Sunday, August 9, 2020

The revelation of Christ in you. Now! Part of our make up, part 2

In this post we shall dig more deeply into what GOD did through the execution of His Son that for our enemy remains a mystery and secret. The old system of washing or water baptism as practiced by Israel, because of hardness of heart; Now is seen as the joint death of all of humanity on the new altar of the Cross, the old systems under the Mosaic Law, having passed away or as stated within scripture were rolled up and placed on a shelf, in this action. As it only dealt with the external, flesh realm of mankind and was just superficial at its best (Mark 7:4, Matthew 11:24). All of humanity from the first Adam on through the last human being has been purchased (by the blood and water) or redeemed by the action of the Cross this leaving no one out, except those who refuse to acknowledge their redemption/righteousness. (Through the Redemption of the world "in the man Jesus Christ.") Under the old system only Israel was dealt with while in the new not only Israel but all of human form are dealt with. In a 'new baptism' held in secret of GOD's doing and purpose (Deuteronomy 29:29) until the birth of the promise seen in Genesis 3:15. We know Him as the incarnate Word (Emmanuel) or the promised one (Messiah/Christ) and what happened thereafter for many remains a mystery still, especially for those snared by religions deception (this of Gen. 3). Religion clouds the heart and blinds the mind by utter darkness, in unbelief. The poisonous words spoken by the serpent of Genesis 3. That being both GOD and humanity's enemy (known as the evil one, dragon, serpent, devil and satanas) took upon himself, to draw away our attention from GOD by thoughts of a wrong mindset (the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Gen. 2:15-17), a hardness of heart, a way of thinking/perception, hearing and seeing things. These being the evil one's tools as attested by the temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4, Luke 4 and John 14:30). The Cross forever changed the course and resource of humanity, and how we think and see and hear by its baptism removing the things that obstruct our vision. GOD in His wisdom forever changed the course and outcome for humanity, He took us back to the beginning (Gen. 1:26-27, 2:7 this of our original design of innocence), where woman was taken from the side of man (Gen. 2:21) and in Jesus He opened His side (Isaiah 53:5, John 19:34) to bring about our healing, to bring us to our awakening of understand (of Hosea 6:2) of the mysteries of Christ. So now today our baptism is that of being one in Christ and His being one within us (John 17). As we have seen in the 2211 posts of this blog Jesus has many names and titles among which is "the last of days," and this for good reason, as stated earlier all of the futuristic language of natural and spiritual things began an end in Him who is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last or end. So for the "baptism," we are counted in Him, who is in us from the beginning, before time began (Acts 2:17, Hebrews 1:2 and James 5:3). This known as Baptism, to surround and fill to over flowing with the incarnate word, like the air we breath in, it surrounds and fills all things, it is also in our blood as the substance of life.

Now for the Jew water baptism with repentance was their requirement as witnessed to by John the Baptist, as this was his mission statement to bear witness of the one called Christ and Messiah of Deuteronomy 18:18 of 15-22.

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