Friday, February 24, 2017

Sheep not of this fold.

In John's synoptic gospel Jesus is quoted as saying that He has other sheep not of the Hebrew fold, or household, this is chapter 10 verse 16. Throughout this chapter Jesus is building up to what He shares in chapters 14 through 17. For it is in chapter 17 that His high priestly prayer is found which speaks of God's plan and purpose for Jesus' coming in the first place. For the next few weeks I will look into this teaching and revelation of GOD being restored to the soul of all humanity after the ascension and the day of Pentecost. This is spoken of in Hebrews in the use of the term the day of transition or transformation, in other areas it is spoken of as "the day of the LORD," there being many such days in mans history. The term "Christ" is the central figure of expression used as we are to become identified as being Christ ones in the family of God. Now this also causes confusion among many because of other terms used such as church and body. Now here is a big one, there is no nation of God as being a singular nation nor is there a church as a singular unit. In fact there is no church or synagogues spoken of in the heavenly kingdom. Because God's kingdom is composed of people of all tribes tongues and nations being brought into one family, as part of His divine being. This is seen in the Revelation of Christ after the first three chapters where the early churches are being warned and spoken of. Then chapter 4 begins with the vision of a door in heaven this door Jesus spoke of as being Himself in John 10:9. So John like Enoch before him enters this door located in Heaven as they are both Christ ones.

I said all of this to say that Jesus was under restraint of the Law and Prophets and could only reveal just so much of what was to follow after Him. This is why He spoke in parables metaphors, figures of language or symbolisms. Leaving their revelation to the Holy Spirits work in man to bring the knowledge of Christ to those who will receive and hear Him.

Now I will break my own rule and share but this one verse using the ESV translation: John 10:16 "I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd."

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