Friday, July 3, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ,some thoughts on a few subjects part 1a of 3, hidden insights, as seen with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

We are currently looking at, The Thoughts on Judgment and The Resurrection" of our author. Picking up with a look at Colossians 2.

The Thoughts on Judgment and The Resurrection:

Colossians 2:13-15, "You were once spiritually dead (in a state of deep sleep put there by Adam when he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which parallelized our spirit connection with our Father even though He still molds us in our mothers womb and placed within His seed image and likeness) , as confirmed in your constant failure, being bound to a lifestyle ruled by the [1] distorted desire of the flesh; But now GOD made us alive together with Him and thus [2] graciously restored our (design and original) innocence and dignity, having forgiven us all our [3] short fallings. ([1] The uncircumcision of the flesh, i.e., in the Greek, a life controlled by the sexual organs. GOD [2] graced us all in Christ. The word translated, forgiven, [2, G5483 is from G5485 charis, gratifying, and menos meaning individual  ] charisamenos, means graciously restored to our original innocence and dignity! The word, [3, G3900 is from G3895 parapiptō, to fall aside, is from G3844 and G4098] paraptoma, to error, is from (G3844) para, close proximity, sphere of influence and (G4098 from G4072) pipto, to stop flying, from (G4072) petomai, to fly, to fall from flight or to lose altitude.) His body nailed to the cross hung there as the [3]document of humanity's guilt; In dying our death He [1]cancelled the detailed [2]hand-written [3]record which testified against us. Every [1]stain of our (guilt and shame conviction) conscience, reminding of the sense of failure and guilt, was thus fully blotted out. (The word, [1, G1813 is from G1537 and G218 ] exaleipho, to blot out, to wipe away; comes from (G1537) ek, meaning out of hand, and (G218 from G1 (as a particle of union) and the base of G3045) aleipho, to anoint, is from (G1) a, a particle of union, and (G3045 from λιπος lipos, fat) liparos, to grease, to leave a stain; Guilt, as well as all hurtful memories were like grease stains upon the conscience. In the NT only here and Rev. 3:5, 7:17, and 21:4 and in Acts 3:19, "Be awakened in your minds and fully converted to face the fact of our redeemed innocence - our sins have been thoroughly blotted out!" Plato used it of blotting out a writing. The word, [2, G5498 is a compound of G5495 and G1125;] cheirographon, is translated as hand-written a manuscript (specifically a legal document). The word, [3, G1378 is from the base of G1380 ] dogma, ordinance, comes from (G1380 a prolonged form of a primary verb δόκω dokō) dokeo, a thought pattern corrected, thus thought patterns engraved by human experience of constant failure to do what the Law required. In his personal (often spoken) handwriting humanity endorses their own death sentence. The hands of fallen humanity struck the body of Jesus with the blows of their religious hatred and fury when they nailed His bloodied (our own humanity as His) body to the tree; They did not realize that in the mystery of GOD's economy, Jesus became the scapgoat of the entire human race! [Isa. 53:4-5] See note on Heb. 8:12, "The slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ's Cross." --- The Message) In Him dying humanity's death, He [1]defused every possible claim of accusation against the human race and thus made a public [2]spectacle of every [3]rule and authority in GOD's brilliant triumph, demonstrated in Him (Mat. 27:51b-54). The [4]voice of the Cross will never be silenced!" ( The horror of the Cross is Now the eternal trophy of GOD's triumph over sin! The cross stripped religion of its authority to manipulate humanity with guilt. Every accussation lost its leverage to blackmail the human race with condemnation and shame! The word, [1, G554 is from the middle voice of G575 and G1562 ] apekduomai, to put off, is translated from (G575) apo, away from, and (G1562) ekduo, to be stripped of clothing; To disarm; The religious facade that disguises the law of works as a means of defining a person's life, was openly defeated. Same word is used in Col. 3:9. The dominance of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil [poneros, hard work and labor, the curse of Gen. 3] was ended. The word, [2, G1165 is from G1164] deikmatizo, to exhibit in public. The words arche, rule and exousia, authority. The word, [4, G3954, is from G3956 and a derivative of G4483] parrhēsia, out spoken, comes from (G3956) pas, all, and (G4483) rheo, the idea of pouring forth, outspokenness, to pour forth speech.

Jesus Christ stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their assumed sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets of Jerusalem , Mat. 27:51b-54. (the Mirror, with editing.)

Until our next visit may the LORD richly increase our understanding and knowledge of Him.

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