Saturday, January 4, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, chapter 4:6, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Now picking this train of thought back up with verse 6 of the Revelation of Christ through the eyes of a redeemed mind as seen in the Mirror Study Bible.

Revelation 4:6-11 "The Throne was located in what appeared to be a sea of transparent glass, like crystal! And as if [1]fused into one with the Throne and [2]engulfing it from all sides, I saw four Living Beings, all eyes, gazing ahead and behind! ( See Exodus 24:10, and they saw the GOD of Israel; and there was under His feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness. The word, [1, G3319 from G3326]mesos in the midst of; is from (G3326)meta - suggest an immediate closeness as in an inseparable union. The word, [2, G2945] kuklo, to encircle. Ezekiel 1:4, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber.) The first Living Being resembled a Lion and the second a [1] Young Animal, the third Living Being had the countenance of a [2] Human, and the fourth looked like an Eagle in full flight! (The word, [1, G3448] moschosa, tender juicy shoot, a sprout; a delicate young animal - typically of a young animal for sacrifice - the idea was that the younger the sacrifice the more its innocence was emphasized! Hebrews 9:12, 19.

The word for the [2, G444]human species, male or female is anthropos, is from ana, meaning upwards, and tropos, manner of life, character; in like manner. Look at John 1:51 of the Mirror subject matter.

These four faces beautifully picture the completeness of salvation! The Lion who became the Scapegoat-Sacrifice in a Human face now ascends in resurrection language on Eagles wings! See Isaiah 40:30-31.) And the four Living Beings each had six wings pointing upwards, these wings were rotating continually in a full circle. They had eyes everywhere, engaging with their complete horizon within and without! Day and night they continued without pause to proclaim, Holy! Holy! Holy is the GOD whose Lordship is the supreme authority over all things, whose I-am-ness defines time-present, past and future. (See the commentary notes on Rev. 1:4. The origin of the word (G40; H2282) hogios, is translated, holy, can be connected to the ancient yagios having the Hindo-European root of yag-, that means, "to give honor.") And [1]whenever the Living Beings would [2]repeat their 3]esteem of his glorious reputation and worth and the [6] inexhaustible goodness of the grace of the One seated upon the Throne, the One whose life spans across the [5] perpetuity of the ages, (The indefinite temporal clause (G3752) hotan, means whensoever and the future active indicative [2, G1325] dosousin - to give, to present-rather than the more common second Aorist Active Subjunctive dosin, to communicate the notion of repetition rather than unbroken continuance, "whenever they give." The word, [3, G3191] doxa implies esteem, reputation; is from (G1380) dokeo, to form an opinion. The word translated thanksgiving, [4, G2169] eucharistia, is from (G2170) eucharistos - is a word that again has 2 components, (G2095) eu, good; well done and (G5485) charis, benevolence, grace. The [5]perpetuity of the ages - eis tous aionas toon aionoon.) then the twenty four representatives of the entire co-enthroned, co-seated Ekklesia would desecend from their thrones and prostrate themselves in the awesome presence of Him who [1]forever sits enthroned; the One whose life spans the perpetuity of the ages! And they would worship Him and cast their crowns before the Throne saying, (The tense of the word, [1, G2521] kathemenon, the seated one, suggests the one who forever owns the Throne! Present, Participle, genitive-possession, "of;" also origin.) "Our LORD and our GOD! You are worthy to take the glory and the honor for the dynamic competence displayed in every detail of all of creation! yes, everything owes their existence to your resolve and for your pleasure we were created!" (See Colossians 1:16, Everything that is begins in Him whether in the heavenly realm or upon the earth, visible or invisible, every order of justice and every level of authority, be it kingdoms or governments, principalities or jurisdictions; all things were created by Him and for Him.

John 1:3, All things were made by Him; and without His was not any thing made that was made. (KJV)

Hebrews 2:10, He towers in conspicuous prominence far above all things. He is both their author and their conclusion.) (the Mirror, with editing.)

Now this sets the stage for chapters 5-16 and so on it goes. Until our next visit may the LORD again increase our understanding and knowing of Him.

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