Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CLXIII

Hebrews 7:10-11
"He was yet in the loins of his father, when Melchisedec met him. If therefore perfection
(or moving on to a maturity. If that) were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the Law, and its external ministration) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?"
Now let’s see if we can break this down. What’s he saying? If the legal system of the Mosaic Law, the Levitical priesthood, the Temple worship, the sacrifices, the tithing, all the things that were part and parcel of the Law; had that been perfect would there have been a need for anything else? Well, of course not. It failed because it was based on the external or material realm and mans works of obedience to comply. If you’ve got something perfect you leave it alone. Isn’t that what we say today. "If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it." Sure it is.

But, the Levitical system wasn’t perfect. Oh, it was anything but. It was perfect from God’s side, naturally for it was spiritual. God can’t make anything that isn’t perfect. But see, the Law in its operation depended on the flesh. Now let me show you. Come back to Galatians chapter 4, verses 8 and 9. Remember why we chased some of these verses down. We’re showing now that the Mosaic system or Judaism (as probably we know it better), was not perfect. It was anything but. And, consequently, it had to be left behind to be done away with and go to that which is better. Here Paul writes to the Gentiles up there in Galatia who were being subjected to legalism by the Judaizers, they were a constant pain in his flesh from day one all most.

Galatians 4:8-9a
"Howbeit then, when ye knew not God,
(in other words, when they were still in their paganism) ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. (they were worshiping idols.) But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God,…"
In other words, they had become more than a simple believer. They had become joint heirs with Christ by way of receptivity. They’d become members of the Body. Remember that even the New Testament has secrets hidden within it and one of them is how does one become a member of Christ's Body? How, when and where did or does that happen? Now then he says:

Galatians 4:9b
"…how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements whereunto you desire again to be in bondage."

What’s he talking about? What’s the weak and beggarly? The Law. Now if you think through all this, why was the Law beggarly? Well, it demanded things that the human race couldn’t keep and it had no power to give them victory over their temptations, the weakness of mans flesh.

You know, when we were in Romans, I stressed over and over, all the Levitical Law could do was condemn, condemn, condemn. You’re sinners. You’re lawbreakers, and the Law couldn’t give them any power to overcome it, so, consequently, it was beggarly. Another good one is still in Galatians. Turn the page to chapter 5 verse 1.

Galatians 5:1
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty
(the freedom) wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
What’s the yoke of bondage? The Levitical Law and the law given by commandment. Now who likes to live under a yoke of bondage? I don’t. But you see, this is exactly what the Levitical Law did to the Hebrews and this is why they have such a hard time keeping it. I could take you back to Acts where Peter admits the same thing. He said, "even our fathers couldn’t keep it, because it was a yoke." Peter used the same word. And so the Law you see, was nothing but demands that the human race could not comprehend. They couldn’t keep it and so we have to tell ourselves; we’re not under Law, we’re under Grace. Grace is more powerful than the law ever was or could be for within it was only the ministration of death. There was No room for mans Salvation in it with it or through it.

Well, always remember that the Law, the Temple worship for its time, it was good. It had all the ramifications that brought us and the Hebrews up to the coming of the Messiah. But now as a belief system with this over here on this side of the Cross that is so much better, why not leave it in the dust where it belongs? But you see most of Christendom is still doing the same thing. Most of Christendom is still bringing certain ramifications of the Law into our present day Age of Grace! And that is NOT to be. Because after we've served our due time within the framework of our first estate we're to move into our service of ministry to our fellow brothers in the flesh under the leading of the Holy Spirit. For our ministry is to be Holy spirit directed because its a ministry of divine Life.

Hebrews 7:11
"If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood,
[in other words, if the Law and Judaism were all that there was to be gained] (for under it the people received the law,) [well if that’s the case] what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?"
In other words, the Aaronic priesthood which dealt only in the external and began in Exodus. Remember Aaron was the brother of Moses and was the first priest of Israel. And that priesthood carried all the way through to the time of Christ and even though the veil was rent in twain when Christ died on the Cross, the Jewish people sewed it back up, at least according to legend. And they continued on with their Temple worship until Titus destroyed it in 70 AD. Just as the Lord had told them and warned them would happen because they refused the kings offer of the kingdom and marriage feast (this is what Matthew chapter 22 is about).

But, we as believers understand that when Christ finished the work of the Cross, He also finished the demands of the law and the Levitical Law, because He was the fulfillment of that Law. And when we enter into this Salvation by Grace, we are no longer under the demands of the Mosaic system. But now, our High Priest is not of the line of Aaron or of the material realm, but the one of Melchizedek who, we feel was Christ Himself and therefore is of the divine or spiritual realm. Now verse 12.

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