Saturday, August 8, 2020

The revelation of Christ in you. Now! Part of our make up. part 1

 My last post was on the 9th of July...since then I have been pondering what area of Christ in us restored to our original design I should look at in-depth. And after watching and hearing things spoken of on Facebook and TV, I has come to this, what is baptism in and by the Spirit? When does this take place and what did Jesus mean when He stated that the Spirit of Truth would guide us into Him and His reality? And who besides myself have heard Him ask, 'Are you ready to take My Yoke upon you and learn of Me?' Matthew 11:29? Or who has had the LORD show them in Him while He hung on the cross and thereby bring home to meaning of Galatians 2:20 of 19-21 which states in the ESV: "For through the (Mosaic) Law I died to the (Mosaic) Law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the (Mosaic) Law, then Christ died for no purpose." 

Or how about the new Mirror Study Bibles, with some editing, rendition of these verses? "The (Mosaic) Law [1]demands (my) My death; grace reveals that in GOD's mind Jesus (in our human form) died our death (having with stood our judgment there in). So as far as the (Mosaic) Law is concerned, I'm a dead man but as far as GOD is concerned I'm alive! (The word [1, G1223] dia, expressed as through, means because of; suggesting here that the law was what demanded my death! But in the mystery of GOD's genius, Jesus died humanity's death, have put on our human form our humanity; which means, in GOD's belief, I died to the old system of trying to please Him with my own good behavior! We might as well admit it! No works or efforts (this includes beliefs) of our own as well as our best attempts to attain to a righteousness based on us getting ten out of ten all the time, fails! There is no way to get around this!) So here I am dead (a form or expression of spiritual sleep) and alive at the same time! I'm dead to the old me I was trying to be and alive to the real me (of my origin) which is Christ in me! Co-crucified, now co-alive! What a glorious entanglement! I was in Him in His death (as I was in Him in the beginning, Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7.); Now He is in me (again awakened) in my life! For the first time I'm free (meaning free born from above) to be me in my skin, immersed in His faith in our joint-sonship! He loves me and believes in me! He is GOD's gift to me! As I am His reward for His obedience (Ps. 2). (The verb (G4957) συσταυρόω, from (G4717) stauroō, is in the Perfect tense, indicating that not only was I crucified within Christ in the past, but I am existing now in the present condition. How can any human effort improve on this! Look again at Hosea 6:2 and Ephesians 2:5 also Romans 7:6. But now we are fully released from any further association with a life directed by the rule of the Mosaic Law, we are dead to that system which once held us captives, now free-born to be slaves to the newness of spirit-spontaneity rather than age old religious rituals, rottens, ceremonies, traditions, customs and habits imitating the mere face value of the written code. The moment one awakens to and exchanges spontaneity with rules, the edge of romance is compromised!) It is an insult to the grace of GOD to prefer Moses to Jesus! If the Law could justify us then Jesus wasted His time dying our due death and suffered our due judgment! (That would reduce salvation that comes after redemption to a ludicrous contest between our obedience and the obedience of Christ Jesus! Rom. 5:19)

The LORD willing I shall carry this on shortly.

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