Friday, July 19, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 22 of 39 part 2

Romans 3:23-24
"For all have sinned*, and come short of the glory of GodBeing justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:"
*this is everyone of us, NO one is without this nature NO one!

       We all know what redemption means? That’s the process of God buying us back out of the slavery market of sin. When we were in Romans chapter 3 we used the analogy of the Roman slave market, and it’s a very appropriate one, because it was very real. The Romans would go out with their legions and would conquer other people, they would bring them back, especially the younger people (children and young boys) who were capable of slave duty, to Rome and they would end up in the slave market. We can drew the analogy, here we have a young blond, blue eyed fellow from northern Europe who finds himself in this market. The slave market was awful, because if you were bought out as a common slave you could end up doing any kind of horrible slave labor to include being sold to ship-masters to row their ships. It was awful, it was hot, and when they died, they just pitched them overboard. If these slaves were not bought they could end up in the coliseums as meat for the wild animals. So that was the prospect of a Roman slave market. 

       There was also the good side. There could be a benefactor some one who would come and buy them out of the slave market. Say a benevolent slave owner would buy a slave and clean him up, give him a whole new set of clothes, give him light duty around his estate of trimming the lawns and so forth, and remember the Romans lived sumptuously. So here’s this young slave who’s been bought out of that horrible situation, and given this beautiful place to work, and have all the best food. Then one day this benevolent Roman owner comes and says, "Young man! I’m going to go one step further, I’m going to give you your freedom. I have bought your citizenship. You are free to go and do whatever you want to do." Now the analogy we have used before is, "What is this young man going to say? ‘Listen you’ve done so much for me, and I have learned to love you so much, I don’t want my freedom, but rather I want to stay here and serve you the rest of my life.’
       That’s where we’ve left that analogy. You know what a lot of Christians are doing now? What if this same young man would say, 'I want to stay right here and serve you, but once a week can I go back into the slave market?' Isn’t that ridiculous? Isn’t that as ridiculous as you can get? Here he’s been spared the horrors of the slave market, and that’s where every lost person is, they’re in Satan’s slave market. Know it or not no one is exempt every one is born in sin with the sin nature. However, Christ paid the price of redemption, He bought us out of it, and then we have the audacity to say, 'But can’t I just go back and get a taste of that sweet candy, of the sinful world once in a while?' Listen that’s what Christians are doing when they go back into, heck I have to be Truthful many have never left, the world! And to me it just does not fit, it does not make since. I know and understand that we all have some kind of tunnel vision or as Jesus' parable, bad sight a blocked view and corrupted mind (Matthew 5:29, 6:22-23). All because of what we have been told, in ignorance by our parents, preachers, school teachers and the like, in other words because of what we are told someplace in our youth we have formed an opinion be it true or false and everything we see or think is based automatically because of it. We don't have a clear eye or good vision because of a blind spot unknown to us. Now this is the problem over and about the fact that many are in sin because of religion but that not withstanding, any claim to have the Holy Spirit who's job, by the way, it is to clean house, this includes our minds eye, our perception. If we do have the Holy Spirit indwelling us, His first job is to reveal to us Christ! To do this there has to be a house cleaning in which all trash is removed and discarded, sweep clean. This happens of all places within our mind because of the corruption of sin that it contains and has accumulated over the years. I mean our brains are cluttered with dirt, unless stuff, mans wisdom in the from of knowledge to start with. This one hidden fact causes us to see and hear in a twisted fashion, words and words get jumbled up like a log jam. We see but do not see we hear but do not hear, all because of this blockage or blindness in our brain. This is where He the Holy Spirit begins because to read and study God's Word we need clear vision and perception. Here is the key, we have to want Him to do it, we have to allow it. If we do not we return to our sin nature and stay in religion all the while believing we are doing God's Will.

We're not saying we’re going to be perfect, of course we’re not. We all fail, we all sin, but to go back into gross sin, and just glibly say, "Oh well, I’m saved and don’t have anything to worry about." We don’t think a true believer can look at it that way. Especially those to whom the revelation of the mysteries and meaning of the Lord's Supper, garden  prayers, the trail, crucifixion, and on through His ascension is all about. These people become immovable by His Faith working within them for they are the sanctified, holy ones. They have God's righteousness infused within them, they have been restored to Adam's Genesis 2 condition. That is why they have to come out from among them as seen in 2 Corinthians 6 through 7:1, the church with it's religion is corruption of mind and blind to clear vision of understanding in perception.

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