Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part XL

Hebrews 2:10 "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings." We are going to stop with that verse and go back to the first few words "For it became Him,..." Now, as we studied this we couldn’t help but be reminded that so many little cliches, even in our everyday secular language, have a Biblical origin. We are all acquainted with the little saying "It just "becomes him" to do what he does." It just "becomes him" to be the kind of a person that he is. Well, that is exactly what it means here. It "became" God to become the Savior of mankind. In other words, He couldn’t help Himself! He had such a love for those created creatures that He had started there in the Garden of Eden, that the moment that they fell into sin it just "became" Him to express His love for them by setting up a plan of redemption. But the truth be known He had started it back even before when He said Light be. For it is this same Light which brings newness of Life at the moment of rebirth and then again when we've suffered our humiliation and death to self, self-will, pride and the spirit of the world which entered us in Adam at his demise or separation from the presence of the Spirit of God.

That plan of redemption included His own suffering and death as a man, but remember, He never lost His Deity. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that! He never stopped being God. Even in the womb, we're convinced that He is God. But, once He planted His feet on the dusty trail of ancient Israel or Palestine, as we many times refer to it, He was a man, the son of man. He was the man, Christ Jesus the man from Nazareth. But, as a man, He could pray to God the Father and during those hours leading up to the cross, when He prayed that the Father would strengthen Him, that the Father would be with Him, those were truly prayers from the man Jesus. So it just "became" God, it was part of His nature, that He would bring about this tremendous plan of Salvation through our redemption. And the imparting of the Light of divine Life into our souls to cause the seed hidden there to come to life again, just as it did in Mary the mother of Jesus.

As we travel through the cities of our country, we can’t judge hearts. We can’t even begin to come close, but we can’t help but wonder how many have ever considered this tremendous plan of redemption leading to salvation that has been offered free for nothing! We're afraid not many. Even though we are in a nation where there are churches on every corner and Bibles in every home, and radio and television is blaring with people of one sort or another proclaiming whatever they call it, yet how many people ever stop for a moment to consider spiritual things? they don't know that Adam was first an angel and then as an angle was placed into an earthen body with still the divine nature until that is death happened to that angelic divine nature and he become earthy or natural, carnal with another intelligence with the nature of Satan, demonic-prideful, self-willed. Under the curse of sin and death and that all things carry that curse because of the course of his action.

We don’t think very many anymore. So, here we have to be aware then that the very nature of God, it "became" Him, "for whom are all things, and by whom are all things." We like to compare Scripture with Scripture, so we're going to bring us back to Colossians chapter 1.

Remember what he is telling the Hebrews that "it became Him," the God of creation, the One Who made everything, the One Who holds everything together, it is His! He didn’t have to, He could have just let Adam and Eve go off into whatever and He could have started over, or He could have just simply stayed with the angels. But, "it became Him," to love these mortal creatures that Adam became after he fell into sin, He created there in the Garden of Eden. Alright, Colossians chapter 1 verses 15 and 16. We’ve used these verses over and over:

Colossians 1: 15 "Who (speaking of the Son in verse 13) is the image (or the visible likeness) of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:" In other words, He was before anything that had ever been created, He came as the second Adam but without the sin nature and here’s why. Verse 16.

Colossians 1:16 "For by Him (the Son, by Him or in Him) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: (nothing escapes His creator-ship) all things were created by Him, (not just by Him but what?) and for Him:" He did it for His own enjoyment! He did it for Himself. But we see as soon as He set man in the Garden, man goofed it up, didn’t he! Whereas Adam and Eve could have gone on enjoying that blissful state, before God fashioned a body made of clay to house His new creation a spirit being, and with the Lord Himself communing with them every day, then in the clay body they disobeyed and sin and death entered. Oh Adam lusted to know the meaning of all nature he wanted to have the knowledge of it. It was for that reason God provided a redemption for him, He took from him and made the woman as his helpmeet (redemption) but she too lusted and eat the forbidden fruit. They both fell from grace into darkness and sin.

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