Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CXXXXVI

Romans 3:23
"For all
(Jew and Gentile, Black and White, rich and poor) have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Why? Because we’re all sons of Adam. We have inherited the sin nature under what was given as a commandment then became a law through mans rebellion of disobedience, placing all under its penalty or curse of sin and death. Now verse 24,

Romans 3:24a
"Being justified…"

What’s justification? It’s a result of redemption. When we enter into God’s great salvation, He justifies us, through our having been redeemed, see? So how are we redeemed? The answer is hidden within the gospel of Paul's revelation, it was alluded to by Jesus and is seen within the four gospels when it is understood by way of receptivity on our part. In Webster's 1828 Dictionary it says this: "remission of sin and absolution from guilt and punishment; or an act of free grace by which God pardons the sinner and accepts him as righteous, on account of the atonement of Christ. The act of justifying; a showing to be just or conformable to law, rectitude or propriety; vindication; defense."

Romans 3:24
"Being justified freely by his grace
(not by works) through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:"

It’s been a long time since we taught Romans. Maybe we should stop a second. What is the whole idea of redemption? Paying the price to gain something back that was lost. In other words, if you’ve got a big beautiful diamond ring and you get in financial straits you can go to the pawn shop and you can get a few bucks for that diamond ring. Put it in hock. But you cannot get it back until you do what? Redeem it. You pay the price to once again gain control of that which was pawned. This is a simple statement of what Adam did to mankind when he decided to partake of the fruit and thereby acquire the same state as woman. And by that one action placed all mankind under Satan's control, as a Satan-child. Which gave us all the nature of sin and death. The state into which God had cast him [Satan] because of his rebellion to God when, "I", he tried to make a place for himself above God or more correctly to replace God through self-will.

You see, that’s exactly what happened when Adam sinned. He "pawned" the human race to Satan and indeed the earth. And the whole idea of the coming Tribulation is when God will finally pay off that debt that Satan is holding over the planet. And He’s going to pay it off with all of the wrath and vexation of that. But for mankind, He paid the price of redemption with His death on the Cross. Every sin was paid for. It has been made possible for every human being to come out of that slave market, of Satan's design. The price of redemption was paid and we experience it only by virtue of our Redemption through which we can acquire our Salvation experience. The allowing God to do as He has promised and covenanted to do. It is this that we're required to know and understand, God did not leave us to our own devices He gave us His Holy Spirit as our tutor or teacher.

Again, the other offshoot word of "salvation" in Scripture is "saved" or as Webster's 1828 Dictionary states it: “The act of saving; preservation from destruction, danger or great calamity.” Paul uses it over and over, by which you are saved. By which you experience Salvation. Alright, so we have two great words right here in one verse. We are "justified freely through the Redemption (or the process of paying the price) which is in Christ Jesus." (But how, when and where are we placed in Christ Jesus?) Then verse 25:

Romans 3:25a
"Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood…."

This is an all inclusive statement because of the word "through" and it requires our understanding the last week of Jesus' life and more explicitly the last 72 hours, starting with the Passover meal through His resurrection. And the last 40 days with the disciples wherein He opened their hearts to receive the revelation of Him throughout the Old Testament. Because this was one continuous action on God's part and sets the stage for what was about to happen after the Lord's ascension.

The price of redemption. Now Peter says, "You’ve not been redeemed with silver and gold but with what? With the precious blood of Christ." That was the price of Redemption. And to think that most of Christendom has thrown the blood out the back door. They’ll never mention it. They don’t preach it, and it’s disappeared from many hymnals. Horrors of all HORROR'S! It is the very basis of not only our Redemption but also our Salvation and we dare not walk it under foot because it’s by virtue of our trusting in His faith and faithfulness and in the shed blood which is the price of our Redemption. If we dare not put on the Lord Jesus Christ we're not fit to pass through the door nor are we able to eat at His alter. That He could buy us back from having been hocked to Satan when Adam fell. Now verse 26:

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