Friday, August 3, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CXXXVII

Alright, coming back to those concepts of Judaism that now have to be left behind and we have to move on. We have to make a progression out of a dead works religion and move on. Why did God count it a dead works religion? Because it required mans having to preform through adherence to the rules and regulations which could only reveal mans lawlessness which we learned is sin. Now, in verse 3 we find a word that raises eyebrows.

Hebrews 6:3
"And this we will do
(Paul writes. Wow! The next part throws a curve.) if God permit."

What does that tell us? That we can’t do it on your own. God is always going to be involved in every decision we make. And so - even those Hebrews that Paul is admonishing to move on, get away from all the dead works of Judaism, and move on into this whole finished work of Grace - can they do it alone? "If God permit." He’s still going to be involved. He’s Sovereign. He's now at work in those who have received the inspiration or revelation of the word spoken and now written through the Holy Spirit's working within them.

Like we've said, that we're not a Five-Point Calvinist. I maintain that yes, God is going to make the initial move. He does the initial enlightening, as we’re going to see here in just a moment. But what does the individual have to do? He has to make a decision to accept it or reject it. That’s our decision to make. But God is going to do the prompting. So, we can’t leave God out of the picture.

Hebrews 6:3
"This we will do, if God permit."

We always have to take all the other Scriptures. Does God want anyone to be lost? No! God doesn’t want anyone to perish. No, for He has died and shed His blood for the whole human race. We have to understand that all is based now on the Life that is in the Blood, that Life is Eternal it has power beyond our mere comprehension, it also carries an intrinsic value beyond imagination in value, and so does God's Word! Even our printed word that is a record of what God has already spoken and revealed to man carries intrinsic value and weight. Matters not through whom He used to deliver it.

Alright, I don’t think I can do justice to this next portion. But here is a portion of Scripture that I almost hate to do, what shall I say, blunder into, an area where angels fear to tread. An area of Scripture that has probably caused more questions, than any other one portion of Scripture. Mostly because so many have totally ground this thing up to where it doesn’t mean what it’s supposed to mean. But it is a tremendous warning.

Again, I’m going to make it clear, that even though Paul is addressing Hebrews (who are still hanging on to their old religion) yet, we as Grace receivers and believers today, can take the same warning. You see, there are a lot of preachers out there who are telling people from their pulpit that these verses teach that you can be saved today and lost tomorrow. And then you can get saved again and you can get lost again, however many times that your lifetime will permit. And I say, don’t you believe it! Salvation is a one-time thing. And either you’re redeemed or saved or you’re not. And for those who are not, it’s a warning. Alright, here’s the warning, verse 4:

Hebrews 6:4
"For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,"

First things first, what's the gift? The Holy Spirit. Next what does He give? Enlightenment and this is defined as our tasting because we've become partakers of Him. How, When and where did this happen? At the Lord's table it is there we were first invited to be a partaker of Him who was to be our sacrifice. Remember 1 Corinthians 11:23-32 and the Lord's Supper as revealed throughout the four gospels. Though the revelation of it is scattered throughout them the Lord Himself has given us witness of what would take place at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb of God. Which the Last Supper was as prophesied. And if we hear the Spirit of Revelation it to bears witness of this in chapter 5 for one place. What’s the Scripture telling us? That there is a possibility for an individual to be enlightened. To have the Holy Spirit open their understanding. They may even have an emotional experience; they may walk an aisle. They may do all the various things that churches and denominations require of them, but they never took it hook, line and sinker or wholeheartedly from the heart. If that is the case then chances are that that person is not saved at all, though they may exhibit a form of Godliness there's absolutely no power to maintain their position. Now, we’ve got plenty of examples in Scripture. I mean all kinds of them.

And the first one without even going back and looking it up in the Book because I trust you all know what I’m talking about is Israel at Kadesh-barnea. Remember it? Here they had just come away from Mt. Sinai, they now have the Tabernacle, the ten commandment and the Levitical Law and the priesthood. They have everything ready and God has promised the "land of milk and honey" out in front of them. All you have to do is go in and occupy. It’s all ready for them. The fields and vineyards are producing, the pastures are productive, and the water is flowing. God said, "It’s all there for you, and I’ll push the Canaanites out. I’ve used them for the last four hundred years to get it all ready."

That’s how God works. He did this thing with Israel. Got it all ready. And then told them, "I’ll drive the Canaanites out, don’t you worry about them. I’ll use hornets. You won’t have to lift a sword, just go in and occupy." There it was. What could they have done? They could have gone in and had it! But instead what did they do, in unbelief? No, no, we can’t do it. And they wept. Wept all night. Because they couldn’t do it. And you know, we’ve been looking at it ever since we’ve been in Hebrews. And what did God call that? Unbelief! And, oh, how He hates unbelief.

It’s the same way with so many people who are approached with salvation. They may have an emotional upheaval. They may have gotten an inkling of the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit but they don’t take it. They turn around and they say, "Thanks, but no thanks." And why? Because the church has made something other of it than what God has ordained it to be. So they stay within the borders of their redemption as babes and sucklings and the churches just milk them for all they're worth. Do you see it, can you get whats happening within the institutions of religion out there?

Alright, let’s look at some more Scripture. Come back with me to Mark chapter 4. This again back in the Lord’s earthly ministry and from the lips of the Lord Himself. This is the parable of the Sower of the Seed.

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