Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Truth that sets all of Humanity Free part 7b, faith


   This was taken from another on Facebook, now with necessary editing:
“As you (we) experience your (our) awakening, here are a few tips that should remind you that many have taken this all important journey before you. That you are not alone; and that you are more accurate now than you have been in your whole life to this point:
1. Your discernment starts to move to WHO God is, to and ‘WHAT God is.’
2. You begin to exchange the word soul to ‘spirit’ for the word ‘energy’ that is grace with faith. That beings our redeemed identity, our total Oneness.
3. Love will mean more than just affectionate thoughts, emotions and actions; It will mean real peace with one's self.
4. You’ll realize that death is not an enemy and denial is real sin.
5. You will more accurately believe God, for God will be closer to you than your own chest.
6. You’ll experience all-round intelligence; Almost suddenly, you’ll have knowledge of most everything.
7. You’ll experience oneness with all the universes.
8. You cannot currently see any afterlife; You see beyond death as life and light, for Life that’s unconscious and unconditional.
9. You have peace with what formerly disturbed you, and your family and friends, even any so called enemies.
10. You'll realize that it’s not to late, you can never return to the unbelief systems of man’s religions of how religion represents God and spirits.
11. You will try to keep something you consider virtuous from your past state (religious) but you’ll watch them leave you with no trace.
12. You will seek to hear other ascended masters, but will soon find that you don’t want to hear them.
13. You will pick up books and drop them.
14. You will experience all sufficiency in yourself.
15. You will have a greater need of interest in saving the world. To you all is good an all are in need of realizing their true identity by savings redemption, by acquiring the Truth.
16. While people lament wars, and warn about impending doom, you are almost like ‘let it come!’
17. You have this feeling like ‘what can happen that I don’t already know?' You have no unknown, hence you have no fear for true grace and truth with His faith have taken hold.
18. Your respect of no person but not because of age difference, status, or anything that one considers to have more than others; To you no one has more than another. You respect Life, not people of strife and chaos.
19. You feel like ‘everything I have can go,’ I have Christ within.
20. You keep no pet peeves of any kind 🤩😄😉
     This is no longer as this it was first presented. Thanks to the Spirit of GOD within me, as He should be in you, by the removal of religions veil. The one that GOD split from the top to the bottom twice. (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:34 and Hebrews 6:19, 9:3, and 10:20; for it is GOD who perfects His will within us all, Hebrews 13:20-21; Rom. 12:2 ) Hebrews 13:20-21 (KJV) "Now the GOD of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; To whom be glory for ever and ever. The Great Amen" (allow it to be so).

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