, in contradistinction to the life to come; as worldly pleasures; worldly affairs; worldly estate; worldly honor; worldly lusts. 2. Devoted to this life and its enjoyments; bent on gain; as a worldly man; a worldly mind.
Now back to Colossians again chapter 1. So all of these put together is what Paul had in mind, when he says that you might be fruitful in all aspects of life. This life should begin with a capital L because it has to be Eternal Life, the Light which came into the chaos of darkness as stated in Genesis 1 and repeated again by John in his synoptic gospel chapter 1.
If we are one with the world we can not be fruitful by any stretch of the imagination because the Lord's own Spirit is hindered. The flow of water or sap does reach the branch or limb of the vine. Because this was the situation of Israel under the Priesthood of Jesus' day and that fig tree though bearing leaves had no fruit.
With all this said, If and when we learn Christ as Paul reveals Him, we should have NO reservations whatsoever, when we hear Him say, “come out from among them” as Paul states it in 2 Corinthians 6:11-7:4. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us of Colossians

Romans 7:4

"Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law (that is not the Ten Commandments, No! But rather the Levitical Law of which many mix this up to mean both when it does not) by (through or in) the body of Christ; (that is His and our death on the cross. When Christ died on the cross He fulfilled all the demands of the Law, as a husband who dies frees his wife from their covenant sealed by an oath) that ye should be married (figuratively because of our being conjoined to Him by eating of His figurative flesh, the hidden manna in the jar hidden in the coffin of the Ark of the Mercy seat, in the lamb slain again figuratively spiritual language) to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, (and what’s the purpose?) that we should bring forth fruit unto God."
Now there’s nothing sexual or reproductive here, but rather this is all Spiritual, this is just an analogy, is what many say but is it? In a marriage relationship between a husband and wife, the fruit of that relationship are children, and that is the fruit of marriage. But here we are not talking about physical marriage, but the analogy is that we became dead to the Levitical Law, because of the blood, water in the death of Christ (which speaks of Him in its spiritual form). Now we are free to be married to another (figuratively Christ), because the chains of deception which binds us to Satan as a dictator and tyrant have been broken in death. Instead of the Levitical Law and all of it’s demands (for the religious of Judaism there are 613 of them) and the priesthood which supported it, we are now married to the Covenant of Grace, the Savior, the LORD, Himself (now being conjoined to Him as a wife is conjoined to her husband in marriage and takes his name as her own we now have the name of Christ or Messiah being an anointed messenger, ambassador and steward of God). And all this is but the revelation of the Lord's Supper. And it is all of Covenant, the New Covenant, because He has satisfied the Levitical Law, and we have become dead to that Law, even though as Gentiles we were never under its yoke of Israel. But were bound to Satan which they are and then we including them are now free to be united with Him in a union that again is going to produce fruit. Now we feel the fruit here then is "The fruit of a soul winner!" Because the 144,000 Hebrews who are sealed by God to proclaim this Gospel, the Gospel of Christ, during the tribulation and will through it be winning souls to God by the millions upon millions (look at Revelation 7, 14). We should be able to win the lost and the unbelieving people to Christ, whether it’s your children, your grandchildren, your Sunday school kids, or whatever the case may be. We should be able to show fruit of Christ's presence in us as the result of our being conjoined to Christ. Remember this is, all Spiritual fulfillment is of an earthly circumstance. Now we have another idea of fruit in Galatians chapter 5. This teaching on fruit is a Biblical concept that we are to be fruitful. How many times have we said, that we are not saved just for a fire escape. But we are saved to be fruitful and to serve, we serve in the carrying out of His Will through the Spirit, to bring His Life and Light before sinful men as Paul did with Lydia.
Before move on I must reveal that James reveals the three areas of Satan's greatest influence which are mans flesh, the world, and the devil in James chapter 4. And in all of these he tells us to resist the devil and seek the kingdom rule and righteousness of God through which the devil will flee from us.
Galatians 5:16-18
"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, (in your daily life) and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. (in other words you can’t just drift, because it’s a battle) But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law."
We don’t have to worry about not stealing or doing all those sins listed in the next verses because the Spirit will not allow us to move in that direction. However as we allow the ontological essence of Christ to grow within our born again soul, the head of our old man of flesh was only bruised. He or it is not yet dead, it has to be mortified through resistance through our own will, in which the "I" of pride rules. But most people just take these for granted today. Everybody’s doing it, there’s nothing wrong with these or that the attitude of the world, and what are they?
Galatians 5:19-21
"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."
Now these are the things of the flesh, which is running rampant in lawlessness and all that is of the world causing strife and chaos, but coming down to verse 22, and now what do we see? Fruit. In this particular verse, it’s the fruit of the Spirit, but goodness sake, who is the Spirit working in? The believer, who by now is a receiver of what? The fruit of Christ. The fruit of the Spirit is that which comes from the believer who is under the control of the Spirit. One who has sought and found the key to the gate, door of the kingdom, which John the Baptist, Jesus and then Paul proclaim. And then the 144,000 will also be proclaiming with much zeal, that they have to be sealed to protect them throughout the seven years of tribulation. For before the final day they too will be taken from the earth. Now returning to our original subject, in the last part of verse 23 says, "against such there is no law," Do you know what that means? There’s nothing bad about any of this. None of the fruit will ever cause an up lifting of evil in a community. They all enhance goodness and truth in every day living, and look at them.
Galatians 5:22a
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, (see the Colossians had this Agape Love that all true Christ-like ones know, which causes them great) joy,…"
We are in a world that is frantically chasing after happiness. They never talk about joy, they are always wanting to be happy. But remember there is a vast difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is simply the results of your circumstance. Everything is going great, you have money in the bank, and a new car in the garage, a new home to live in, the kids are all doing okay. Boy who couldn’t be happy with that, but it is still and will remain an empty happiness. Because in most cases its without Christ. But joy is a Spiritual thing as fruit of His active presence. Joy comes as a result then with our peace with and rest in God! And that’s why Paul says in Philippians over and over, "Rejoice." Not because they had all these material things, they didn’t. In fact many of them were destitute and in abstract poverty of them. But because they had this salvation, because they were right with God, then consequently they could be joyful. So it is the fruit of the Spirit. Now continuing on with verse 22.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Colossians 1:9

"For this cause we also, (because of their love and testimony) since the day we heard it, we do not cease to pray for you, (and now here comes the Apostle’s desire on behalf of these new believers) and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;"
How many professing Christians today can claim to have any of this? Not very many! Because this is deep, this is not just the stuff on the top of the surface like the scum which floats when there is the presence of pollutants in the flowing water. (I must pause here to say this, Paul states that he serves the gospel with his spirit [in Romans 1:1, 9, 16:25, 1Corinthians 15:1, Ephesians 6:19] and then that he did not water down or blend his gospel with the old religion or anything else that he grow up in [ 2 Corinthians 2:17, 4:1-7 [verse is our targeted verse 2], Romans 2:16, Galatians 1:11, Colossians 1:5, 1Thessalonians 1:5, 2:2, 4; 2Timothy 1:10].) This is down in the deep still waters of the things that really matter in the knowledge of His Will, in His Wisdom and spiritual understanding (the pearl of greatest cost or price). You know, how many times have you heard people say, "Well you know, it’s just blind faith." No, it’s not just blind faith. We’re supposed to know what you believe. In Truth or Fact we are all required to know just as Israel was required to have known the day of the Lord's first visitation, but did not! All the prophets spoke of it but the Priesthood and therefore the people didn't know Him. We are all suppose to have an understanding of the Word. So that when Paul says if someone asks, "What is the hope that you have?" You should be able to show them from the Word. And that is what he means by “being skilled at it and be able of,” turn to portions of Scripture and let the people read it. This is what God’s Word says. He also says "that you might be filled", that it will just control our and then their lives, and thinking, in the knowledge of His Will and Wisdom and spiritual understanding. Now verse 10. This comes down into the nitty gritty of their everyday lives, Monday through Saturday, no but Sunday also.
Colossians 1:10a
"That ye might walk worthy of the Lord (a person that the Lord Christ would not have to be ashamed of and be what kind of a person?) unto all pleasing,"…
I personally do not buy this stuff that a believer has to constantly be like sandpaper to the world around them. I don’t think that’s necessary. I don’t think we have to constantly rub people the wrong way. But we are to be able and empowered to speak Truth at all cost of Love which is over flowing without compromise. We’re not going to just go with the flow. Because there is great error in the multitude of people, such as the crowds that rise up to be a riotous, and often times become a mindless gathering. We do not have to be irritating those people around us. Paul never teaches that. But as we stand for the Truth, we do it in a way that is pleasing to those around us, Jesus was very skillful in this, He is it's Master. And that is what he’s praying for. Now we've said that we’d stop at the word "fruitful"-
Colossians 1:10b
"…being fruitful in every good work,…"
That is not the merit of salvation, remember. Salvation is not of works. We do not work for salvation, just as we do not work for Redemption. But we work for rewards. And if we are going to have rewards, we are going to have to have fruit. Now that is a term that is used quite a bit in the New Testament. We are going to take you back and are going to chase a few of them down. Let’s go all the way back to John’s synoptic gospel and a portion of Scripture that most people are fairly acquainted with and that is the vine in chapter 15. Let’s start at verse 4. These are the words of the Lord Himself during His earthly ministry. But before I do I want to reveal this about the word, “LORD or LORD” as it is often used. Here is the definition of it; Master, Father, husband, husbandman and the word vine, also in the ancient old English use it means the one who is the guardian of the bread. With this in mind turn to John chapter 15.
John 15:4-5
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear (carry, it does not produce) fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches; He that abideth in me, and I in him, (there’s that positional phrase that Paul enlarges on in this chapter and others that we studied in Ephesians, especially) the same bringeth forth much (what?) fruit (who brings forth the fruit?): for without me ye can do nothing."
We can not help carrying fruit. If you have a healthy relationship with Christ as a result of believing this Gospel then we are positioned in Christ and consequently we are going to be a fruit bearer. But the last part of the verse is the key: "For without me ye can do nothing." So whatever we do, we do it with His power, and His help and the result is that we are going to carry fruit, because He is the fruit producer in us. Now let’s turn on over to Romans chapter 7, where again we have the word fruit used in a different connotation instead of a vine and branch (remember also Abraham is the root of the vine for Israel, but at the time of his calling he was a gentile, a son of man, and we become the branches [we benefit from his fatness] and Christ is the fluid, ie. water, which flows through both out through the branch to produce the fruit, this fruit is the same fruit of the fig tree metaphor, which is true goodness and truth, in Matthew 21:10-19, Mark 11:1-14). We are talking here about a marriage relationship. Now this of course is Paul’s basic doctrine of being separated from the Law, and all of it’s demands, which end through death, which releases both parties from the oath. By and through Grace then we come into a totally different relationship. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Colossians 1:9a

"For this cause…"
What cause? The cause of Christ and the love that he’d heard was active and very much alive in these Colossi believers. We should not dare forget what were they just a few months or years ago? Pagans! And pagans or infidels, didn’t know what true Love is. There are missionary friends down in Bolivia and other places in South and Central America the missionaries shared with me through the social media or the last time they were home, how they were doing a translation for some of those primitive tribes and every once in awhile they get hung up in their translations because those people just don’t have a word for something. Do you know what one of them was? Love! They didn’t have any idea what love was. They didn’t even have a word for it in their vocabulary. Isn't that shocking? But listen, when you have people who have never been exposed to the Love of God and the Truth of this Gospel, they don’t understand real Love. And these pagans especially had no love. And consequently they could follow all those gods and goddesses and stuff because there was not a true understanding of love.
Colossians 1:9
"For this cause (because he understood that the Colossi believers knew what love was now all about. They loved each other, through the Word, they could love God-Christ and so he says for this cause) we also since the day we heard it, (what do we call that today? Reputation. What was the reputation of these Colossi believers? They were loving, sincerely, these godly ex-pagans) do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding."
What do you suppose he was praying for? That it wouldn’t stop! That it would just continue and grow expediently. And this is the reason, the Scriptures tells us that Christ-likeness in true Christianity literally turned the Roman Empire upside down and it was because they were so sincere in their love, first for one another, as well as for the Word and God Himself. None of those other gospels have the power which Christ's Gospel has, they like Judaism are weak and beggarly and pale when stood side by side with this Gospel.
We all need from time to time to ask the Holy Spirit for new infilling and more of the Truth which He alone reveals to us through God's Word, Christ Jesus. For here Paul tells us that if we need knowledge in all wisdom and spiritual understanding of God's Will, all we need is to ask and He will accommodate our request. Why? Because He is our need and therefore He is the source or the supply of that which is needed. Is this not what James also says in his letter addressed to the scattered Hebrews, in James 1:5 and 3:17? If we are in need of heavenly or divine wisdom all that we need do is to ask and thank Him for our receiving of Him Who is our need.
We appreciate it so much when you e-mail or tell us on Face book that you’re studying the Word and are enjoying it and sharing it with others. That is what we are here for. This is what we want to show from the Book of Colossians – how these early Christians didn’t just sit on what they had gained, they shared it, they spread the Word and that of course, is our responsibility even today. Let’s get back to Colossians where Paul is introducing a prayer that he offered continuously, on behalf of these Colossi believers, because it is also appropriate for us today. This same prayer is for us and it behooves us in turn to pray it for fellow believers. I might also include those who are hostile against us in word and deed. It’s also practical and don't forget, what were these people a few years ago? Pagans and infidels, with no understanding of the Old Testament. For our day many may claim to have some kind of handle on what is revealed within the context and language of both the Old and New passages of scripture but when the ribber hits the road they miss the mark.
They did not have the Old Testament. They did not even have any of the New, though I would rather call it them by the word, “Covenant”. Because that is what it is between God and those who have chosen His Salvation over remaining a child of Satan. And so the more you think about that the more amazing it is that here we have a group of people that the Apostle Paul can deal with on this level ground (for this is what John the Baptist did for all of mankind, he brought about the leveling of the mountains and making the path straight for the Lord, in Luke 3:3-6, quote from a passage from Isaiah 40:3) and know that they knew what he was talking about. And then bring it on up to our present situation. My, it should be so much easier to teach these things today. Where people have at least, a cursory knowledge of the Old Testament and they have an understanding of how Jesus who became the Christ was born at Bethlehem and so forth. Those people didn’t have any of that. And so it really should be easier now but it isn’t. Human nature hasn’t changed one iota. These people steeped in paganism were just as human as lost people are today and it took the same power of God to bring them out of that as it does to bring a lost and unbelieving person to the Light even today. And so Paul goes on. 
Colossians 1:9
For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;”

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Colossians 1:5

"For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof you heard before in the word of the truth of the (this) gospel."
As I was mulling over this. I got to thinking maybe I have not been emphasizing enough that one of the fruits of our Salvation is not just the hope of glory, but Eternal Life. Think about it for a minute. You probably haven’t heard me or anyone else emphasize that as much as we should have. Listen, when we’re saved we enter into the corral under the tutor of the Holy Spirit (much like Israel was held in. But since Christ's ascension and return in the person of the promised Holy Spirit, we have one advantage which the ancient nation of Israel did not have, the Holy Spirit's infilling) Who's assignment is to bring us to the crisis through which our reward is instant. If we choose to take the required old (or ancient) path, this path takes us to Eternal Life through the gate of death, as against our physical death. If we choose wrongly we will after physical death, will face judgment and the second death. And this is all part of the package. If we can understand that within this estate (of our redemption) there are times of nights darkness or periods of what could seem to be separation from God. How long it takes us is determined by our willingness and teach-ability as a young child, in childlike trust. Its here that we learn to trust the Holy Spirit, in much the same way Jesus as the son of man and Paul did. You see the disciples had one advantage, they walked daily with the LORD and through His words were sanctified, washed from a defiled and evil heart. For this is the significance of His washing of their feet the evening of the last supper. That when we step in by faith and embrace this Gospel, God imbues us with Eternal Life. This Life is contained in the Light which divides day from the darkness of night and is the source of all natural life. That means that we will never die or face His judgment. We may however be within the birth pains of the tribulation period without knowing it. Now we know that we think of it casually, as now spring into place. But we're going to hit the nail on the head a little harder. Do you know what it means to have Eternal Life? It never struck me until the other day when I was reading an article on how many billions and billions of years the universe is.
I got to thinking, goodness, even if it is that old, and we don’t believe it is, but if it were, do you know that we’re going to live way beyond even that length of time? Do you realize that our Life in Light, will never end? That is beyond many and I think it’s beyond most of you, as it was me. But see, this is all part of what Paul is talking about. Redemption is for the here and now, but so is salvation for the here and now, not only are they a fire escape that we’re not going to go to Hell, or experience the wrath which is still to come but that we have Eternal Life! And life is something that is vibrant. Life is something that is exciting. Life is something that there’s never a dull moment in. You know we're afraid (not with fear) that when we get to the place that we have not a quality life, I for one want to be gone. No one wants to lay around as a vegetable. I know we don’t have much control over that, but if we could have our desire we’d want to go from one day of activity on this earth and then be gone. Because that’s what life is all about. But listen when we get into eternity, it will be vibrant. It will be exuberant and it’s going to be forever and ever. You know when we hear Handel’s Messiah, at the end part that says, ‘forever and ever and ever’. I wondered if the people who are singing or listening hear that do they really know what they’re hearing or singing? Forever and ever and ever! That’s Eternity where Life in Light is vibrantly active. That’s what Paul is talking about.
Colossians 1:6
"Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you since the day ye heard of it and knew the grace of God in truth."
We're going to deal with the word "fruit" when we get to verse 10, so we are going to skip it here in this verse. When we get to verse 10 we’ll see what he’s talking about when he prays that we’re to be fruitful.
Colossians 1:7-8
"As you also learned of Epaphras (the gentleman who we feel brought this letter to the Colossians and was probably instrumental in getting that congregation started) our dear fellow servant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ. Who also declared unto us your (what’s the next word?) love in the Spirit."
Before we get into love, did you catch the phrase, “faithful minister of Christ”? Not everyone out there is a faithful minister of Christ, many teach or proclaim the Jesus of the Old Testament because of a lack of knowledge. Many teach or proclaim the gospel of holiness, or of works under the Law or a gospel of name it and claim it, or a feel good gospel and how about the “LOVE” gospel. All of these and a few others are what Paul calls another gospel, which are in effect No gospel of consequence for any one. Because there not this Gospel based on Christ, His Grace, and His activities within the New Covenant of Grace, though no where is it called that in the Old Testament. Now that should be the very epitome of a believer’s life, His Grace and our love for the Lord Christ Jesus, first and foremost. You love the one who died for you and bought you and forgave you. Who now works His Salvation within us under the cover of His Covenant of Grace and Eternal Life. Because of this then love just literally goes out all the way around us to our family, co-workers, fellow believers both see and experience His Love flowing through us. Love is the key, as Paul teaches it throughout his letters. Because Grace, Faith and even Truth all work through or because of the law of Love, God's own Agape Love restored within us. This Love is what woman and then Adam lost when they through mankind under the bus and died to God. By acquiring Satan's character and likeness within man's flesh or soul. And suffered the curse placed on him and the ground in what many call mother earth. They call it mother. Because they have no understanding of just what is revealed in Genesis chapter 1 about man as a spirit being before he was given a suit of dirt as a home in which his spirit was and is housed, in chapter 2 of Genesis. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Colossians 1:2-3
"To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ (see how he positions them?) which are at Colossi: Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you."
Remember, I think it was back in the Corinthian letters where he was listing all the pressures and tribulations he was going through, and how many times he was cold, hungry, whipped and in prisoned and on top of all that he had the care of the churches! Well, this still on his mind constantly. Those little groups of believers, scattered throughout the Roman Empire. He was praying constantly for them and his prayers have carried over to our day as well. Because many of us have picked up on the theme of these prayers and so they remain active even now. In verse 4 is our proof that he’s never been at Colossi. He’s never seen these people.
"But since we’ve heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love which you have to all the saints,"
It is James who says that “faith without to proper course of action (works) are as dead men.” Here Paul demonstrates the proper course of action that all true believers, who are In Christ reveal through their action (works) of the law of Love in faith. Have you ever had someone ask you, "How can I know that I’m really saved?" It’s a good question. We don’t mind a bit if someone sends and e-mail or asks such a question on our Face book wall and says, "Now Bill, you’re always talking about someone being a true believer. How can I know that I am a true believer? And not be compared with the multitude of others who are simply church members and sitting in their pew for an hour on Sunday morning and hope that they’re okay. Because they have a green card (a get out of jail, judgment pass) which will allow them entry into God's Kingdom of Heaven. How can I know that I’m a true believer?" You know what my first answer is? "Do you love the Word of God?" And then we follow that right up with the second one. "Do you love being with God in Christ and people of like precious faith? Are you willing to say the hard things and then suffer for the truth of Christ?”
In fact I just had a gentleman who asked the same question and I said, "Okay. Do you have a love for the Word of God?" He said, "Yeah, I do for the last couple of years. I just can’t get enough." To this I said, "Okay, then my next question is, do you enjoy being with God and people of like mindedness or would you rather be in some other location instead of a Bible centered conversation?" He said, "I hear you. I hear you." Well, that’s just exactly what Paul is saying here. What was the proof of their faith? Their love for fellow believers! See, the world doesn’t love us. The world would much rather have us be out there in some church building or some other place of amusement than to be in a Bible study or open dialog. Not in the store or business some pace talking about our latest revelation of Christ. You know that. But we’re to be that way. We’d much rather be with fellow believers studying or having a frank dialog of the Word, than being out there being entertained in some ungodly way. That’s always the mark. And so here again he says that the proof of their faith was the love that they had for the saints and their fellow believers.
Now that doesn’t mean that every believer is perfect. We don’t think we even have to like every believer. There’s a difference between love and like. Isn’t that right? We hope we don’t get our foot in our mouth. But we do maintain there is a difference between liking someone and loving them and you don’t necessarily have to do both. We’ve got to love them, but you don’t necessarily have to like someone who rubs you wrong and doesn’t have the same interests that you do. They don't all believe this Gospel of the Lord Christ Jesus as we do. They may be stuck in the corral under the tutor within what we've called our first estate (redemption’s beginnings) and don't even know it. And you just certainly wouldn’t say, "Well I just wish I could spend every day of the week with that individual." No, you don’t have to like people all that much but we have to love them. And there’s a big difference. Love is that which seeks the other person’s highest good, though they resist your every advance of reproof. These people had a love for the fellow saints.
The LORD just gave me an illustration which may help in our understanding of His Love at work within each of us. What He showed me is something I learned when in Jr. high school's science class. When we take two magnets and place them with the south poles facing each other they oppose (push away) but when they are turned north to south they attract. So it is with those of the same spirit who have within them His Spirit. Love attracts Love, His nature and character restored and active attract each other. This also serves to illustrate why so many oppose those who posses Him.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Remember in the account in the book of Acts where an Ephesian silversmiths were losing so much business in making images of their idols and these new found believers were throwing them away and were no longer buying them. Listen, you know what that tells us? He made such an impact in the city of Ephesus that it affected the business people who were selling idols and so forth. Can you imagine what that must have been like? In the magnitude of this idolatrous business which by the way has been passed on down through the ages, beginning back before the flood. And now these men are without any support. This is the same way with Colossi. Colossi was just a little city just a few miles inland from Ephesus and it was evidently a congregation that had been begun by one of Paul’s converts at Ephesus, Epaphras. And then from this one individual a little congregation began, being made up of mostly pagan people and it included a few of Judaism, who have become believers.

So as Paul writes this letter, remember he’s never met these people. This is one group he writes to where he didn’t know one of them, but by faith. It was still the result of his and Epaphras’ ministry, Paul's being based in Ephesus, a few miles away. So remember that whenever Paul writes to these believers, they had just recently come out of abject paganism, idolatry, which was not limited to the worship of the gods and goddesses only but included Judaism as well. Then to be able to bring them to the place where they would separate from all that and then endure the persecution that was brought on them. We can imagine what they went through as we receive reports of such brutalization still in our own day. This brutalization is earthy and comes up from the pit where Satan is being held and is demonic. Because the natural nature of all fallen mankind is as Jesus Himself told the Priest's, was their very own nature, this is seen in Romans 8:7-8, Ephesians 2:1-3 and then Jesus' own words in Matthew 15:1-20 and Mark 7:1-23 and then what Paul says in Romans 3:10-19, Galatians 5:19-21, to which Paul then addresses as our new nature in Titus 3:2-6.
Because here we are, in our enlightened America, and with all of our Constitutional rights and we can’t get people interested. Isn’t it amazing? For this is the every work of the familiar spirit known as religion (of Isaiah 19 and 29 and in Revelation is addressed as being the mystery of Babylon) which has such a grip on this country and all the others of the world. And yet, Paul and his own disciples went into those pagan cities, steeped in their idolatry, and did nothing but proclaim this Gospel of the kingdom of heaven and of our returning to God and they came out by the scores. Well, that’s the background of this little letter to Colossi. Inland from Ephesus which is on the western end of present day Turkey and a congregation, as we said, who he had never met personally, but he had heard of them through Epaphras and consequently he writes this Epistle. This mystery Babylon many claim to be the Roman Catholic church not realizing that all of mans many religious forms spring up from the very same ground that Israel's own religion turned inwardly to.
Colossians 1:1a
"Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,…"
A lot of people, have gotten the idea that Paul was some kind of an egotist. That he just sort of went out on his own. When in fact, the Corinthian church kind of accused him of that. That he’d just sort of gotten this idea that he could start something on his own and he was making inroads into Judaism and all that. No, here he makes it so plain that his apostleship was by the Will of God. And of course, Timothy is with him. And remember he is writing from prison in Rome.
Colossians 1:1b
"…and Timotheus our brother."
Here we are emphasizing to whom is he writing? To the saints, believers or the receivers of the ontological essence of Christ's own Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. One of the seven Spirits of God as seen in Revelation. Paul always writes to the believer, the Christ-like ones, who were dubbed Christians. Never to the lost world. He is writing to the believers and the few on the edge that are what maybe rightly called an unbeliever or backslider. And so these are Gentiles with a few Hebrews among them, who are like us and so this is why we can read the books of Colossians, Ephesians, and so forth. And know this that the setting could just as well have been said to the believers in the United States of America in 1676 or 2012 or whatever year we happen to be in. It could have just as well been so.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

Colossians is written primarily to warn the Colossi believers, as well as us today, of things that can so easily make inroads into our belief and trusting onto faith. Now you might say that you didn’t know that Paul dealt with any false teaching in Colossians, Yes, he does. He deals with two facets. One of them was athleticism. Now most people, probably hear the word and don’t really understand what it means. Athleticism is that teaching that you had to put down all the desires of the flesh, by mortifying the flesh. To become a burnt offering to God, but this does not a line up with our being a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God, as our reasonable service (Romans 12:1-3). And it all has to do with "you can’t do this" and "you can’t do that" and "you can’t enjoy this" and "you can’t enjoy that" through the religion of this present darkness. Much like the Holiness movement of our day. In fact, I think that some of the early church monks and the monastery type of people would just literally put themselves through misery for that very reason, that they were not to enjoy a single day of life. Hoping thereby to gain favor with God. You’ve probably heard of the hair shirt, where they would just wear that shirt with the hair next to their skin and just be miserable. Well, they thought by so doing they were pleasing God.

Then on the other hand we have those people who were trying to convince the early church believers that there was more to it than what Paul had given them. And that you had to get in and get understanding of the angelic powers and some of these things that we would say today were the New Age movement and so forth. We are still up against the same things. In fact, we’ll let you read the two verses where this is brought out the most clearly. They are in Colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 and then the other concept is in verse 16. And so the whole of Colossians revolves around these two warnings. It is just as appropriate today as it was when Paul wrote it.
Colossians 2:8
"Beware (that’s a word of warning.) lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, (that's where it comes in that "you can’t do this or that" and "you’ve got to put yourself down and keep your appetites under control", the subtle forms of mans religion) after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, (not God’s Word that they’re following, but man-made devices, which is spiritual fornication and idolatry as we've said religion fosters, as forms of self will) and not after Christ."
Now let’s go over to verse 16 and here we have this warning not to get caught up in these things that we do to, again strength in our flesh, all the while trying to merit favor with God.
Colossians 2:16-17, 18-19
"Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday (religious holidays), or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days; Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. (or the body is Christ's, meaning of His own making) Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, by not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministers, and knit together, increases with the increase of God."
What does this mean? Don’t get hung up on what day of the week you worship. You’d be surprised how many e-mail letters and Face book messages we get that say, "Aren’t we supposed to be keeping the Sabbath's, Easter or Christmas seasons?" You see, here is the warning in verse 16. Don’t get hung up on those things. We have to answer with one stock answer and that is that we’re not under Law. The Law demands Sabbath worship, and seventh day Sabbath. We’re not under anything like that. And so here is the warning. Don’t get hung up on these things as to what you eat or drink or a holyday (holidays) or a new moon or Sabbath days (all the old religious Jewish holidays under the Old Testament, they have all passed away in the flesh of Jesus and were buried with Him,  in God's eyes as His original intent). Now look at verse 18. And this is another warning.
Colossians 2:18a
"Let no man beguile you (or deceive and defraud you) of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels,…"
Do you see what that says? A voluntary humility is something you force on yourself to literally put yourself down so that somehow God will be kind and feel sorry for you. So don’t be taken in by that. Ignorance is not bliss by any means.

Colossians 2:18b
"…intruding into those things which he has not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind."

In America for the last few years have you noticed this constant emphasis on angels, especially at Christmas or Easter time. Everything you see is angels, angels, angels. Popular television shows have something to do with angels, either of good or evil. I’ve seen it and we can a test to the imagination and imagery that they amount to. And listen, we’re warned that we don’t get involved with things like that. We’ll be commenting on that more strongly as we come through it verse by verse.
Anyway, this letter to the Colossians was, along with other things, written to warn us of various types of false teachings all of which are contained within mans religion. And as always remember, we're afraid too many believers today do not get the concept of what the Apostle Paul was up against when he went out into that Gentile world. He did not have a great army of advance men. The fellow had maybe one or two of his co-workers, Luke or Barnabas, or whoever, would come in to these cities steeped in paganism. And even as you visit some of those ruins of those ancient cities, we can see the ruins of these ancient temples. Especially in Athens, the female goddesses, umpteen of them, just standing there in a row up on top of those columns. That’s all they saw. Everywhere you look it is a constant reminder of their worship of the gods and goddesses of mythology and along with what is gross immorality and out and out idolatry. This was the setting way back during the early days of history which Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah and the others had to deal with. And into that environment comes the Apostle Paul with nothing more than this Gospel. And yet this Gospel was so powerful that in the midst of all that idolatry he by the Holy Spirit was able to bring people out of it and put their faith in the finished work of the cross, and through it transformed lives.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Colossians Study Outline

I have been silent for many days now, because of a turmoil within me. You see the farther we get into Christ the farther He gets into us. This is what Paul called, "the working out of our salvation." What I mean by this is that He has the liberty to shine His Light throughout all the hidden and dark reigns of our soul and yes, even our body of flesh, in search of all the hidden leaven, much like the Hebrew children do. This may mean that we experience all the old habits formed and cultivated years ago while we were yet children or during young adolescent years. These things for many many of us have been repressed, pushed back and even forgotten. But none the less they are still counted as being appetites of our fleshly, earthly lusts of one form or another and we have to loose them to the LORD for His discharge of them, in the mortification of our flesh man. This flesh man may take a head wound but that does not incapacitate him, it just weakens him somewhat. With each encounter we are to repent and turn all our attention of the LORD, Christ Jesus and ask for forgiveness for our failure to withstand even the voice of our flesh. Because this voice when allowed a place will always seek mastery over the still small voice of our renewed heart. If we ever think that we have gained the higher ground while we still are here on earth we deceive ourselves and the Truth of God is  not ours, as we suppose. We must turn to the power of His resurrection within us to overcome all the works of evil one, that had been forged by our own actions many years ago.

Seven-Fold Prayer of Paul for Us

Before I get into this study I must acknowledge the wealth of knowledge both natural and spiritual (James 1:17-18) which I have received first from God the Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit who are one Spirit, and are known as the Spirit of all Truth and now indwells me, just as He may indwell you. Then such mystics as St. John of the Cross, Jacob Behman, William Law, Andrew Murray, Major William Ian Thomas and lastly James A. Fowler of Christ In You Ministries and Watchman Nee, E.W. Kenyon and a few others who's materials I read during our early years as babes in Christ, while I struggled through our first estate in redemption. As with all of the outlines used by me, which I have taken the basics fundamentals from Les Feldick and his program of “Through the Bible with Les Feldick”, as they are the most simple to use and to follow. From them the Lord has expanded my understanding of Him, in answer to the question He asked of me, “Are you ready to take My yoke upon you to learn of Me? To which I answered Yes Lord! This is found in Matthews synoptic gospel chapter 11 verse 29. I have been laboring for many years in the seeking of His kingdom and His righteousness through which we are to acquire the knowledge of Him.
I would like to give a few words of introduction before we start this book. Remember that Colossians is also one of Paul's prison Epistles that were written while he was in prison in Rome. And it is in the category of letters that is a jump up, doctrinally, from his introductory letters of Romans, Corinthians and Galatians and the letter of warnings addressed to the Jewish believers of Hebrews. This letter he had written by someone else's hand because the antagonist and Judaizer who were causing troubles for those Hebrew believers who had left Judaism behind them to walk with the Lord. And as soon as we get into these prison Epistles of Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians it’s just higher ground, spiritually speaking. With the Epistle to the Galatians as a sort of middle ground, just a step below Ephesians. This is progression into deeper waters because of the revelation (knowledge and understanding) of Christ in me, that these Epistles stress and reveal. And these are elements of the faith that I am afraid too many people are just glossing over or are not paying any attention to, but it is paramount if we really want to get into the depths of the Word of God, and therefore I have to do a study of these prison epistles. And share what I discovered in them. At all times keeping in mind that all scripture is an ever increasing revelation of Christ, from Genesis through Revelation. A mystery or secret hidden for us to dig our way through and while doing so we learn to trust and to increase in love of Him.

I posted the Galatians letter in my other blog site because in it we find the deeper walk that God calls all of us to. Ephesians, is just almost totally doctrinal. And shows where our position, as receptive believers is in the Body of Christ. When we have learned how to apply God's Faithfulness in our receptivity of His Grace activity. What does that mean? It is a position. It is something that the Old Testament believer knows nothing of. We are in the Body and are connected or conjoined to Christ, in a partnership of one, with the Head, the LORD of lords and High Priest Who fills us, as the all in All. Even though He is in glory and we are still on earth, there is still this connection. And so Ephesians brings that out. Then Philippians brings about the fact that even though we may be going through trials, temptations and tribulations, we have every reason in the world to rejoice. Rejoice, the Apostle Paul says, in spite of our circumstances. Because its through this process of sufferings that God through Christ in us works out our Salvation. In the perfecting of His divine Glory without which NO one will see God, within us. So that when we reach Glory/Heaven we will Glorify Him because His Glory has become our Glory just as it did Christ Jesus, we have become a son of God while still on this planet. The Philippians were advanced in this revelation of Christ restored in them and they revealed this knowledge of Him in their steadfastness of faith through Love. A Love that they did not have prior to this His revelation being revealed to them and in them. It is known as a Royal law because even the law of faith works through this Love, when it is restored within our pure heart, a pure heart operates on God's Love and Will as the bases of its pure motive, not the fleshly, earthly motive of self above all else, which springs up from the earth.