Friday, November 1, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 35 of 39 part 3

There is one exception to this rule and that is the generous man, such as Abraham was when he returned from the battle with the kings and encountered his old friend Melchizedek king of Salem and priest of the Most High God (Genesis 14 and Hebrews 7). Being a philanthropist who is generous with finances may cause blessings but the root of the word of philanthropist means; the effort to advance human will and this goes against God. However Abraham was already righteous in God's eyes and so he was indeed blessed of God, and we are his seed. Seed here being not necessarily the natural seed but rather his spiritual seed, those of similar trusting faith, those who God declares righteous, which is what Hebrews 7 and James 2:23 reveal. Why or by what means? Both men where gentiles at the time of this action which honored God.

Ephesians 5:17
"Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."
This is all the same process of living under the Light, living according to the wise steps of a man of faith. How many know and understand the Will of the Lord in our day and time? This question has posed a problem for me for years, more than 40 to be exact. Back in 1985 when my family and I were filled by God with His Holy Spirit I was plagued by a question which was never answered by any pastor we encountered. And that was what happens to those who have the Holy Spirit in the world and church setting. There is NO one to assist them in their spiritual Life other than the Holy Spirit Himself. Like myself none of those men or women know God in the same fashion that we were learning Him, and this troubled me greatly. We had become peculiar to say the least and we did not understand what was happening to us. We tried to fit in and we searched church after church and even tired to work with church pastors in their organizations from one state to another but to know avail. As I have shared elsewhere the Lord told us to come out from among them on at least three occasions, that I recall, and it was the last time that we understand Him and so we did. It was for this reason that I share these things on my blogs as the Lord gives understanding.
Ephesians 5:18
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but (instead of using wine as the spirit) be filled with the (Holy) Spirit:"
We do not know how many people stop to think of this; how many times have you driven through the city and you will see a sign over the liquor store that says, "spirits". Where do they get that? Alcohol is a spirit, it is a mind bender. You know in the fire apparatus manufacturing business when they where at the end of a long day, they use to have about 5-7 o’clock in the afternoon, a cocktail hour. This happened at the plant as well as in the field when we would entertain customers. Do you know what they call it now? It’s an attitude adjustment time. That is pretty coy isn’t it. They want to adjust the guy’s mind so he is willing to spend a lot more than what he had planned on spending. The concept is the same here in the Scripture. We are not to depend on the spirit of alcohol to effect our thinking, but the flip side is the Holy Spirit in Whom we are to depend on. The Holy Spirit becomes our mind adjuster, if you want to call Him that, and He is the One who will lead us and direct us into all the things that God would have us to do, understand and know. In verse 19, we mean this is all in this same concept of the Christian walk. Is it not to be a life of humdrum, or a life where you have your chin on your chest? No, it is to be a Life life of joy. 

Ephesians 5:19
"Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"
When we were looking at verse 19 preparing for this, we could not help to think about the Haitian people. We want to remember, those people are in abject poverty, they have absolutely nothing of this world’s goods. But boy, when they start singing you would never know they were lacking anything. And that is to be the Christians behavior. Ours is to be a life of joy and happiness, and singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. You know how King David responded more than once. My he just got exuberant, and there is nothing wrong with that.   

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