Monday, May 10, 2021

Our eternal link to GOD in Christ exposed by Him.

A friend shared this on Facebook and it just fits me to a tee so I am sharing it, with some editing on my part for me:

Everything danged for me when I realized that I was One with the true Source of Light & Life this morning that He told me we are One, then I saw where this was true from the very moment of birth forward. This changed everything even more when I saw that just as I was One with GOD no longer under the misconception of being separated- so also was I One with those around me and they one with me. The structural idea of man I once lived that kept me hoop-jumping and busy, but never took me or anyone else where we wanted to be, new. I won't apologize for enjoying the ripple effects as man made paradigms and projected distortions of an angry wrath-full deity tumble to piles of rubble as others walk away from religious captivity through His efforts in me and then through me herein.

I sure don't see myself as smarter or more 'woke' than other in any way. If anything, I see all my brothers and sisters on the same journey, but may for the moment be at varying points along the same way. What may work for and satisfy one, may not be what works for or satisfy another- and there's no judgment in the book by John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress reveals, at least not from my end. I simply share what works for me. It's not meant to offend anyone at all, but to possibly encourage others who might find this blog or have questions, and are now seeing glimpses of new things which may at times seem better than what they've known.

Like Paul, Peter, John and a host of others, I'm willing and able to learn from anyone along this amazing journey we call life, as are most of the people who interact frequently with me on my Facebook page or in messenger....but none of us will ever consider going backwards to places we willingly left behind to joyfully walk this path with the LORD. If you see things here that offend your views, it's not intentional nor my desire. My posts have always been 'public' and I fully understand if you undo me, unfriend, or block me so you won't have to see them. If you choose to stay, and I do truly hope you do, just know you might get a little 'rubble dust' on you from me from time to time- not just from me, but many around the world experiencing the beautiful mystical things now, as well as things waiting ahead that weren't visible from back there. May Love and childlike awe lead us on our journey, and may we never lose the wonder of it all.

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