Friday, December 28, 2012

The Epistle to the Hebrews part CCLXXXII

Picking back up with our thought and notes.

You see, we come right back to that same concept today. Over and over I have to ask, "Are you trusting nothing but that finished work of the cross for our redemption and then for salvation?" Or are you trusting your denomination? Are you trusting your local church? Are you trusting the word of some one else? Are you seeking God for God and not the things in His hands? There is everything wrong with all those things because in themselves they will never save anybody. Our trusting has to be in what God has said. And what has God said? "That when I see you place your trust in that finished work of the cross, you’re Mine!" When we with Mary, Jesus and even Paul can say, with our whole heart, 'never the less NOT my will Oh God! but Thine be done in me as You Will just as You did in and through Christ Jesus.' Then we come to a crisis which changes our trust to then take it by faith. We have to receive in order to believe it in our heart! But oh, it’s so hard for people to leave it alone after believing with their heart. For human nature (it's fallen state) says what? But I’ve got to do something! No we don’t! We have to learn to keep our hands off and then wait upon God all the while sitting under and learning of Him by listening for Him to speak to us through His Son in the person of the Holy Spirit who now indwells us.

We’re still dealing with Moses. And by trusting now, he has come through 80 years of his lifetime. He’s now leading the children of the Hebrews out of Egypt and the first thing they’re going to have to confront is the Red Sea and we make it a point that here come the children of the Hebrews – mountains impassible on both sides, the Egyptian army behind them and the Red Sea in front of them. And what did God tell them? Did He say, "Well hurry up and build rafts. Do something, so that you can float the Red Sea?" No, that’s not what God said. He said what? Stand still! Don’t do anything.

The lesson for our salvation is the same way today. When the sinner as one who has entered redemption realizes he’s lost and he’s hopeless, bankrupt and destitute he doesn’t go out and try to work and work and work to enter God's salvation. He does nothing but stand still and believe and accept the finished work of the cross for himself. The unbelievable gift of the finished work of the cross. That it was so perfect. The exchange and of the nature of Satan was killed, destroyed in mans flesh and the restorative work of the resurrection Life so complete that all we need now is just to enter His salvation through the finished work of the cross and our being conjoined with Christ. That the ontological essence of Christ is restored to man. It was so complete that like creation back there in Genesis 1 - you remember, we tied the two together. That’s when God looked at the finished work of creation - He saw in the last verse of chapter 1 that it was what?

Genesis 1:31a
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.,…"

It was perfect. He said, it was very good! And so what did He do in chapter 2?

Genesis 2:2a
"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day,…"

He rested. There wasn’t anything more He could do to make it any better. It was done. Well, the same thing with the work of the cross. After He’d finished it and ascended back to glory, what did He do? He sat down. Why? Because it was perfect. Ever since then what has mankind been trying to do? Smear it, by adding this and adding that to it with one thing or another. Because of what? Religion! Religion is unbelief in action as it nullifies the activity of God, by denying Him access to mans spirit. Why? Because the essence of evil there still remains. That is why Paul tells us, 'to mortify the deeds of the flesh'. But, just like the Hebrews standing on the shores of the Red Sea, God doesn’t say, "Well, hurry up and do something!" He says, "Stand still!" So here’s the verse now in verse 29:

Hebrews 11:29
"By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned."

By simply taking God at His Word, He opened up the Red Sea, piled up the water on both sides - and listen, do you think those Hebrews didn’t know that that water was stacked up? And at a moments notice the whole thing could come rushing back in. They had to walk through it water walls reaching toward heaven just piling up and up. They were just as human as we are. But how did they know that water wouldn’t come back? God’s Word. This is now our knowing by way of divine illumination or revelation that we're now sons of God wherein He has right to be God. As God intended within the soul and spirit of His restored humanity and yes, humanity as intended.

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