Sunday, July 24, 2022

The Truth Will Set You Free from the Enemy's Bondage (continued)

     So for fun I searched the scriptures for the word "truth" and found that there are many references for it. But what is Truth? One we as humanity are the image of GOD and the Likeness of Jesus, Who came as the Christ (the image and likeness). Which when all is said and done we are the "oneness", identity of. For humanity is the container of Elohiym's presence just as Jesus was so are we. There never was a separation from, just a lose of knowing, this for had there been such GOD would cease to exist. What makes humanity slightly different is that we are made of the earths elements which even Jesus was having come through the birthing process within Mary's womb. For we have as stated the "image of Elohiym" within us and the "likeness of Jesus." Also with spirit (soul) and Their Spirit of Truth and Grace as did Jesus. Jesus Himself speaking of these things many times in plain language and at other times in veiled Spiritual language. Now this may run contrary to the masses of religious foolishness just as it did with Jesus. As my other blog states there is only one way to escape this world and that way is GOD in His wisdom provided all, this being sealed by the Holy Spirit which no one can escape. Though they deny and deny over and over again. Love, Life and Light rules not darkness (sin), this first seen in Genesis 1. For Life is of GOD for life is in the blood, as is His great LOVE for Their creation of Their own likeness and image that resides within all of Humanity in an inseparable state of being though it is denied by the religionist's. All that is offered by the world is fleeting away and is only temporary at it's best. GOD'S creation is sovereign as it belongs to Them. The Webster's Dictionary describes temporary as "made for the occasion, lasting a limited time." Somewhere within the scriptures it says that GOD granted humanity a form of government to which Peter wrote in 2Peter 2:10.

     Before I begin I am not bragging nor do I want attention directed toward me for I have experienced these things for myself; When one passes from this world and enters the Kingdom of Heaven all that was of their past remains in the earth realm, where it is a temporary thing, meaning that it cannot enter the eternality of the Heavenliest. Jesus expressed this to those executed with Him when He said, 'today you shall be with Me in paradise.' For after physical death (of the flesh) there is no tomorrow and no today just Light, Love and Life in abundance. Now, what is religion in fear of?  They which it have no consciousness of, it having been replaced by the corruption of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; It focusing on evil. For by redemption a replacement of that which had been hidden, the Secret things of God and the Mysteries of Jesus. This the true origin of humanity's identity in oneness with Elohiym. Humanity being restored, at ones passing (death), if not before, by the working of GOD in His perfecting of His Will within us. All other earthiness and worldliness dissolves away as if it never existed. For we see the image of GOD each time we look at a mirror before our eyes, and a few see the likeness of Jesus in the same way, they having seen themselves in Him as they hung on the cross within Him. These are the things that I have already experienced as Paul, Abram, Enoch and Elijah and a host of others did. They, not fallen pray to the snare of religion or politics; They had kept their sovereignty. This being the freedom from external worldly controls, in the autonomy of our true identity, the absolute supreme excellence of GOD'S making and doing.

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