Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 39 of 39 part 9

This says it all doesn’t it? Even the Apostle Paul, had the Lord not opened Lydia’s heart, how far would he have gotten? As we say today, not even to first base. But you see as Paul was laying out this Gospel of the Grace of God and how that Christ died (we are counted as in Him by God the Father, the Father of spirits and by His doing made righteous, as Abraham was righteous) for the sins of the world, and how He rose from the dead in power, and glory by the Spirit of Holiness. And as Paul laid that out to her, the Lord opened her  for understanding.

Have you ever stopped to think when Apostle Paul began his ministry among these pagan Gentiles and the Hebrews, they had no knowledge of any of this. The pagans, had no knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures or the God of Israel. They had no knowledge of a promised Messiah and King to the nation. Oh they knew those Hebrews were different, but they knew nothing of Judaism or nothing of the Old Testament. And yet this Apostle can come into those pagan cities and proclaim the crucified Jewish Messiah who rose from the dead and they believed it by the thousands. It was to such an extent that it literally penetrated and turned the Roman empire upside down, now this is unbelievable. What about the heathens (as those addicted to idolatry, such as in Religion with the many rites or systems in the rule of self), those called wicked in the scriptures. These are none other than those who profess to be what they are not, not merely hypocrites but are the actual heathens. Because they by way of common core and usage abuse and profane God's name and Christ's Body. They by habit mock Christ's Gospel and the kingdom of heaven which is the true House of God's rule. Because Paul's Gospel is not what is proclaimed by the masses today nor is it known in Truth. Instead the worlds religion and its many fingers of deception are what are being brought out and received as truth. But many will ask what about the Jews, the Israelites and Islamist's or Muslim's they worship God. To this I would ask, do they? I ask this question, because of what Jesus implied to the Samaritan woman about true worshipers of God, who will worship Him in spirit and truth, because God is Spirit. Which is to imply that these kinds of people worship another spirit, and other god, they do not who or what he is. But those who become His disciples will know the true God of spirits, in His kingdom. This all takes us back to 2Corinthians 6 and the comment of Paul there stated dealing with the disciples of Belial, the infidel, the ones who disbelieves the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the divine origin of true Christianity.

At least we, when we share this Gospel with people, hopefully they have a certain amount of knowledge but what about the understanding of these things? They at least know the story of His birth and death with its accompanying resurrection and ascension if nothing else, but those people had none of that. So the Lord opens their understandings, and immediately they could embrace it, they could believe it, and of course Lydia’s house, became the very first congregation on the European Continent. But it took the Lord supernaturally opening the hearts mind and the thinking processes of this lady so that she could comprehend what Paul was talking about. So always remember, whether it’s us, or anybody else, we are just beating the air unless the Lord opens the heart and the mind to receive the illumination in those we are witnessing to.

Ephesians 6:17
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:"   

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