on the other hand we have those people who were trying to convince
the early church believers that there was more to it than what Paul
had given them. And that you had to get in and get understanding of
the angelic powers and some of these things that we would say today
were the New Age movement and so forth. We are still up against the
same things. In fact, we’ll let you read the two verses where this
is brought out the most clearly. They are in Colossians chapter 2 and
verse 8 and then the other concept is in verse 16. And so the whole
of Colossians revolves around these two warnings. It is just as
appropriate today as it was when Paul wrote it.
(that’s a word of warning.) lest any man spoil you
through philosophy and vain deceit, (that's where it comes in
that "you can’t do this or that" and "you’ve got
to put yourself down and keep your appetites under control", the
subtle forms of mans religion) after the tradition of men, after the
rudiments of the world, (not God’s Word that they’re
following, but man-made devices, which is spiritual fornication and
idolatry as we've said religion fosters, as forms of self will) and not after Christ."
let’s go over to verse 16 and here we have this warning not to get
caught up in these things that we do to, again strength in our flesh,
all the while trying to merit favor with God.
2:16-17, 18-19
no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a
holyday (religious
holidays), or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath
days; Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. (or the body is Christ's, meaning of His own making) Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, by not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministers, and knit together, increases with the increase of God."
does this mean? Don’t get hung up on what day of the week you
worship. You’d be surprised how many e-mail letters and Face book
messages we get that say, "Aren’t we supposed to be keeping
the Sabbath's, Easter or Christmas seasons?" You see, here is the warning in verse 16. Don’t get hung up on those things. We have to
answer with one stock answer and that is that we’re not under Law. The
Law demands Sabbath worship, and seventh day Sabbath. We’re not under
anything like that. And so here is the warning. Don’t get hung
up on these things as to what you eat or drink or a holyday
(holidays) or a new
moon or Sabbath days (all the
old religious Jewish holidays under the Old Testament, they have all
passed away in the flesh of Jesus and were buried with
Him, in God's eyes as His original intent). Now look at verse 18. And this is another
no man beguile you (or deceive and defraud you) of your
reward in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels,…"
Colossians 2:18b
into those things which he has not seen vainly puffed up by his
fleshly mind."
America for the last few years have you noticed this constant
emphasis on angels, especially at Christmas or Easter time.
Everything you see is angels, angels, angels. Popular television
shows have something to do with angels, either of good or evil. I’ve
seen it and we can a test to the imagination and imagery that they
amount to. And listen, we’re warned that we don’t get involved
with things like that. We’ll be commenting on that more strongly as
we come through it verse by verse.
this letter to the Colossians was, along with other things, written
to warn us of various types of false teachings all of which are
contained within mans religion. And as always remember, we're afraid
too many believers today do not get the concept of what the Apostle
Paul was up against when he went out into that Gentile world. He did
not have a great army of advance men. The fellow had maybe one or two
of his co-workers, Luke or Barnabas, or whoever, would come in to
these cities steeped in paganism. And even as you visit some of those
ruins of those ancient cities, we can see the ruins of these
ancient temples. Especially in Athens, the female goddesses, umpteen
of them, just standing there in a row up on top of those columns.
That’s all they saw. Everywhere you look it is a constant
reminder of their worship of the gods and goddesses of mythology and
along with what is gross immorality and out and out idolatry. This was the setting way back
during the early days of history which Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah
and the others had to deal with. And into that environment comes
the Apostle Paul with nothing more than this Gospel. And yet this
Gospel was so powerful that in the midst of all that idolatry he by
the Holy Spirit was able to bring people out of it and put their
faith in the finished work of the cross, and through it transformed
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