Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Truth Will Set You Free from the Enemy's Bondage

     My next grouping of scripture goes from the NT the first is found in John the second in 2Timothy. The heading gives us a small glimpse into the content, but that is all.

John 8:31-32, 2Timothy 2:25-26 "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed Him, 'If you continue in My word, then are you become My disciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'....In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; If God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."

     As we become friends with Jesus, yes friends not just a disciple as a disciple remains a student always seeking to learn but never gaining the knowledge of Him. While a friend is one with a oneness that few know of let alone experience. Beside that a student may indeed be trapped by the evil one in his snare of religion not acquiring the Truth. You see I have been on Face Book since 2007 and have witnessed this from that time forward. Those so trapped are indeed snared by the evil one in their own mindsets they thinking one thing not seeing the other. I know for that was me before my questionings by the LORD and His showing me my relationship in Him as Him on the tree of execution. As we accept Their yoke of learning as found in the ancient Elohiym, in the Hebrew words of H430 and H433 and Matthew 11:29 where Jesus asks the same thing of us. This being the abiding in the word and our embracing of Elohiym's Truth, by our doing so are liberated by it's power. "'The truth shall make you free.'" The religious bondage's becomes a past tense thing, that is to say the chains of man's religious systems fall or melt away. As does the consciousness of sin's shame, damnation and guilt redden mind, as we gain the liberty that frees us all a righteousness of GOD'S perfecting with in us to know His Will.

     Now that we're in a new day, I want to share a thought that a friend shared on you guessed it FB, this written by David Adams, most of which had to do with eternal conscious torment, but he goes in a different direction by saying: "Jesus said that eternal life is knowing through experience, the Father and the Son whom He has sent. It is living in Fellowship with the Trinity. To me, what I call hell, is not living subjectively and experientially in that relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. 

Most people think that eternal life is something that happens after we die. Eternal life is a (living and active) relationship with GOD. It is meant to be experienced now. Of course it will continue after we have departed this world. For some people it will not start until after they have departed this world.

Eventually everyone will come to this knowledge because GOD isn't will that any would perish. Until people do come to the knowledge of this truth, they will grope blindly, not seeing the Light that is already within them. They will continue to toil and labor in vain, gnashing their teeth, until they find true rest in what Jesus has already done for them. They will live in fear and torment about their future. Only when they begin to see the goodness of GOD, will they begin to change their minds. They will see GOD for Who He really is, they will see Jesus and when they see Him they will see themselves as He is, even in this world.

It is only when we begin to experientially know GOD as our Father and how loved we are, that fear of torment and death begins to flees from us. We will then participate willingly and knowingly in the Life of GOD."

Then he says this; "From GOD'S point of view we already have eternal life. Of course, GOD has always been participating in relationship within us in order to draw us into participation in relationship with Him." In fact in 1st John, we are told that he wrote that epistle so that we might know that we have eternal life now. (1John 2:25, 5:11, 13, 20.) And Jude says in 1:27 that we are to; Keep yourselves in the love of GOD, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."

In our next visit we may again take a deep dive into words and their meanings, we'll see.

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