Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XXXIII

Hebrews 2:7 "You mad him a little lower than the angels; (for a little while) you (speaking of the Triune God, "Elohim") crowned Him with glory and honor, and did set Him over the works of your hands:" (Genesis 1: 26-28) In other words, this glorious earthly Kingdom that we’re introduced to back in verse 5.

Hebrews 2:8a "You have put all things in subjection under his feet…." Are we seeing how the writer of Hebrews is constantly putting Christ where He belongs? He’s not just the lowly Jesus of Nazareth the man of humility. He is the Son, He is the Creator, He’s the God of glory. And He was only made lower than the angels for that short period of time whereby He could go in humility and lowly submission the way of the cross and taste death for every man, as we’ll soon see down in verse 9. But coming back to verse 8, and again speaking to God the Father, the Triune God:

Hebrews 2:8a "You have put all things in subjection under His feet,…" Earlier we showed how all through Scripture the various writers quote Psalms 110:1, and what was it?

Psalms 110:1 "The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool." They would be under His feet and that’s when He will assume the power and glory of the Kingdom. Well, here we have that same thing repeated again.

Hebrews 2:8a "You have put all things in subjection under His feet. For in that He put all in subjection under Him, He left nothing (is going to escape His rule and reign) that is not put under Him…." The last part of the verse tells us what? It’s still future. Many people are trumpeting that everything prophetic is in the past. Well not according to this it’s not.

Hebrews 2:8b "…But now we see not yet (but it’s coming) all things put under Him." Now let’s go to Philippians chapter 2, and we’re still on this whole concept of when He sits up this glorious earthy Kingdom. And let’s just drop into some of our
favorite verses:

Philippians 2:5a "Let this mind be in you,…" In other words, Romans chapter 12 says, "be not conformed to this world, but be transconformed to the mind of Christ." Well this is a Pauline statement that we as believers ought to literally think to a degree as Christ thinks. We’re to have His thoughts which are higher than the mundane thoughts of this world. The natural man or average person of the world is unable to acquire the mind of Christ as they have never submitted themselves fully into the Fathers Will. It requires God's Grace working in us again to bring about a reprogramming of our former way of thinking (worldly or carnally minded, concerned with the every day affairs of life) we're to study or feed upon God's Word to renew the spirit of our minds to acquire the mind of Christ and the humility of obedience even unto death. God as Father infuses our mind by the Holy Spirit with His Law and nature and in so doing we acquire the mind of Christ, under the operation of the Holy Spirits working Grace within our members to develop humility which destroys to yoke of bondage to sin and self will or pride through the required path of death which then opens the door of the promised New Covenant wherein we become heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:5-7a "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus; 6. Who, (Christ Jesus) being in the form of God, (as He never stopped being God) thought it not robbery to be equal with God; 7a. But…" The flipside. Even though He was the Sovereign Creator God of the universe, as Hebrews says, "He lowered Himself to a position lower than the angels for a little while." And He:

Philippians 2:7b "…made Himself of no reputation, (He did not use Deity to subject the people under Him at that time, because He did not come to subject them, but rather to save them) and took upon Him the form of a servant,…" (or bond slave, one having been pierced through usually in the ear with an awl)

Someone made the statement that after all we should all be rich, because Jesus was. Well, that’s not the Jesus in our Bible! Our Bible says, "He didn’t even have a place to lay His head. He didn’t even have a den like the foxes have." So He wasn’t rich in material things. Oh, we know the Psalmist says: "Our God owns the cattle on a thousand hills," but that’s not the Jesus of Nazareth, as He had nothing of this world’s goods. He became as low as a bond slave. He requires us to acquire the same mind set as He had, in humble humility and totally depending on the Grace of God to supply our every day spiritual richness and our need for His Grace to see us through. The worldly and carnally minded twist His word and force it to say something other than what it actually says. His Words are spiritual and are spiritually discerned or judged by the spiritually alive. Reading on in verse 7. Not only did He take on Himself the form a servant:

Philippians 2:7c "…and was made in the likeness of men:" (He had all our human frailty and shame. He put on flesh as a body was prepared for Him Genesis 3:15; Psalm 40: 6-8; Hebrews 2:14-17, 10:7-9) Now stop and think a minute, after a long day of putting up with the press of the crowds, and everything else, he became physically tired. He became hungry. He became sorrowful. You say, "When did that happen, that He became sorrowful?" We all know. At Lazarus’ funeral. What did He do? Jesus wept. Why did He weep? In His humanity, He was just as sorrowful as you and I would be. Why? Because of the lack of trust in Him, their unbelief. So this is all part of the price He paid then, that He could go in humility the way of the cross and suffer the death that we deserved to suffer. Now let’s read verse 8.

Philippians 2:8 "And found in fashion as a man, He humbled (this is a secret to the defeat of sin and death and the destruction of them and Satan power) Himself, (as a man) and became obedient to death, (not an ordinary death, but what kind?) even the death of the cross." (crucifixion - a most horrible death. A death that on man could inflect upon himself, it requires anothers hands, the laying on of hands to transfer sins, the cross was our alter of worship because the Lamb was there crucified outside the gates of the city. Both having spiritual significance.)

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