Saturday, February 29, 2020

"The Secret of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revelation of Christ, between the chapter notes on chapter 13-2a, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Now to bring the note on the Mark of the Beast to a close, after it comes, "An Open Heaven."

The mark of the Beast: continued;

Hebrews 8:12-13 "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. In that He saith, 'A new covenant,' He hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." (KJV)

Hebrews 8:12-13 "'For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.'" In speaking of a new covenant, He makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." (ESV)

Hebrews 8:12, "This knowledge of Me will never again be based on a sin-consciousness. My act of mercy, extended in Christ as the new Covenant, has removed every possible definition of sin from memory!" ( GOD'S memory of our sin was not what needed to be addressed in the redemption of our innocence. GOD did not have a problem with sin-consciousness, we did! he wasn't hiding from Adam and Eve in the garden; They were hiding from Him! What needed to be addressed were our perception of a judgmental GOD, which were the inevitable fruit of the "I-am-not tree system," and mentality.

Revenge, judgment, guilt, condemnation, inferiority, shame, regret, suspicion...ect. could not be treated lightly; They are the enemies of romance! If rules could do it, then the law would be our opportunity to save ourselves, simply by making the correct decisions, such as repentance! If willpower could save us then Moses would be our savior! But, alas! "The good that I want to do I cannot!" Rom. 7.

The scapegoat system would be introduced to somehow address and attempt to manage the consequences of sin. The typical "eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth" scenario would be substituted with the idea of a scapegoat. And so, every system of sacrifice carried some significance, but only as far as it pointed to its weaknesses in dealing with the root of the problem, and the need for a better solution! We needed more than forgiveness of our sins; We needed a savior who could rescue us from our sinfulness! This was not merely a means whereby we could get rid of the cobwebs; The spider needed to be killed! The "pay now, sin later-system" had a very real sell-by date!

See Hebrews 10:2-3, Had it been possible to present the perfect offering that had the power to successfully remove any trace of a sin-consciousness, then the sacrificial system would surely have ceased to be relevant. But in the very repetitions of these ritual sacrifices the awareness of guilt is reinforced rather than removed.

GOD does not demand sacrifices; He provided the sacrifice! The ultimate sacrifice for sins would never be something we did, or brought to GOD, to appeal to Him; But the shocking scandal of the cross, is the fact that humanity is confirmed with the extravagant, embarrassing proportions of the Agape of their Maker; He would go to the most ridiculous extreme to finally convince us of His heart towards us! In order to persuade us of our worth to Him, He speaks the most severe scapegoat language: "Behold the Lamb of GOD, Who takes away the sins of the world!" This completely disarms religion! Suddenly there is nothing that we can do to persuade GOD about our sincere intentions; That is GOD persuading us of His eternal Agape dream!)

"Why the other tree and why the temptation in the garden?"

I think the picture that we are presented with in the garden of Sabbath abundance, and of the two trees and the temptation, presents us inevitably with the full scope of our design! We are not robots who are to simply respond to our Maker in remote control fashion.

To give ultimate context to the setting of paradise beauty, we were presented with the opportunity to consciously and spontaneously fellowship with our invisible maker and to explore the dynamics of our own being there; And from that place of knowing that we are known we would reflect what we discover in fellowship union and intimacy in Eloyim and in one another! We were desinged to explore the limitless dimension of our being as referenced in our Source.

The temptation was to follow the suggestion of an alternative idea that maybe we are not perfect by design; Maybe, we thought, even Eloyim knew that we are not really what They had in mind, and would therefore feel threatened by our knowledge of good and evil; Maybe that is the reason They didn't want us to eat of the fruit of the "other" tree, we reasoned!

The alternative tree gives us the opportunity to engage an alternative system, whereby we have to now prove to ourselves, and to one another, as well as to our own being and design, independent of our Source!

The quest tp prove my I-am-ness would now become my constant drive; instead of finding and celebrating me in fellowship with my Maker and my fellow human beings, and also in my harmonius co-existence with paradise nature, I have to now strive for it in the fruit of my own efforts to become something I already am by design, perfect and esteemed.

And so we have exchanged Eloyim's perfect approval of us, based on Their perfect knowledge of us, for our imperfect knowledge of ourselves and of one another, proved by the inevitable evidence that our disappointment with ourselves and with one another. 

The "I am not-tree-system" would continually be re-enforced by feelings of shame, guilt, inferiority and competing, which sadly brings with it every shade of hostility and frustration and the corruption that our history and societies have borne such horrid witness to.

The Law expressed and confirms the existence of these systems and their dominance in societies and philosophies for many centuries.

The Agape of GOD, the Engineer of our being, demonstrated in the unveiling of our inclusion in the death, decent into our hell, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, reveals that we are rescued from the lies that we have accepted and believed about ourselves, about our Maker and about one another! We are presented with a brand new beginning! The old things passed away! Behold, everything has become new! 2Corinthians 5:14-21.

See also 1Peter 1:18-19; Psalm 40:6-7, "It is clear to see that you were ransomed from the futile, fallen mindset that you inherited from your fathers, not by the currency of your own labor, represented by the fluctuating values of gold and silver, and the economy of your religious efforts; But you were redeemed with the priceless blood of Christ; he is the ultimate sacrifice; Spotless and without blemish. He completes the prophetic picture! [In Him GOD speaks the most radical scapegoat language of the law of judgment, and bring final closure to a dead and redundant system! In Ps. 40:6-7, it is clearly stated that GOD does not require sacrifices or offerings! Jesus is the Lamb of GOD! He collides victoriously with the futile sacrificial system whereby offerings are constantly made to the pseudo, moody, monster gods of our imagination! This is the scandal of the cross! GOD does not demand a sacrifice that would change the way He thinks about His humanity; He provided the sacrifice of Himself in (as) Christ in order to forever eradicate (exonerate) sin-consciousness from our minds and radically change the way we think about our Maker, one another and ourselves! [Sin-consciousness is in essence a works-based consciousness.]

Now immediately engage your thoughts with the reality of our co-seatedness in Christ in the highest dominion of life, and discover there the bliss of your redeemed innocence and your eternal oneness! Colossians 3:1-4) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In our next visit the LORD willing we shall look into the last note of chapter 13, "An Open Heaven." Until then may the LORD restore your knowledge of Him. (Mat. 11:29)

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