Monday, October 5, 2020

A new thought part one.

This is taken from John 1:12-13, "Everyone who realizes (gasps and comprehends their identity with) their association in Christ, are convinced that He is their original life and that His name is humanity's family name, which defines them, GOD gives the assurance that they are indeed His offspring, begotten of Him; He sanctions the legitimacy of their sonship. These are the ones who discover their own Genesis in GOD, beyond their natural conception! This is not about blood lineage or whether we were a wanted - or an unwanted - child; This is about our GOD - begotteness. For humanity is His dream come true and not an invention of our parents. We are indeed the greatest idea that GOD has ever had!" (Look at Jeremiah 1:5, 29:11 & John 3:2-7)

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