Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CXXVIII

Luke 1:70-71
"As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began: That we should be saved from our
(not sins yet but what?) enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us;"

Goodness gracious, who were Israel’s enemies at the time of Christ’s first advent? The same one’s today. It is no difference as there was Egypt, Syria, the Persians, the Babylonians, and the other Gentiles all around them. They were their enemies. Alright, so they’re going to "be saved from their enemies and all those that hate both them and us." How many is that? The rest of the world.

Ever since World War II we like to sort of stick our head in the sand and think that anti-Semitism is a thing of the past. Don’t you believe it. Anti-Semitism is raising its ugly head more and more every day. Now we all know why the Arab world hates Americans. And they do, they hate us! Not because of our prosperity, although that’s certainly a part of it. The liberals would like to make us think that that’s the problem, you know, we’ve got so much and they’ve got so little. No. The root problem is that they feel that we love and are going to do everything we can to support the Nation of Israel and I think it was Osama bin Laden as much as said that. If Americans will quit supporting Israel then he would have backed off too. So that’s basically what’s behind everything, it is the hate for the Nation of Israel. Alright read on, and when this king would come He would come to:

Luke 1:72-73
"To perform the mercy promised to our fathers,
(same fathers that Paul referred to in Romans. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the prophets and so forth.) and to remember his holy covenant; The covenant (or the oath)which he swore to our father Abraham."

It’s been a long time since we’ve rehearsed the Abrahamic Covenant. The Abrahamic Covenant began back in Genesis chapter 12. Where God made three basic tenets to that Covenant.

That Abrahamic Covenant comprised, first the promise of a geographical area of land. Secondly, within that land, He would place a nation of people, the favored nation. The Nation of Israel. The third part of that Covenant was that in order to control the Nation living within the borders of that geographical area of land, He would have to establish a government. And this government is going to be in the person of a King and this King is going to be the Son of God. The Redeemer, the Messiah and that was all promised to Israel. Now those are the generalities.

You see, we have to come through the Scriptures to pick this all up. Because even though this is promised back there in Genesis 15, 16 and 17, yet we do not have the revelation of Who this King is going to be until we get clear up into Samuel. And through the prophet Samuel and Nathan, God reveals that it’s going to be through the House of David. The bloodline of King David and Solomon and Nathan. And through that genealogy then of course, came Jesus of Nazareth. Now that was all part and parcel of that Abrahamic Covenant. Before we continue it may be a good time to say that even the New Covenant of Grace, the Everlasting Covenant is not so called in so many words but like that of which we just spoke of, it requires our putting scriptures together and that mostly by inspiration of revelation by the Holy Spirit. For its only in the Spirit that we'll gain the victory over those things hidden in scriptures because it is He who inspired their writing. Back to Luke, verse 74,

Luke 1:74
"That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out the hand of our enemies,
(peace, prosperity. No fear) and that we might serve him without fear."
That’s what Israel is still looking for. Oh maybe, not so much on the spiritual level but oh, how they’re longing for peace. When they can go to bed at night and not have to worry about having to dive for a bomb shelter. You know, I read some time ago that up there in Northern Israel, just below the Lebanese border, there are generations of young people who from babyhood on up never slept in their regular bed. They slept in beds in bomb shelters in order to be protected from the constant bombarding from the Hezbollah and so forth.

How Israel is longing for peace! And they’re getting just about ready to sell their soul to get it. Well, it does get kind of provoking when you can’t walk down the street without fear of being blown to smithereens. It does get frustrating when you can’t drive down the highway without wondering, well, am I next? My land, you’d be in constant fear. But, this is what Israel is longing for.

Alright, "That he would grant unto us that we be delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear." Now here comes the spiritual element.

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