Thursday, April 22, 2021

Continuing with the Removing of the Veil of religious Distortions and Disceptions:

Now for chapter 3 of John's Epistle on the works of Jesus as the Christ of GOD'S indwelling within humanity as first seen in Genesis 2, Jesus being the second Adam of promise as seen in Gen. 3:15. In His mission statement He came to redeem the image of GOD hidden deep within humanity by a process of being born again from above. This spoken of in Deuteronomy as a secret in chapter 29 and verse 29 and by Jesus as a mystery to be soon revealed through Him, Immanuel that is to say GOD in human form. The true and concise Good News uncontaminated by religion's systems of deception and perversion as witness by the Mosaic message of condemnation of a sin-consciousnesses that lingers on within the mind of the unknowing.

John 3:1-3, 4-8, 9-15 Now amongst them was a man who was a prominent leader among the Jews, a Pharisee named Nicodemus. He came to see Jesus under the cover of the night and said to Him, "Rabbi, it is [1]clear for all of us to see that you [2]came from GOD as a Teacher - the signs you perform are proof that GOD is [6]with you! [3]No one is [4]able to do these signs you do [5]if they are not in [6]union with GOD. (The thoughts from the following 6 words are repeated in the answer Jesus gives Nicodemus: [1, G3400 from G1492] oidamen, is from (G1492) eido, to perceive, to see clearly; to discern. [2] eleluthas, is from (G2064) erchomai, to come from; [3, G3762] oudeis, no one; [4, G1410] dunamis, to be capable, able, to have the power to accomplish. [5, G3362] ean me, unless, if not; [6, G3362] meta, together with, to be included in, to be in union with.) Jesus answered him emphatically; 'No one would even be able to recognize anything as coming from GOD'S domain unless they are born from above to begin with! The very fact that it is possible to perceive that I am in union with GOD, as a human being, reveals humanity's genesis from above!' (Notice from the previous verse how Jesus employs a play of words from the question of Nicodemus. Here Jesus uses the word (G509) anouthen meaning from above - see James 1:17, every good and perfect gift comes anouthen [from above])

Nicodemus did not understand this answer at all and said to Him, "How can a person be born if they are already grown-up? Surely one cannot re-enter your mother's womb and be born a second time?" (Nicodemus looked at the subject merely from the physical side, His "second time" is not the same as Jesus' "from above." As Godet remarks, "He does not understand the difference between a second beginning and a different beginning.") To this Jesus answered, 'you have to get this, unless someone is born out of water (the womb) and Spirit, there would be no possible connection with the realm of GOD! Whatever originates out of flesh is flesh; But what is sourced in Spirit is spirit! (When one looks at a baby, it's just that: a body you can look at and touch. But the person who takes shape within is formed by something you can't see and touch--the Spirit, ie...GOD.) Don't be so surprised when I say to you [manity - plural]; You couldn't get here in the flesh unless you got here from above! ( See John 1:13, These are the ones who discover their genesis in GOD beyond their natural conception! This is not about our blood lineage or whether we were a wanted or an unwanted child - this is about our GOD - begotteness; We are His dream come true! We are not the invention of our parents! We are the greatest idea GOD ever had!) We can observe the effects of the wind and hear its sound whenever it touches objects - yet those objects do not define the wind; It comes and goes of its own accord - if life was not born out of spirit in the first place, it would not be possible to detect spirit influence at all! We are spirit - compatible by design!' ( Spirit is our origin! [Gen. 1:26-27] Not our mother's womb! See 2Corin. 3:3, The fact that you are a Christ - Epistle shines as bright as day! This is what our ministry is all about. The Spirit of GOD is the living ink. Every trace of the Spirit's influence on the heart is what gives permanence to this conversation. We are not talking law-language here; This is more dynamic and permanent than letters chiseled in stone. This conversation is embroidered in our inner consciousness. [It is the life of our design that grace echos within us!])

To which Nicodemus responded, "How is this possible? What kind of birth can this be?" Jesus responds with, 'You are the teacher of Israel yet you do not know these things? Nicodemus, hear Me, [amen, amen] our conversation stems from what we, humanity, have always borne witness to; We endore what we have observed; How is it that your religion perspectives keep you so blinded to this? (See Paul's reference in Romans 1:3-4, 18-20, Gal. 1:15-16, "The Son of GOD has His natural lineage from the seed of David; However, His powerful resurrection from the dead by the Holy Spirit, locates and confirms His being and sonship in GOD. [as it also does within us, Gen. 1:26-27] Then he says in verse 18-20, that we can suppress the truth through our own stubbornness of unbelief, yet GOD is not a stranger to anyone; Whatever can be known of GOD is evidenced in every human beings life. GOD is on display in creation; The very fabric of visible cosmos appeals to reason. It clearly bears witness to the ever present sustaining power and intelligence of the invisible GOD, leaving humanity without any valid excuse to ignore Him." See also Gal. 1:15-16, "GOD'S eternal love dream separated me from my mother's womb; His grace became mi identity. This is the heart of the gospel that I proclaim; It began with an unveiling of sonship in me; Freeing me to announce the same sonship in the masses of non-Jewish people. I felt no immediate urgency to compare notes with those who were familiar with Christ from a mere historic point of view.") If I speak incarnate language to you [Plural - you Jewish law-based-religious leaders) and you are not persuaded about our common origin, how will you be persuaded about heavenly things? (Here we are person to person - face to face - the prophetic word incarnate!) No one can fully engage in heaven's perspective, unless one's heavenly origin is realized! The Son of man declared humanity's co-genesis from above! (This is My mission: See the prophetic relevance - this is how the veil will be removed!) Remember how Moses lifted up the [1]serpent in the wilderness even so the son of man will be lifted up! (John 12:31-33, "'Now is the judgment of this world, now shall the ruler of this world be cast out; And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all judgment to Me.' He said this to show by what manner of death He was to die." Revelation 12:9. John 3:13 and 14 are most significant since they point to the very essence of the Mission of Jesus - the co-begotteness of the human race now redeemed in our co-crucifixion and co-resurrection on the third day into newness of life! 1Peter 1:3-5, The word serpent in the Greek is [1, G3798] ophis, the old serpent is noted again in Rev. 12.) In the same prophetic pattern, I will be lifted up for all to see and be equally persuaded in the echo of the life of the ages now redeemed within them!'

This adds meany dimensions to our life as does the renewed mind of Romans 12:1-2 and our presenting our bodies as living sacrifice.

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