to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
Jesus taught that God was His Father and that He, God was the Father of all mankind and He as Head of the family of man was the ontological essence hidden deed within mans soul or heart. This teaching did not set well with the Orthodox Jewish leadership because Jesus' teachings directly opposed their (the Jewish Priesthood's) view of an elite religion and a solidarity of nationality or their view of identity, in that religion. Because they saw themselves separate from all pagan religions and nations. This same mindset or way of thinking has been at the heart of all nations who oppose the nations around themselves, each tries to be an island onto itself and builds walls of evil instead of love and peace. It was these imaginary walls of separation of national elitism that causes great hostilities between the Father of the spirit of life, Who is Love and all goodness, in His spiritual beings that Jesus destroyed by His putting to death the flesh within which these hostilities grow and are feed by fear.
will probably be mentioning it more than once, especially when we get
into verses 4, 5, and 6, that we are not ecumenical, and we think you
all know that by now. We are anything but. We are probably closer to
what they call the exclusiveness. The Bible is, in it's spiritual application a narrow Book!
The Bible makes stipulations that God has laid on the human race, and
those things are not broad and open-ended, nor are they of a liberal interpretation, there not subject to mans
opinion or loose interpretation, but rather they are pointed and often particular. As
such we are never to ever bend them! We would rather just quit what we are to be
doing, as to compromise, and be as they say, ecumenical or theological. For to
compromise in any of those ways is to deny our Lord's LORD ship. So what we are going to
find here, is that in the spirit in the bonds of love, and peace,
yet we are going to stick to what the Living Word taught and teaches. Now then we come
down to verse 4, and this is where we really wanted to spend some
time, the singleness of purpose, in these next few verses. This is
not a broad reign that just brings in the multitudes, this is going
to do just the opposite. This is going to bring us down into the
narrow reigns of God’s dealing with the whole human race.
is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of
your calling;”
is one body,..."
means exactly what it says. For example, let me take you all the way
back to Genesis chapter 1. In verses 26 and 27 we have God breathing out of Himself the spiritual being that will become man and woman as one being, the ontological essence of man is here formed in God's own image and likeness, in freedom of choice, a free will being. Unlike the angels that have no free will but only do as directed. Then we come to chapter 2 and verse 7 where God places His spiritual being within a earthen house, made of the earths dust, for it to move about on the earth and to do as directed of them in chapter 1 verse 28. But after a time man begins to see that he is alone, without a partner, though he has total companionship with he creator. God being all knowing knows that this would happen and has already made provision for it. So in verses 21 through 24 we find Him separating the sexes and the one being becomes two male and female or woman, man with a womb. Then in chapter 3 we find the temptation of the flesh and the flesh caves into this temptation and man listens to the voice of his flesh in woman and eats of the fruit that he had been told not to do. Then in verse 15 is the promised redemption of that which had now been lost to God the Father of spirit and life. It is here that He alludes to the seed of woman that would come to bring a change of station of all flesh from now being separated from Him to being through that same flesh brought back to fellowship with Him. He had already placed within His creature, man, His ontological essence (image and likeness) at his creation. It is this same essence now the seed hidden by God within all living souls. Which later we learn that life is in the blood and it is this life that He has all right to reclaim as His own.
Then in Genesis 11 we find after the flood Noah's sons and the separation again of two lines of man, the righteous and the unrighteous.
the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. And it came
to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in
the land of Shinar: and they dwelt there. And they said one to
another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they
had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar."
In look at verse 4 we will find the scattering that separates the righteous from the unrighteous. Here, the offspring of the three sons of Noah, have
already by God been delineated into two actual lines of the human
race that would develop, but they have all stayed together. Look
at what God has made so clear.
they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may
reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad upon the face of the whole earth."
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