Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 25 of 39 part 2

Ephesians 3:6
"That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:"
The Body of Christ, that consortium made up of those who accept Jesus and His teachings of the spirit that gives life to all mankind, His heavenly Father which we call the true believer. Made up of those who receive Him as the same Spirit of Genesis 1:27 who came from the Father of life. We have made this comment before, but turn to Hebrews chapter 13, because we have just one more verse to use in reference to the Body. We have made reference to it over and over again. We do not care what denominational handle people may have, all the members of that local church no doubt have been baptized and memorized the customs and traditions and what ever rituals the church demands. Just as did the people of Israel under the Jewish priesthood. But we can ask people eye to eye, "Are all your Church member true believers?" And most people will almost think that is a ridiculous question. "You know, they are not," they will answer.

In fact we were asked this question, "What do you mean when you speak of a true believer?" We are not talking about someone who has simply made a profession, and has joined the local church or religious institution, or some religious organization. But rather we are talking about someone who has truly and completely placed their wholehearted trust, by believing with their heart, that Jesus died for their sins, was buried, and rose again, + NOTHING else for their redemption. As a result of that salvation has come their house, and is but a short step away if they will have a wholehearted change in attitude toward life, toward others, and as John’s little Epistle says, "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." When we pass from death into Life, we are going to have a Love for the Word of God, and for the nations like we have never had before. The whole of the word takes on a New Life because it has a Living meaning and purpose. This is what is known and called Christ, the life giving spirit which is in all of mankind as a seed hidden by God, the source of that life.

We are getting to where people are telling us, "I’m finally loving the Word of God." Well that is a sign of being a true believer. The professing Christian that is merely a church member, he is not that concerned about what the Bible says. He is not that concerned about spending most of his or her time with fellow believers, and so when we have come to that place of completely without anything else, trusting this "Gospel" for our Eternal Salvation, then yes, we are a true believer. That of itself does not mean that everybody is going to be as Spiritual as the next person, because there is certainly room for different levels of that within the Body of Christ. Just as a child does not go to university after being weened from milk but rather has to learn how to walk first. So it is with all of us we have to learn how to rest in the Holy Spirit's arms and to become dependent on Him in and for all things. Jesus is our first example of this, that is why we do not have much about His youth recorded and why we have the witness of His baptism in accord with Jewish custom, for righteousness. It required both John the Baptist's witness and the Holy Spirits lighting upon Him to fulfill all righteousness through the bring of the promised close to all things Hebrew. But still the nation hangs unto it identity by the customs, rituals, and ceremonies of the yoke (religious forms) they could not carry. Just as mere humans remain under the yoke of sin and death from which we have already been delivered.

Jesus told them, Understand my teaching and follow it and you shall have peace and joy in life. I give you another yoke and another load-the spiritual life. Yoke yourselves to this, and you shall learn from me peace and happiness. Be tranquil and meek-hearted and you will find blessedness in your life. For my teaching is a yoke made for you, and to obey my teaching is to have a light load with a yoke suited to you. But the Orthodox Priest’s refused to do and accept His doctrine and instead sought how they could put Him to death. It is in this same way that the religious institutions have been putting Him to death within all those of there congregations ever since. Jesus also said that the Father of spirit's required actions of righteousness or works of that righteousness which is this to Love your neighbor as yourself.

Even here in Hebrews chapter 13 we also find the Body of Christ. We want to remember that Hebrews was written primarily to Jewish-Christians, believers, who were on the fence and unsure of themselves.

Hebrews 13:3
"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body."

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