Monday, April 27, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 19's hidden insights, part 2a of 4, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are now beginning our look into the "Shepherd-King of the Nations" as our subject mater. This comes from Revelation 19:15.

The Shepherd-King of the Nations!

Revelation 19:15, "And from His mouth proceeds a sharp double edged sword - the words of His utterance cuts to the core of the heart of the Nations and He shall shepherd them with an iron scepter. And on His own He will tread out the wine-press of the intensity of the passion of the Sovereign GOD of the universe." (See the notes at the end of Rev. 2 with reference to Psalm 2:7-8 on the Rod of Iron.)

Revelation 2:27, "You will [1]shepherd the nations with a royal scepter and shatter [2]their 'alienated mindsets' like a potter's vessel of clay." (John quotes Psalm 2:9, 'You shall break them with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.' Sadly the Hebrew Masoretic Text uses the word, [the use of a prefix or suffix in Hebrew and Greek changes a words meaning in usage] (H7489) רָעַע RAA - to be bad, be evil, to be displeasing, to be injurious, to be wicked, to do injury or hurt, to be mischief; Instead of the same sounding word, (H7462) רָעָה RA'AH with a Hay at the end and not an Ayin, which means to Shepherd! Also in the Septuageint, the Greek word (G4166) ποιμήν poimēn is used! You shall feed them as a shepherd nurtures his flock. With reference to the [2] alienated mindset that rules the nations, see Numbers 24:17, "A scepter shall rise out of Israel; It (He) shall crush the forehead of Moab (an incestuous son, rebellious, unbelieving, one of a wrong mindset)!" The Shepherd's staff was never intended to beat up the sheep but to protect and free them from any possible threat!)

Revelation 11:15-18, "When the seventh Shepherd-Messenger sounded his trumpet, there was a massive crescendo of voices in the heavenly realm, saying, "The kingdom of the [1]cosmos has become the kingdom of our LORD and His Christ, and He will reign as king for  all the ages of the ages." ( Remember Rev. 10:7, "In the days when the sounding of the seventh Messenger's trumpet commences, the mystery of GOD will be fully realized in exact accordance to the Good News He announced to His servant the Prophets." Already in Rev. 7 we saw the eventual outcome of what is portrayed here in Rev. 11,,,etc.) Rev. 7:9-10, At his moment I saw a massive throng of people, impossible to count, standing tall and innocent everyone of them dressed in white with palm branches in their hands; They have escaped everything that could possibly define them as a non-Jewish Gentile world! In fact, every sphere of society were there - including the entire spectrum of people-groupings; Tribal identities with their unique language-specific dialect preferences; They were all present there facing the Throne and the Lamb as the people of the planet! (Amazing how, in the previous verses the tribes of Israel are associated with a very specific "number" when it comes to the prophetic details of the entire Jewish nation as a prophetic voice of GOD'S intention in Abraham to release the blessing of a single SEED of GOD'S Faith and bless all the nations of the earth! Count the stars, count the sand!!!") The preposition ek, points to the source or origin; humanity was delivered out of their national, geographical and historical identities! The palm branches and white robes are signs of the celebration of victory and joy. The word stolay, is the white outer garment worn by kings, priests, and persons of rank.

I looked again. I saw a huge crowd, too huge to count. Everyone was there --- all nations and tribes, all races and languages. And they were standing, dressed in white robes and waving palm branches, standing before the Throne of the Lamb.)..Then I heard the masses shouting as if with one thundering voice saying, "Our salvation is secured by GOD who is seated upon the Throne and endorsed in the Lamb's doings!" The word, [1, G2889 probably from the base of G2865 kolumbaō, from a primary word κολυμβος kolumbos (to tend, that is, take care of); to provide for] kosmos, in the NT it refers to the entire human race as a family unit with their social structures.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

In an effort to keep things short so that we don't loose anyone's interest I will cut this short and the LORD willing, will complete this in our next visit. Until then may the LORD of wonders and light help us all in our daily struggles to keep His faith.

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