Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCLXIX

Hebrews 11:14
"For they that say such things declare plainly
(without any relious pretense to it) that they seek a country."
One that would be ruled by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Now let’s see, let’s go back to Luke. Let’s go back to Luke chapter 1 - and this of course is the father of John the Baptist at the time of John the Baptist’s birth. So, we’re approaching the coming of the Messiah but He certainly hasn’t made His appearance as yet. So the father of John the Baptist by virtue of being filled with the Holy Spirit, up there in verse 67 says:

Luke 1:67-68a
"And his father
(that is the father of John the Baptist) Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, (or spoke forth) saying, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel;…"
Now, there’s no Gentile in here. Not a reference to anybody but the Hebrews. Or Israel. "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel." Now we know the Abrahamic Covenant looks way past all this to when the Messiah will become the Savior of the whole world but, remember, He’s going to deal with the Hebrews first. You know I’m always quoting Romans 15 verse 8 - I guess I’ll quote it every chance I get.

Romans 15:8
"Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:"

That’s what Paul writes in Romans, that Jesus Christ came to confirm these promises that the Epistle of Hebrews is also reviewing. And now this is what Zacharias is talking about. The promises that have been made to the Hebrews through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Now here's comes a big But, God changed the outcome because to remain in the projected direction would have gone against His character. And the purpose of Christ's revelation of God within Himself. For that is what the religious leaders of Judaism could not accept as Jesus teaching reveal their deception and wantonness as they had made the Torah and their religion idol of worship. Just as those of Christiandom have done the "Holy Bible" as the book in and of itself is NOT Holy, it is just as unique book in that it reveals Christ in pitorial form throughout. And this is not seen or known unless one has the Holy Spirit ie...Spirit of Christ restored to them and within them. As this passage of scripture typifies. All right, verse 69.

Luke 1:69-70
"And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us
(the Hebrews) in the house of his servant David; (how many Gentiles in the House of David? None. We’re not talking to Gentiles. We’re talking to the Hebrews. Read on.) As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, (the Old Testament) which have been since the world (ages, since it) began:"
Now God revealed Himself through many means throughout world history an especially to the Hebrew children because of Abraham and for NO other reason. Why? Because He was keeping with His character by doing so. And like His character He had given ample warning of His intent to change course through the promised one. For the priesthood had polluted and corrupted the relationship which He had with their forefathers. Before and during and after their Babylonian captivity. Here it comes in verse 71.

Luke 1:71a
"That we
(the Nation of Israel) should be saved from our enemies,…"
Now goodness sakes, who were the Hebrews enemies at the time of the birth of John the Baptist? Well, the same ones that are there today. Nothing’s changed. The Egyptians hated the Hebrews. The Syrians hated the Hebrews. The Arab world hated the Hebrews. Which was within the Roman empire and to-day it is within the lands covered by Islam and its religious Shariah Law. This is nothing new. So this is what Zacharias is proclaiming. "Oh, when their Messiah comes they’ll be protected from all their enemies." This was an is the nationalistic and religious over tones which both John the Baptist and Jesus faced toe to toe and face to face. The true enemies of Israel were to be found within Israel as was the case during the time of the prophets. And remains so to this day as the nation opposes God and His activities as seen and revealed through His Son.

Luke 1:71b-73
"…and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham,"

They hadn’t forgotten what God had promised to Abraham. That’s been handed down - and then the prophets started writing as the Spirit moved them and everything is moving toward the time when the promises made to Abraham would become fulfilled. Which they did during and in Christ Jesus. Then, goodness sakes, because of the rejection of the Messiah and crucifying Him, God stretched out another 2,000 plus years now by dispersing them into the nations of the world and turned to us Gentiles with the Gospel of Grace through the Apostle Paul. But listen, everything we’re seeing on the planet today is screaming - now I don’t set dates, it may be another 50 years, you know a year is nothing in God’s sight. But it certainly wouldn’t appear that it could be that long because everything now is getting ready for the final fulfillment of all things promised. But what is not seen nor understood is that God through His Son has been about His business restoring within receptive humanity His divine character. Where in Christ is the Christ is the Christological expression of God in His spiritual restored kingdom.

Israel is back in the land for the most part. Oh, they’ve still got a tough row to hoe. They’re not through by any means. In fact come back with me to Matthew chapter 24, and this tells you that the Hebrew’s worst is still ahead of them and I think we all realize that it must be awful to live in constant fear of somebody blowing up your bus or shooting at your car. But, they’ve still got, at least for now, America as a friend. They’ve got a few other areas of the world that still are friends of the nation of Israel, but listen, this is what’s coming. This is from the words of the Lord Himself. And if anybody…anybody shows any doubt about the current scenario in the Middle East, just show them a verse like this. Hey, this is all promised. The Hebrews are just at their beginning; the worst is yet to come. Even though the period of 66-70 AD brought down the Temple and Jerusalem with the falseifed priesthood by the Romans in what could be Daniels seventh week senerio as the first part could have been during Jesus's ministrational period of time of three years.

Matthew 24:9
"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake."

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