Thursday, July 9, 2020

"The Secrets of GOD," as revealed by John in the Revealtion of Christ,some thoughts on a few subjects part 3 of 3, hidden insights, as seen with a renewed mind and our victory as foretold.

Well we have made to the end of the Mirror Study Bible's new approach to the hidden things of GOD. That have been hidden from the every day eyes of the unredeemed in mindset people, who stick by the old style of learning. That being repetitiveness, rites by regurgitating the same things over and over, "like a dog that returns to its own vomit," all the while believing that they are hearing from GOD. Why? You may ask, for me the answer seems simply. They don't sit quietly and wait upon GOD to speak first. So lets see what the author has to reveal in his last thoughts.

Thoughts on the Word Proskuneo - often translated, worship:

John 4:23-24, "The end of an era has arrived - the future is here! Whatever prophetic values were expressed in the external devotional forms and rituals are Now eclipsed in true spirit worship from deep within, [1]face to face with the Father - acknowledging our re-genesis in Him - this is His delight! The Father's desire is the [1]worshiper more than the worship! (The word often translated worship, [1, G4352 is from G4314 pros, a preposition of direction; forward to, that is, toward, and probably a derivative of G2965 kuōn, dog (meaning to kiss his master’s hand)] proskuneo, is from (G4314) pros, face to face and kuneo, which I would like to believe to be a derivation of koinonia, meaning joint-participation; Rather than the (G2965) kuon which means dog. I know, some tried to connect the idea of a dog licking its master's hand, which then became a possibility of kissing. I prefer the divine face to face koinonia encounter to define true worship! Although, I do believe that its the dogs nature, often referred to as man's best friend because of the very nature of their devotion to their master, has its Greek root connection - while koinonia is a friendship word to begin with and in it is therefore possible to see its etymological link. This is the only reference to the noun [2, G4353] proskunetes, which means to adore, worshiper, used in the NT.) GOD is Spirit and not a holy mountain or a sacred city with man-made shrines! Return to our Source - the Father is our true fountainhead!" (We are not defined by our physical birth, our domestic life, our history, our culture or our religion!)

Dr. John Mastrogiovanni a Hebrew scholar and author of the book "Melchizedek," wrote the following rendering of the word proskuneo:

Keeping in mind that Hebrew men were writing the NT in Greek, their thought process was still wrapped around the Hebraic, not really the Greek in the true cultural sense.

There is a Hebraism that John was using.

"I totally agree with you that John was not referencing a dog like that, and definitely not trying to suggest that we are as mere dogs wagging our tails licking Jesus' hand! Then you added that koinonia, joint-participation would be preferred as far as a root referenced; Which some Greek scholars may try to take issue with. I do believe the Holy Spirit was showing you something here...."

Caleb (H3612) כָּלֵב, kâlêb, is from a form of H3611, כֶּלֶב, keleb, means to yelp, a male prostitute: a "dog." Why on earth would such a name be given to anyone, let alone a receiver of the Divine promise? Because in Hebrew NOTHING IS AS IT APPEARS. (This is a deep revelation from GOD that all need to take to heart!) One of the principles of Hebraic/Spiritual Biblical interpretation is known as "Roots and Branches" this has little to do with verb roots and their child roots (though that is very important), rather it has to do with using a physical reference (a branch) to describe a spiritual root. The entire OT was first orally given, then written with that as the method and has been interpreted that way for almost 4000-5000 years (this is a standard according to all Hebrew teachers from Israel.) So when we apply this Hebraic logic, Caleb כָּלֵב, is actually a contraction of two words "כָּ" (the letter Kaf, which means Like) and "לֵב" (the word, Lev, which means HEART, by extension "לֵ"(Lamed) means THE HEART YOKED ABOVE, and "ב" (Beth) meaning HOUSE OF GOD. In short, "dog" (in John's synoptic gospel's case) has nothing to do with what appears to be obvious in point of view of Greek translators and commentators; But the Hebraic notion of one having a LIKE HEART....A HEART YOKED ABOVE IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. (of Mat. 11:29*) Remember the discussion is where one would worship, the mountain or Jerusalem, Jesus says, 'neither, but makes reference to "spirit and truth,'" which would be the one with "like heart."

Caleb כָּלֵב was no dog in his behavior, he was a man with the like-heart of GOD. Thus the Greek reference to dog may not be erroneous in the Hebraic sense, BUT! The interpretation that most give from a Greek perspective about a dog licking from the hand, is the usual misunderstanding of Hebraic/Spiritual logic. This is why, in our opinion, such traditional views only add to this misconception of GOD that the church/religious world has had; The typical angry Schizophrenic god, who basically says, "I love you and if you don't love me back I'll send you to hell."

This is one of the reasons why I believe the Mirror to be so important. That though maybe in Greek and the New Testament, we really believe the Spirit is showing us things that are Spiritually sound, though at times with Thayer's and other Lexicons, one may run into a conflict with the "linguistic translation in logic" (not translation) do to Greek and Hebraic logic being so totally different.

Our point being, we no longer need to say, "I would like to believe," and face criticism of the traditional points of view. We can Now reference the Hebraic logic of the writers in the Greek linguistic usage of the words to validate our point. Regardless of what commentators say the root is, both can now be true koinonia and kuon; they actually mean the same thing in the Hebraic mind. Our point is accurate and we can set a new standard by our usage of the verses." (The Mirror, with editing)

Now is the time, now is the moment, for all true believers to receive of the LORD.

Back on August 14th of 2007, in the evening hours the LORD asked me* from Matthew 11:29, 'Are you ready to take My Yoke upon and learn of Me?' Now I have a new understanding just what that means not only for me but any one who finds this blog: "one having a LIKE HEART....A HEART YOKED ABOVE IN THE HOUSE OF GOD." This ends our searching for now. WHM.

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