Friday, November 4, 2022

The Truth that sets all of Humanity Free part 5

     Remember that we are looking into how Enoch was able to walk with GOD and there after no longer be found. This being stated by the write of Hebrews. I want to bring your attention within this post to what Jesus said about the use of a little leaven as found in Matthew 13:33, Luke 13:20-21, then He likened Himself to grain of seed that falls into the ground (the ground hiding this seed, in our case we were raised in Him, John 12:24) and when it has sprung up it produces a multitude of seed for the harvesters. We are the bread of this seed, containers of His leaven This the Holy Spirit. Jesus having finished the necessary work on the Cross and the scriptures say that we are now seated within Him at Fathers right hand. The work of the Holy Spirit effects us body, soul and spirit just as does the leaven left within the flour, this is why Jesus proclaimed that it is Christ within you, the hope of glory. Christ being the yeast within all of us, causing us to expand in our understanding of the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD within our being. We are not the ones doing the work it is and always has been GOD perfecting His Will within us (Heb. 13:20-21). In the process we begin to walk with love, patients, understanding, merciful to others often without measure. This yeast is bring us to a new point of life as true sons of GOD. If we leave the leaven of the pharisees (mans religion/political systems and it's many systems of self destruction) behind in the dirt and not returning to it as did Abram/ Abraham and Enoch with Elijah these all being gentiles. 

Now this morning a friend shared much of what I have shared here on his Facebook page @David Adams. You may find what he shared of interest.

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