Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XVI

Now let’s be careful. Who are His enemies? Well, it’s easy enough for us to say guys like Hitler, and all of the very bad rulers in history, oh, we can readily recognize them as the enemies of Christ, but you see the true enemies that we sometimes forget are those who are church members. We’re talking about good people, dressed in their finery, and because of the attitude of so many churched people. They have become so bond by religious legalism in its many forms that they refuse to accept God's Truth which is revealed in Christ.

Too many times people go to church because it’s expected of them. They go because after all, at 10 to 11:00 A.M. Sunday morning that’s where Christians belong. There’s no love for the Lord, there’s no love for this Book, and the reason? "They’re Lost!" "That our churches are full of unredeemed church members." Well, if they’re unredeemed church members, what are they? They’re the enemies of our Lord. what is not known is the fact that when a lost person comes to redemption and through this gate enters the first covenant with its legalism they become ensnared by its power. The very power of sin the very thing it is meant to reveal as the first covenant's administration is and was to reveal mans bankruptcy and need of a total redemption onto salvation, to lead or bring him to Christ. So get it straight, lost people are the enemies of God whether they realize it or not. We’ve got one verse that we can use to Scripturally back that up. We can’t just say it from our own opinion, but come with us for a moment to Romans chapter 8.

It’s awfully easy for us to see the rank, wicked people as the enemies of God, as we’re experiencing it even in our American form of religion and even politics - those that detest our principles. So there’s no doubt that they’re enemies of God, but we so often forget that the rank and file unbeliever or in many cases professing believers are also the lost. They’re all going to be in that group that will end up under His feet. Then He will be able to restore righteousness to the planet, and it to will come back as the Garden of Eden, and He will rule and reign forever. So let’s read from Romans 8, and drop in at verse 5.

Romans 8:5-7a "For they that are after the flesh (lost people who may be as good as gold, but they’re lost, they may even say that they are a believer, or call themselves by His name “Christians” only God knows their heart, they've taken His name in vain) do mind the things of the flesh; (they have no hunger for Spiritual things) but they that are after the Spirit (they mind) the things of the Spirit. (now here it comes) 6. For to be carnally (fleshly or worldly) minded (the lost person no, but rather those who chose to remain worldly, self-serving) is death; (spiritual death which is mans natural state of the old Adam nature) but to be spiritually minded (having the mind of Christ, this is having the Spirit of Christ) is life and peace, 7. Because the carnal mind (the unsaved person or those under the priesthood of Aaron's which was an external or worldly in nature) is enmity against God;…" (hostile to the things of God and hostile to God)Now Christ as our High Priest is also the prince of Peace because of His being the promised Everlasting Covenant of Peace.(Ezekiel 37:26)

So they’re the enemies of God. Oh, they may not be active enemies, they may instead be passive, but the Scripture still puts them in that category as enemies of God. So they’re the ones that are going to end up under His feet like a footstool. So that lost or lawless person:

Romans 8:7b "…is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." (Why?)
Well, just like we were in the cold war, were we Americans subjected to the Russian government? Why heavens no. Why? Because at that time they were our declared enemies, they had no control over us, and so it is with God. But today look at the change in the attitude of our church leadership and elected politicians and judges, they're all in bed with the CPoA, Communist Party of America, liberally minded and move them over because Islam is moving them aside. God through the prophet Jeremiah said that He would write His Law in our hearts and on our minds this qualifies those who are His as they bear His Law written in them.(Jeremiah chapters 24:7, 31:33; Ezekiel 37: 27; Revelation 21:3,7)

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