Monday, March 26, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XXVII

Acts 11:1-2 "And the apostles, and brethren that were in Judea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. 2. And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision (the Jerusalem believing assembly) contended with him," Hey they didn’t slap him on the back and say, "Hey Peter, great Job. My isn’t it great how God is using us Hebrews to go to the Gentiles." NO! But quite the opposite, they contended or opposed him. They probably reprimanded him for breaking their Laws.

Acts 11:3 "Saying, you went in to men uncircumcised, and (horrors of horrors, what did they do?) did eat with them." The Jerusalem leadership were just as baffled. "Peter, you of all people, how could you do that?" Well, then Peter had to rehearse how God had worked both ends to the middle, worked with Cornelius, and worked with him, and brought the two together so that Peter could proclaim Salvation to that Gentile house. Now all this to show them, that when Saul of Tarsus was commissioned in chapter 9 to go to the Gentile world - that, hey, this had never been known before. This is something totally, totally different. How is it that our denominational churches and nondenominational churches don't preach or teach along these lines? But rather some strange or twisted gospel. Because they suffer from the same ailment as the Hebrews a partial hardening of heart and unbelieving heart and the same veil is over them as it is over the Hebrews until this day.

Now, as a result of him being commissioned by the words and deeds of Ananias, (under direction of the Lord in His own words and in the power of the Holy Spirit) let’s look at Paul’s own words and own account of it in the Book of Galatians chapter 1. Now remember, we're just trying to reconstruct this great Redemption and Salvation that began with the Lord Himself. It began way back when the Lord made the promised Seed of the woman back in Genesis 3:15. Then gave the promises and covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that through the Nation of Israel would come a Redeemer. But the Hebrews rejected all of that, and God then turns to the Gentiles through this man, and now he gives the account of it here in Galatians. (Remember that we're under the rule of Grace which is: conscience, the restraint of the Holy Spirit, human government, promises, the special Grace of God.) And the New Covenant of promise based on that Grace and Truth, sealed by the Blood of Christ and in us by the promised Blessing of the Holy Spirit who seals us with the sprinkling of the Blood on our heart with the New Royal Law of God written in our hearts and on our minds, in God's economy. Now just here we should make a distinction between what people are taught and just what it is that the scriptures teach us. That being that just as there are two separate Covenants there are also two separate operations or administrations but the same God.

Galatians 1:11,12 "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. 12. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but (where did Paul get this Gospel that saves us today? We know he didn’t get it from the Twelve, or any of the Old Testament writings, but rather) by the revelation of Jesus Christ."

Now when you read Scripture we’ve got to keep everything in perspective. Where is Christ at this time of the revelation? Well, He’s in Glory! And so from that ascended position in Glory He reveals to this apostle these revelations. Now, Paul had a face-to-face confrontation. He received the revelation from the ascended Lord by way of HEARING it spoken to him. Just as Moses HEARD it spoken to him by the same Lord some two thousand years earlier. Now verse 13, Paul writes:

Galatians 1:13-15a "For you have heard of my conversation (manor of living) in time past in the Jews’ religion, (he was a Pharisee of the Pharisees remember) how that beyond measure I persecuted the church (or that assembly) of God, and wasted it: 14. and profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers. 15. But when it pleased God,…" Do you see what that says? God is Sovereign! God is in control of every minute detail, and at the exactly right time. Not only was Christ born of a woman, as we see in chapter 4 of Galatians but this man Saul of Tarsus is as well.

Galatians 4:4a "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman,…" But Paul says the same thing was part and parcel of his birth at just the right time, he was born into that Jewish family in Tarsus so that he was ready to be the Apostle of the Gentiles at the exactly the right moment in human history. But you know what? We are the same way. We were born according to God’s Sovereign timetable. We’re not an accident. Every one of us is in that intrinsic working of a Sovereign God. Now come on down to verse 16. Why did He commission this man, this good Hebrew?

Galatians 1:16-17a "To reveal His Son (the One we’ve been emphasizing in Hebrews) in me (this is positional and for what purpose?) that I might preach Him among the heathen; and immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood: 17. Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; (Paul went in the opposite direction) but I went into Arabia,…"

He probably went to Mount Sinai, and then after the revelation of these things of the Gospel of the Grace of God, and the promised New Covenant of God's working in the believer as found in Jeremiah 31:33, and Isaiah and Ezekiel and other places then this apostle is ready to go to the pagan Gentile world. Now back to Hebrews. We’ve got to keep checking with home base.

Hebrews 2:3 "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us (Paul is including himself) by them that heard him:" Now let’s come back to I Corinthians chapter 15, and we think these verses just tie it all together, and we’ll start at verse 1.

I Corinthians 1-8 "Moreover brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you have received, and wherein you stand; 2. By which also you are saved, (saved and Salvation are synonymous) if you keep in memory, what I preached to you, unless you have believed in vain. 3. For I delivered to you first of all (they had never heard this Gospel before) that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4. and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures; (now resurrection was a tough item for a lot of people to believe, so here comes the proof of the resurrection) 5. and that He was seen of Cephas, (Peter) then of the Twelve: 6. after that, He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain to this present, but some are fallen asleep, (died, those who are the Lord's when they pass from this life they are said to be in a sleep state awaiting their calling out or ascension to join the Lord in the air.) 7. after that, He was seen of James; then of all the apostles. 8. And last of all He was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time." (or one born before his time but at the proper time by being born of the Spirit converted from an external priesthood to a spiritual priesthood under the leadership of Christ our High Priest-King. Galatians 2:18-21)

Hebrews 2:3 "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which (modifying the word salvation) at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, (a reference back to His earthly ministry) and was confirmed to us by them that heard him;" In other words, not only just the Twelve, but there were other witnesses to His resurrection and teachings. Now continuing on with the question, "How shall we escape." Paul was given the power to be a witness of Jesus Christ, come in the flesh, as are all those who have become Christ like ones again, “so great a salvation” or “Christ in you the hope of glory.” The second estate which entry requires illumination by way of death and receiving of God's New Life imparted into those who have passed through the veil of Christ's flesh (1 Peter 2:24). Which is in fact entry into the promised New Covenant, the Covenant of an Endless Life or an Eternal Life as spoken of by the prophets though they only saw it as being a far off.

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