Friday, October 12, 2018

Continuing with the saga of The Secret of GOD, part 6.09 the worldly mind verses the renewed mind.

In my last posting I introduced the Mirror Study Bible as the Romance of the Ages. As it reveals the person of Christ. With a GOD Centeric mindset, as spoken of in our earlier postings in both this blog and that of GOD has Only One Way for Us All, linked to this one. I want to capitalize on this as I am currently between chapters in Revelation, they being 3 and 4, where the writer states the follow as an explanation of "a thief in the night." For my part it is laziness on my part, as this writer has done a great job of opening up the mystery of Christ, throughout this study.

Like a Thief in the Night.

Revelation 3:3 (The Mirror) Remember therefore what it felt like when you first heard and [1] embraced the word as your own! It was like discovering a priceless [2]treasure! Now [3]make up your mind once again and for all! [4]Why should I surprise you like a thief and break into your space while you are fast to sleep and not even anticipating My [5]intimate intent; not knowing the moment of My [5]visitation?
(The word [1] eilephas from lambano is in the perfect tense, meaning, what you received as a permanent deposit. The word [2] tereo means to treasure. The word wrongly translated, "repent" from the Latin, re-pennance is metanoia - to think with Me. Here [3] metanoesan, is in the Aorist imperative - meaning, "Engage your thoughts with My thoughts once and for all - get it over it and get it done with!" From metanoia, meta together with and nous mind, thought. The word [4] ean suggests, if perhaps, in case you were not alert, you would not anticipate the intimacy of My presence. The word [5] heko means to be present - to approach one with intimate intent. The Hebrew idiom, like a thief in the night, refers to the surprise element; this is in reference to one of the traditions of the Jewish marriage practises as celebrated in the 1st century, where the groom comes to "retrieve' his bride at an unexpected moment. This is to be looked for with joyful expectation.

1Thessalonians 5:2 (The Mirror) You know for yourselves from experience how the day of the Lord suddenly dawns like a thief in the night!

Acts 9:3 (The Mirror) Now as he (Saul of Tarsus who became Paul) journeyed he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed about him. 2Corinthians 4:6 For it is God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' who has shone in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. Isaiah 9:2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shined. John 1:9 A new day for humanity has come. The authentic light of life that illuminates everyone was about to dawn in the world!

1Thessalonians 5:3-10 (The Mirror) The systems of this world of darkness and unbelief, which held the masses under their pseudo-sway of make-belief peace and security shall suddenly be broken into, like travail upon a woman with child, and none of their captives shall remain under their charm! (the gates of Hades shall not prevail!) You are no longer in darkness; there are no daunting surprises waiting for you like a thief in the night! All of you are begotten of light, "the Day of the Lord" is your true parent! Neither night nor darkness have any claim on you! Live alert and you not become intoxicated by the indifference of others. Sleeping and drunkenness are typical things people do at night, but now the day of the Lord has dawned within us and has put an end to the slumbering effect and intoxication of the practices of darkness. So let us clothe ourselves with day-garments, protecting our sober seeing by having our hearts fully guarded by the breastplate of love-inspired faith, and having our minds encircled, like a helmet, with an expectation which is consistent with what salvation declares! For God did not set us up for disappointment; He is not teasing us with desires that we desperately reach for but cannot attain to! He has brought us to a place where we are surrounded by the poetry of what salvation communicates in the lordship of Jesus Christ. (The word often translated, wrath, is the word orge, from oregomai which means to stretch oneself out with strong and passionate desire.) The fact that He died our death is equally valid to those who are awake to its effects or still fast to sleep in their indifference to it; we are together destined to live in the closest possible association with Him! (The word hama is a particle of union denoting close association.)

The writer of the Mirror is in agreement with what I has been saying in these blogs. That is to have the heart of God in mind at all times as we are and were created by His hand and then received His breath as our life at our birthing from our mother womb. We are His love children made in His image and likeness as restored to us all by the man Jesus, Emmanuel who was the Messiah of promise. "GOD in human form."

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