Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ, chapter 21's hidden insights, part 1 of 2, with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are and have been since 2007 been digging into the Secret Things of Deuteronomy 29:29 and what Jesus called the Mysteries in Matthew 13:11's mysteries and Mark 4:11 Mystery. Like a skilled researcher we have been digging throughout the text of Scripture to find all things hidden about the Christ and while doing so we have discovered many other things of interest for us all. And Not like a Bible School (college or university) taught theologian, who have a good business education, who  become a person of letters.

The New heaven and New Earth:

Revelation 20:10-11, 4, "The Devil, who led them ( as recorded in Genesis 3, Adam and woman, after words the humanity of this world) astray will be hurled into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where his puppet partners, the Beast and the False Prophet have already been confined to. Day and Night they will be the subject of GOD's [1]touchstone for the ages of the ages - the very atmosphere of the entire universe will be thoroughly fumigated from any evidence of Satanas' existence. (see the notes on the [1] touchstone in Rev. 14:10 shared elsewhere in this blog) And I (John) saw a huge white Throne and it was as if heaven and earth fled away from the presence of the one seated upon this Throne and its place was never found again. ( Daniel 2:34-35, Rev. 12:8, This means that there is no accusation in the heavens or upon the earth that could possibly stand in the presence of the Lamb, the One seated on this Throne of Judgment judges in Righteousness - His Throne gives testimony to all of humanity's redeemed acquittal. see Hebrews 1:3, "Having made purification/sanctification of sin(s) He sat down." There exists no more evidence that could be brought from any sphere or dimension that could possibly testify against the human race - Acts 17, "The GOD of Creation has overlooked the times of ignorance and Now urgently persuades all of  His Humanity everywhere to awaken in their understanding to this fact of their total innocence - He appointed a day and a person (Deu. 18:15-19, with its wronging 20-22) and on that day and in that person GOD judged the world in righteousness and of this he was given proof by raising Jesus from the dead! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the official receipt and verification confirming all of humanity's restored/renewed/regenerated innocence! Romans 4:25. The entire universe Now bears witness to humanity's redeemed state of innocence.).....I saw thrones and those seated on these throne have been given judgment. They are the souls/spirits who didn't worship the Beast or it image (Dan. 2) , and did not take his mark (corrupted mindset, a willful action of rebellion, resistance, delusion) in their foreheads or on their (implanted in) hands. The system of the Beast [1]axed them because of the Testimony of Jesus and because of the Word (revelation) of GOD, since they didn't fit into the religious mold! They are the living beings, joined together in the Christ Life, reigning from their joint-seatedness in the Throne of the Lamb for a thousand years. (see the note on the thousand years of chapter 20, in part 1 of 3. In Rev. 1:2, John gave accurate evidence to the Word of GOD and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, exactly as he saw it. [It is this Testimony of Jesus Christ that is the context of the prophetic word.] The word, [1, G3990 from a derivative of G4141 plēssō, as a potter pounds the clay and G4111 plasso, to mold] pelekizo, to cut off, from (G4111) plasso, to form, mold something from clay, wax, etc. - used of a potter - they would not be molded into a distorted mindset or image. Rev. 21:1, Mat. 19:28, "Jesus said to them, 'Truly, I say to you, in the (1) rebooting/regeneration of mankind, when the Son of man shall sit on His glorious Throne, you who have followed Me (He did not disclose what the Nations of humanity would be, because He was under restraint of the Law, Psalms and Prophets) will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.'" The word, (1, G3824 παλιγγενεσία, rebirth, is from G3825 and G1078 ) paliggenesia, suggests a complete restoration to our original identity, in modern terms a rebooting. From (G3825) palin, the idea of oscillatory repetition, anew and (G1078) genesis, means nativity, genesis, our life source, as seen in Gen. 1:26-27.) (The Mirror, with editing.)

With our next visit we shall, the LORD willing, begin with a look again at Hebrews 12. Until then  may our LORD GOD awaken all of the world to His truth, light and justice by pushing out of the corrupted mindset to delusional thinking of those not yet awakened.

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