Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part LVIII

Well, that’s our confession. That we have placed our faith in the Christ of Glory, the Creator of everything, the One Who took our place on that Roman cross, the One Who arose victoriously over sin and death. And by believing what He has said, He has done everything that needs to be done! All that His last supper meal reveals about Him as Christ the Lamb, body, bread, water, wine and blood of all that was kept in secret or veiled as a fragmented picture from Israel has now become visible to all by the Holy Spirit.

The Bible tells us that we're indwelt by the Holy Spirit and we don’t need a signed certificate, We don’t need anything else. When the Bible says that we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we believe it, we're to trust Him and that’s where Faith comes in. We don’t feel it. We don’t have some magnificent out-of-this-world experience. The Book says it." And that’s our confession. What Christ has said and has accomplished, we believe it and so then it becomes ours by trusting Him and His Faith plus Nothing. (Galatians 2:16 and Philippians 3:9)

Now lets get back to Hebrews chapter 3,and verse 2.

Hebrews 3:2 "Who (Christ Jesus) was faithful to Him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house." We're not going to take the time to go back and look at the Scriptures. We could look at a bunch of them, but we all know enough about Moses that when God spoke to him at the burning bush; sent him back to Egypt for the purpose of delivering the children of Israel out of slavery, he was obedient to that and went through all the turmoil of the plagues and dealing with Pharaoh. And then the rebellious stiff-necked people.

But then the culmination of it all was, he brought Israel out of Egypt and took them down to Mount Sinai. There at Mount Sinai, God gave the Law to Moses and Moses took it down the mountain and gave it to the children of Israel. He was faithful to everything that God commissioned him to say and do. Never do we have a record that Moses himself failed. He was disobedient a time or two but he did not fail what God expected him to do concerning the Nation of Israel. And so he was totally faithful and every Hebrew that had any concept of all of their Old Testament heritage had a high esteem of Moses.

Of course, of Abraham as well, but we're speaking now because the Scripture is, only of Moses. Their deliverer, the one who brought them out of bondage (a from of the world in type), the one who gave them the law, and the one who led them, as we’ll see a little later in this chapter, in that horrible 40 year period in the wilderness. But Moses was never found unfaithful. He was God’s faithful servant.

Consequently, when the Hebrews in Christ’s earthly ministry tried to pin Him down with some questions on doctrine or teaching, what did Jesus tell those Hebrews? Well, you have Moses, go back and see what Moses said. Because he was faithful and everything that Moses had been instructed was according to God’s dictates. So Moses is set up as a prime example of someone who was faithful to the commands of God. There was not a point in Moses’ past where there could be any doubt that he was God’s man for the hour. He was always faithful. He heard God's voice and acted upon what he heard, unlike the Hebrew children who covered their ears because they did not want to hear the Words of God.

But, what’s it building up to? You remember we showed when we first started Hebrews this whole Epistle is a comparison of things that were good, but this is better. Absolutely, Moses was great. He was a man that God (Yehovah) entrusted. He was a man who remained faithful to everything God commissioned him to do, but when it comes to the comparison, he pales next to the Lord Christ Jesus.

So here we come now, here’s another instance where we have the comparison in chapter 2 that He is higher than the angels even though He was lower for a little while. But Christ cannot be compared with the angelic host. His power is more than the multitudes of angels put together. So now then, verse 3:

Hebrews 3:3a "For this man..." The word man has been added by the translators, but they’re still right in doing it because this is what we’re looking at. We’re looking at the God Man Christ Jesus. The One Who had walked the dusty roads of the land of Palestine, the One Who had walked the way of the cross, the One Who had suffered and died for our sins, the one who paid the ultimate price with His body and His Blood. The Blood which carries the power of an Endless Life this that seals us and the New Covenant and though not called such as the New Covenant of Grace, as Christ is the Covenant and its power.

Hebrews 3:3b "For this man was counted worthy of (what’s the next word? More. See the comparison? As great as Moses was, this man makes Moses pale into insignificance.) more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who has built the house has more honor than the house." Now here we come back to an everyday experience. Whenever we see someone building a lavish home, when it’s finished, people probably drive by and admire it and that’s all well and good. But what has more esteem than the house? The guy who owns it, the guy who built it, the guy who had the wherewithal to bring it all together. This is exactly what we’re showing here. Moses was great. Moses filled a tremendous slot in human history as well as the Hebrews history. But this One, this Jesus of Nazareth, this Man, this God Man, is not only the owner of everything, He made it!

This is why we're fairly confident when we say the vast majority of professing Christians do not understand that Jesus of Nazareth was the Creator of Genesis 1:1. It just shocks them to even think about it. But He was! He was the Creator of everything! Now where does that put Moses? Moses is nothing when we compare him to that. Moses was a part of the creation. Moses was just simply, a faithful servant. This is the Creator we’re talking about!

We’ve used this analogy over the years. Look how the world will flock to famous people. If the Pope flies into some place, the highways will be chocked full. It will just literally put it into a traffic gridlock. Why? They want to see this famous man. Or any other famous individual, the people will flock just to get a glimpse of this famous individual. And yet, this man, He’s not just the head of a great number of people. He’s not just a famous athlete. He’s not just a famous politician. He’s the Creator of everything and why can’t people get excited about that?

We serve the Creator! The One Who called the universe into being. The One Who at the spoken Word one day, we think, will be able to just bring it all back to that zero beginning it came from and He’ll speak the Word and there will come a new universe. It’s the same One. Remember, as great as Moses was, he was nothing compared to the Creator whom we serve and Who was the Author or as it said back in chapter 2, the Captain of our Salvation. Verse 3 again:

Hebrews 3:3 "For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses inasmuch as He who has built the house has more honor than the house." Come back with us to Colossians chapter 1 starting at verse 14. We’ll be looking at verses 12 –13 later on in Hebrews, so we’ll start here with verse 14.

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