careful * for nothing;..."
fret, also to be full of care, troubled, anxious.
We all have seen those little wall plaques that say, "why worry when
you can pray." There is more to it than what appears at first sight. We are
not supposed to worry, fret or be anxious over anything. We can be
concerned. We think everyone of us have concerns, and we have that
right to have those concerns, but we are not to fret, worry and be
anxious to the point of wring our hands or have cold sweets over a
matter. Neither are we to promote our own interests because they are
the promoting the Religion of self. What I mean is this, for years and years my
family and I believed the twisted wrested gospel of name it and claim
it, health wealth and prosperity, tithing until you dropped all for nothing and the two kingdoms gospel. I also
fell prey to the proper name usage thinking and the Israel only
mentality thing of past, present and future. We took scriptures out
of context and forced them into what we thought their meaning and
purpose was. Little did we know or understand the words of Christ, when He
stated that the kingdom suffers violence and that people force their
way into the kingdom by violent actions, which is just what we were
doing in ignorance. We were unwittingly promoting self-righteous in
this kind of behavior, even though it seemed that scriptures said we
were to be doing these things. We were removing God and making
ourselves gods in our habit and practices, this is the WARNING, our behavior, which was
unbefitting of those who call themselves by His name. This we learn
when He, the Holy Spirit, begins to open our understanding, knowledge of, and reveals
Christ within us.
Holy Spirit's battle for supremacy over our self-will waged on
for more years than I care to count. Not a battle of arms but for
spiritual territory within our being and our rightful place in the
heavenlies. This battle is between what ever Religion we are hooked
to and our freedom from it and its hold on us, a form of binding and
loosing. I would liken it to the battle for one of the beaches of
Normandy, which the Americans fought the Germans for at the start of
WWII. This battle wages hourly over and for the souls of mankind in
the heavenlies without end. Between the forces of evil Religion and
Christ's arm until the lost souls of humanity are won. This is what
the book of Revelation reveals is Christ's warfare for our souls,
waged in the heavenlies. Because He defeated Satan and bruised his
head and we do likewise when we have learned Christ, the whole reason
and purpose for the first estate of redemption. To bring us to our
willingness (the removal of the speck of sand in our eye, which
appears as a log in our brothers eye) to suffer the lose of all
self-righteous and self-rule, the stronghold or strongman of
religion. How is it we recover what was lost?
but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving..."
does not do us any good to petition God if we forget to thank Him,
for it in advance, as we pray. Thanking God is the criteria, that is
to be our modus operandi for prayer. Make it with thanksgiving. But
we must search out our motivation for we may be wanting (our desire,
is self exultation) that which is not good. We must at all times have
this mind in us, God will do what God will do in His time and in His
way. If we are wanting or lusting for Him to do, then we are trying
to force our own will (self) on the situation. We have no right of privilege to demand or decree anything of God. If we think in this way we are of most men deceived.
in mind that God is a just judge and at the same-time an unjust judge
because He weighs out our silent motivations of the heart. He will not stand for a
decree and declare mentality, a bless me bless me of a self-righteous
state of mind, even when it may be according to our (external,
material, literal) understanding of His Word. Why? Because we may not
be rightly dividing His Will, Word and Law. Study the disciples
prayer as it is relevant to all such prayers of need and our behavior
as found in Luke 11:1-4 (Psalm 10:17, 19:14, Romans 8:26-27, Jude 20
and then we have James 4:2-3). This prayer contains the functionality
of the secret things of the kingdom of heaven/God which is His rule
restored within man as known in Genesis 2:7 and Redemption of 3:15
and the Salvation of Genesis 1:27, when understood and seen and heard
in the spirit of man through the Spirit of Life.
your requests be made known unto God...."
is not limiting our request. It can be anything as long as it is in
Godly reason of course, but let our requests be made known to God.
Here we can come, and ask with thanksgiving, but God may say, No!
He may say, no not right now, maybe
later. He may say, Yes. But regardless
how He answers, in verse 6, we have already the answer in verse 7. We
have the answer to our prayer here in verse 7, and what is it?
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