Monday, January 20, 2014

Our service to all.

I'm not trying to come up with something new .... why do I do this...because the Lord impressed it in my soul by His Spirit, to help and minister as He leads....I can only obey....If one person is helped it's worth, I don't know everything...but...I do know Who is at work....I listen when I'm being taught....When a circumstance comes up I may miss it sometimes but because God is patient with me, when I fail, I have learned how to walk in faith's darkness, I don't quit....If one person can learn, then it is all worth that which is written, many may not understand, just read, pray and seek the Word and worship God as Father, then He will start imparting His Love, Grace and Truth and understanding within you...we are all about helping people....though at times some of the things revealed may seem as heresy...we all need to learn of the Lord, for this is what He has asked not only of me but you also in Matthew 11:28-29, 30.

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