Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The saga of "The Secret of GOD", as revealed by 1John 5:13, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

John now endorses the name above all names as the true Son of GOD and certifies that to know him is to know the life of the ages, eternal life. Now there is a word used here that many may not understand, as it has a broad use word and it is "know," in our case to know the Lord Jesus Christ, is likened to know your wife and for a woman is it to know her husband. In others words to really know; In scripture, to have sexual commerce with, or maybe more correctly put to have and posses an inner knowing him. Not an "of" him, or simple in him, but a real inner knowing, as in being one. Now before I get to it there is a verse in this chapter that for thousands upon another thousand years has caused much argument among Bible scholars and theologians, it is verse 16 and for that reason I am omitting it from my study text. For it seems to have been inserted by a zealous translator, as its language and use indicate. It has no bases and the only possibility of reference is back to Numbers 18:22 in the Septuagant where have, "And henceforth the people of Israel shall not come near the tent of meeting, lest they bear sin and die." Henceforth the distinction between sins unto death and sins not unto death became common in Rabbinical writings. It might by noted that this type of doctrine is what gave rise to the heresy of indulgences and people getting baptized on behalf of the dead!

1John 5:13-17 "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; That ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death." (KJV)

1John 5:13-17 "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life. And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death." (ESV)

1John 5:13-17 "My intention in this writing is to endorse our belief in the name of the Son of GOD; [you are and stand thoroughly convinced that the name Jesus means that he is indeed the Savior of the world.] To know this is to know the life of the ages! Thus we engage in an [1]unreserved conversation, [2]face to face with the Father; We know that it is his delight to be our audience in whatever we may ask him. (The word [1, G3954 from G3956 and a derivative of G4483 ] parresia, is from (G3956) para, a preposition indicating close proximity, and (G4483) rheo, to pour forth; to flow freely, suggesting unreservedness in speech; Bold utterances. The preposition [2, G4314 ] pros means towards, face to face, here translated as, in. It is not a question of whether we are asking anything according to his will or not; But rather a statement that it is his will to hear us in whatever we may ask of him! And to do so as being Jesus doing the request of asking, not as religionists would have us say, "in Jesus name." ) And convinced of his delight with us within this place of intimate conversation, it becomes clear that our every request is held in the same echo-we already have what we've asked for! [1]Disharmony in relationship is [2]unlike the true rhythm of our being. The deception of a distorted image will [3]not face death again! ( The word unrighteousness, [1, G93 from G94] adikia, is from (G1) a, negative or without form and (G1349) dikia, indicating two parties finding likeness in each other;  thus a relationship in conflict. The root of sin is to believe a lie about ones self. The word sin, is the word [1, G266 from G264 from G1 and G3313] hamartia, and it is from (G1) ha, negative or without from and (G3313) meros, portion or form, thus to be without our allotted portion or without form, pointing to a distorted disorientation, distorted, bankrupt in identity; the word meros, is the stem of morphe, used in 2Corinthians 3:18 the word (G3339 is from G3326 and G3445) metamorphe, with form, which is the opposite of hamartia - without form. Sin is to live out of context with our original blueprint of our design; To behave out of tune with GOD'S original harmony. Look at Deuteronomy 32:18, "You have forgotten the Rock that begot you and have gotten out of step with GOD who danced with you!" The Hebrew [H2342], khul or kheel , means to dance. The root of sin is to believe a lie about yourself. Sin is not unto death or, sin will not [3] face [pros] death- this is the whole point of the gospel! Jesus as Savior of the world; The Lamb of GOD took away forever the sins of the entire world; He died humanity's judgment death. Look at Hebrews 9:27-28, The same goes for everyone: a person dies only once, and then faces judgment! Christ dies once and faced that judgment for the entire human race! His second appearance has nothing to do with sin, but to reveal salvation for all to fully embrace him. Look at 2Corinthians 2:15, We are a sweet savor of Christ unto GOD evidenced in everyone we meet. The fragrance of Christ is recognized in all unto salvation. The same gospel that announced the fragrant victory of Christ declares the order of death; The defeat of destruction in everyone! [This parade of victory (Matthew 27:51-54; Isaiah 26:19 (Galatians 2:20), Hosea 6:2-3, 13:14, Daniel 9:24, 12:2; John 5:25-29, 1Corinthians 15:51, Colossians 1:27, 2:11-14, 1Thessalonians 5:10) Is a public announcement of the defeat of the religious systems and structure at work in the world based on delay and future practise, with the works of the Law of self indulgences. Just like it is in any public game where the victory celebration of the winning team is an embarrassment for the losing team. The death of evil is announced in resurrection life! The word, apollumi, is derived from apo, away from, and ollumi, to destroy, to ruin.] The message we communicate is a fragrance with an immediate association; To darkness, it is the smell of doom [the death of death]; To life it is the familiar fragrance of life itself. We are not competing with those who have added their price tag to the gospel. Our conversation has its source in Christ; We communicate from the transformation and transparent of innocence of a face to face encounter with GOD. [The Law of personal performance or kapeleuo, meaning retail; Which is a gospel with a price tag.] Revelation 20:15 also notes on lake of fire and the second death.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

Now once again we have covered allot of ground and I hope that it did not choke anyone in what it revealed. May the LORD increase our ability to acquire more of him.

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