careful (worry) for nothing; but in every thing*
by prayer and supplication (here is the key) with
just in some of the things of the Spirit, but in everything that is
important to us, God wants to hear it. He wants us to know who we are
in Christ and even of more importance who He is in us.
people today when they pray never think to thank Him. Most people do
nothing but ask, ask, ask as if pleading with God as an unjust judge
which He is NOT. We can tell you right up front, those kind of
prayers are not very apt to be answered. Every time we pray, we
preclude it with thanksgiving. "Thank You Lord for what You are
going to do and are now doing." And when it happens for goodness
sakes, do not forget to thank Him again. In fact thank Him before and
after prayer, for just listening to you.
your requests be made known unto God."
do we make our requests made known to God? We verbalize it. Do you
see that? We know God can hear our thoughts, do not think for a
minute that we do not know that. But does not God expect us to think
something, and then He takes it as our request? No. No, He expects us
to verbalize these things, "Lord this is what I need. This is
what someone else's needs are." We usually open our day and
study time with prayer, and regardless of what it is we know that God
is concerned, and that He expects us to verbalize these requests.
Talk to Him about what concerns you. Then in verse 7 we see that this
is the answer to every single prayer that you have uttered. If you
are a true believer, every prayer that you utter is answered in verse
7. Then the direct request may be answered in the way you expect. But
whether He says, "Yes, No, or Maybe later", to your request in
verse 6, He has already promised the response of verse 7, and what is
the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your
hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
does that mean? Regardless of what we are praying for, whether it
actually becomes a reality and is answered, that is moot. You know
what is important? THE PEACE WITH GOD! Even if we lose that
loved one that we are praying for, or possibly that new job, the peace with God puts us in a
position to accept that, and to live with it. He may respond and
answer exactly the way we hoped He would, but He is not bound to. He
is bound to give us that peace that passes all understanding through
Christ Jesus and that is all.
this all ties so beautifully with our walk in Christ, we will recap
from verse 18.
be not drunk with wine wherein is excess*; but be
filled with the (Holy) Spirit:"
respond to the spirits of alcohol to bend your thinking.
course that goes along with our concept that at redemption we get the
fullness of the Holy Spirit. To this Peter in his second letter
verses 10 through 13 of chapter 1. Reveals the steps in the process
and this is especially seen in the Amplified Bible. My we just get a
whole fresh start, but just like anything else it kind of wears down,
and then periodically we have to be refilled. So according to
Ephesians 4:5 and 1Corinthians 12:13 there is one Baptism of the Holy
Spirit, and that happens the moment we are saved, but after that you
can have many fillings or refreshings. We think it behooves us then to continue
to be being filled by the Spirit, which comes of course by the
soaking up of the Scriptures, the study, prayer time, fellowship, and
so forth, we need that constant filling or refreshing of the Holy
Spirit. For He is given as a deposit, a down payment, if you will, with
more refillings.
when we are filled with the Holy Spirit as we look at verse 19, it is
going to have an effect on our whole life style. He is going to be a
life of speaking of songs and hymns, and spiritual songs. That does
not mean we will never have bad times. Christians have just as many
problems as the world around us. To which even Peter confirms this as
our proof that we are in His Kingdom. The difference is we have
the Lord to take us through those times. Do not ever accuse us of
teaching, that when you become a believer, you are going to have a
rose covered pathway, because it is just not going to happen, because
we are enlisted in a spiritual army doing spiritual warfare but we do
have the Lord to carry us through when it does happen.
in verse 20, that along with our rejoicing, and our happiness, we are
to be constantly in an attitude of thanksgiving, and it is all to be
given to God though the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have had
people ask, "Are we still supposed to pray in Jesus name?"
Absolutely. He is still interceding for us at the Father’s right
hand, and so we pray to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ, as we are now clothed in Christ or with Christ. We have His
divine Eternal Life as ours we are, as a wife carries her husbands
name, we carry Christ's name. So when we pray we are always praying
in His name for He makes the intercessions for us. A thought just came to me, you know that there are allot of businesses and agencies that work by direct deposit into our bank accounts theses days. We have such an account with God through Christ Jesus, our account in His kingdom never runs down because He is ours without limit as our Mediator and Intercessor. We can draw on His power and Authority endlessly under the terms of His kingdom and Covenant.
this same line of joyful Christian living, of all things what does
Paul bring in? The marriage relationship, isn’t that amazing? In
other words, at the very heart of a Christian community is the family
and the home. No our bond goes much deeper than the external bond
of a simple sample of expression of figurative language. And there is
a lot of talk lately about family in politics, but unfortunately
they are not using Paul’s approach to it, but rather they are
using the secular world, and the world view. But in this lesson we are
going to look at the marriage relationship according to the
Scriptures. An unbreakable bond, a union of spirit's, with the Father of spirit's, Who is the Father of Life itself. The Father who makes Covenant through the Blood not of an animal but His Own Blood in Christ Jesus. A bond and union that only the fool would break or refuse to enter.
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