Sunday, December 4, 2016

Our Spiritual Richness

I just looked at Norman Grubbs post for today and because of what is revealed I will share here.

By Norman P. Grubb

"So, we go to the end of this chapter about the rejection of Israel. Paul talks a little more about faith. The last thing he says here to Israel, “All day long I have stretched forth my hand unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.” Can you imagine God, this authority, stretching forth His hands for mercy? Paul speaks later on about God beseeching us. Can you get that? Almighty God saying, “Oh I do beg you to come?” That is God. But, that can’t be the first thing you have to learn. The first thing you have to learn is that God is GOD and hell is hell; heaven is heaven and products are products. Then it doesn’t turn out that God predestines a person to hell. It means that we are all predestined to hell and to heaven. We are all Esaus. And, the end of Esau is a lost eternity. But, the very same person who says, “That is my law and that is my rule.” If you follow in the way of self, you go the way of ‘spirits in prison.’” Now you get it; that is it. That is the wrath.

That is the God Who says that, because that is a fact. He said, “I predestined My Son before the foundation of the world to shed His precious blood for you. My own Son, God in Christ, Who reconciled the world unto Himself by the death of His Son. That is Me. And, I will save you who are to be saved.” But, that is the hidden secret which has to fit into the fact that you get what you are meant to get. But, God is always merciful. All day long He held out His hand through Jeremiah, Ezekiel, to this disobedient gainsaying people and some found Him. You get at the end a classic verse in the eleventh chapter, the 32nd verse—“For God has concluded them all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all.” Concluded is an old fashioned word for “shutting up”. In other words God meant for us to be unbelief. “You have gone your way. Okay. Be unbelieving."

That is a way when a person comes to me and says, “I believe that I’m an atheist,” I say, “All right then you be an atheist.” I won’t fight them—be an atheist; get all you can out of being an atheist. One day they will come to me and want the solution. Don’t fight them. Let them be an atheist. Be what God made you. If you are a rotten person, be a rotten person. But, I warn you, “You will have to learn the hard way, because that is God’s mercy.” He shuts us up in unbelief that He may have mercy, not that we may have judgment. That is God."

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