Friday, February 17, 2023

The Truth that sets all of Humanity Free part 8.09c & 8.08b

     In today's post we have two sub-entries in the title ofrheading. As the Life Path consisting of two, no make that three groupings of words summed up in Ephesians 2:10 and 1:3-7 of 3-14, where 2:10 is part of the complete thought of Eph. 1:15-2:10. Now with our look at the base meanings of numbers where we saw that 8 means new beginnings this found in Genesis 2:7 and the number 9 meaning fulfillment this being part of our abiding in Him and He in us of John 15:4-5. Then there's the number 10 which is a combination of two numbers they being 1 and zero (0), one being new beginnings, leadership and independence and zero, the potential and infinite.

Now for our look at the passages the first being in chapter 2 verse 10 which states this: "For we are His workmanship (G4161), created (G3926) in Christ Jesus for good works, which GOD has before ordained that we should walk in them." And now chapter 1 verses 3-6 which says this: "Bless the GOD and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in the heavenliest in Christ: according as He has chosen us in Him (Gen. 1:26-27) before the foundations of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in Love: having predestinated (predestined; G4309) us to the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His Will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He has made us accepted in the beloved."

So we now have three words to look at using the Strong's dictionary of the Greek language: G4161, poiēma  poy'-ay-mah  From G4160; a product, that is, fabric; Then we have G3926, ktizō  ktid'-zo
Probably akin to G2932 (through the idea of the proprietorship of the manufacturer); to fabricate. And then the one that has caused so many religiously minded trouble in it's mean of G4309, proorizō  pro-or-id'-zo  From G4253 and G3724; to limit in advance, that is, (figuratively, spiritually) predetermine.

So our "abiding" determines our being in the end. This the restoration of our true identity in our oneness with our Creator. The word used is redeem, redeemed or redemption, not salvation which is another matter all together, the taking away, the withdrawal from.

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