We are looking at why God is so mindful of man.
Peter 3:16b
(speaking of Paul’s Epistles) they that are unlearned and
unstable wrest*, as they do also the other scriptures,
(and what’s going to be their end results?) unto their own
* twist or wrest, the Judaizers and Hellenists of their
day, no not only of their day but ours as well. For our religious institutions, those being denominations and non-denominational groups are guilty of doing the same, for their own advantage. Which is primarily to keep people in their organizations of mass deception. Which Paul tells us in Galatians and Hebrews is enmity to God, and John, the works of the harlot and whore in Revelation of mystery Babylon.
tough language, but when people take the things of Paul and twist or wrest
them, the only reason they do is to try to make them fit
with Christ’s earthly ministry, and this is what they do all the
time. And if they can’t twist them enough to make it fit, then they
throw it aside and won’t have anything to do with his writings at all.
And you see good old Peter saw that, as did Paul. They saw that people were twisting
the writings of Paul, but when they do it their end is their own
destruction. Their own eternal doom. Why? Because Paul's speaking and writings were all directed by the Godhead in him, just as it is for those who have willingly gone through the death of all self-will, the voice of the flesh and the reversal of what the first Adam did.
Back to Ephesians 3, so all of
these revelations given Paul had been hid in the mind and heart of
God. It’s the same God who created all things by (through) Jesus Christ.
created all things by Jesus Christ:"
the Old Testament never gives us a hint that it was Jesus the Lord,
the Messiah Who is the Creator, but Paul repeats it over and
over. When we get to the book of Colossians, my goodness he makes
it as plain as day, that Christ was the visible manifestation of the
invisible Godhead through Whom also He created the world. So this is not
just a quirk of the pen or a translator’s mistake, because Paul
makes it known. Then John comes back with this same statement in the book of Revelation, that Christ is the Creator of everything. So all of these mysteries that God has
kept secret were revealed to this Apostle.
the intent that now* unto the
principalities and powers in heavenly places (in the heavenlies)
might be known by the church (the Body of Christ) the
manifold wisdom of God."
* not going back to pre-Pauline time, but
from Paul’s time forward to the intent that now the principalities and powers be known by the church, has this happened yet, not to my knowledge but with these things coming to light...who knows but God.
have read that verse for years, and we dare say that almost every
Bible reader has, and we do not really catch what it says.
All of this has been revealed to us as a member of the Body of Christ
with an intent, and what is it? That with our knowledge we can
actually go unto the principalities and powers in the
heavenlies which would be categorized in what type of
being? The angels. Do you see that? So we being the ONE Body of
Christ might let the angels know the manifold wisdom of God.
Did you catch it? This is mind boggling, we know it is. Do you
know that you sit there in your room, that when you get a
comprehension of the mysteries of Paul then you know things that the
angels do not know let alone understand. That is right, we are not stretching it.
The angels never could comprehend the Grace of God or the need for God to save a people.
But we now have a knowledge that can actually reveal to the angelic
host in heaven what God has done in and through us. This wonderful thing that even our religious institutions do not know or proclaim because they want people to keep Jesus as a baby or on the cross and this is NOT to be. Listen,
this is beyond their human understanding, and comprehension but
that is what it says. Now read it again in that light.
the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly
places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God."
is the manifold wisdom of God? We trust each of you know what a
manifold is. A manifold is on the engine of your car it is the one
that has many ports or holes. However many cylinders you have got in
your car, then you have that many holes in the manifold. So all
manifold means is "many." In the various facets of
the wisdom and knowledge of God, these have been imparted to us when
we begin to comprehend these mysteries. The manifold wisdom is what
God wants every believer to partake of and share it with others. We
have shared so often, "Would to God that the church on the
corner, the congregations, would teach their people, instead of just
preaching at them." Many times with useless jargon in the wisdom NOT of God but rather of man.
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