Monday, February 15, 2021

What many may call "New Age" is not so, it is a higher intelegence.

I shall use the Mirror Study Bible, authored by Francois du Toit, to gain from its insight.

I shall for this area draw from John's letter as he walked with both Jesus Christ and Paul for some 30 plus years before he wrote his memoirs of what he heard and saw. For example none of the other disciples better captured the conclusion of the LORD'S mission as Christ than does John, "In that day you will know that as I am in My Father, you are in Me and I am in you!" of John 14:20. John had no desire to outwit the others in giving an even more accurate accounting of Christ's record. The life that was manifested within his gaze and then tangibly within him he embraced in fellowship of the highest order. He wrote of his most extend reality to his immediate audiences, as well as the next generations in 1John 1:4 where we find this; "In the beginning this to complete your joy!"

Now unlike Matthew and Luke who wrote some 30 years prior to him, John did not bother to locate Jesus in the setting of His natural lineage. Instead John declared, "In the beginning was the Word!" Before history or the laying of the worlds foundations were even laid the Word was!

That being stated humanity pre-existed in the logic of GOD! John understood that the Word was both the eternal source and destiny of all things and that nothing could ever reduce or confine the Word to an isolated island experience, neither could the Word be trapped or caged in by human doctrine or tradition ie,,,religion. For the authentic integrity of GOD'S thought would forever be preserved and celebrated in His carnation within His created beings ie,,humanity; all human life is the uninterrupted present and future of the Word.

Have you even noticed how often John made use of the word, egeneto, from ginomai, meaning birth or origin in the first chapter: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was face to face towards GOD, and the Word was (ie,,is) GOD. All things came into being (ginomai, from genos, to give birth to) through Him; and nothing has any authentic existence outside of their origin (ginomai) in Him.

In Him is life and this life is the light of all men. This light is shone in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not (kata+lambano, to seize upon, to grasp). This true light that enlightens everyone has come into the world. The world was made (ginomai) through Him, yet the world knew Him not; He came to His own (this being all of humanity, not just Israel), as as Israel received Him not (para+lambano, to grasp, associate with as in be in agreement with).

For in everyone who by His faith comprehends Him to be their true origin (lambano, comprehend, grasp, identify with), in them He sanctified and sanctions the integrity of their sonship (didomi, in this case to give something to someone that already belongs to them, thus to return to), the fact that they already are His own, born from above by the resurrection, they had their beginning and their being in Him (eksousia, integrity, legality, authentic authority, legal grounds)! Jesus came to reveal humanity's true sonship; He vindicated and sanctified our origin and design making all of humanity innocent from that instant and forwords.

"And the Word became (ginomai) flesh (ie,,human) and now the tabernacles in (en) us!" Not just 'among us' as religion proclaims and so do many translators and translations suggest! Of John 1:1-14. For; "As He is so are we in this world!" 1John 4:17.

Now I am about to do somethings that I have not done before as I have already posted this. Now taken for John 1:2;

John 1:2 "The beginning mirrors the Word face to face with GOD," Now nothing that is witnessed in the Word distracts from who GOD is. "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." (John 14:9) The Word that was from the beginning was not yet written nor spoken; It was simply face to face (Gen. 1:26-27) with GOD! The beginning declares the destiny of the Word, He will always only be who GOD is and concludes in GOD.

I am bring this to where we find that we echo, resonate Him, the Word, as light is alive as a sound force. A means of communication, within those of a higher force or the renewed mind of Romans 12:1-2, that same level of intelligence that Adam had in Genesis 2.