Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Truth that sets all of Humanity Free part 10a

     I shall attempt to finish our look into the redemption of Humanity's Identity by the actions of GOD'S perfecting of His Will within all of His loved ones, they being of His design and creation. This is first introduced in Genesis 1:26-27, as being of His, Us and Our, of the image and likeness description. And because GOD is Spirit all of humanity is also spirit, just as Jesus told the Pharisee that questioned Him in (Luke 4:16-32 [18-19, 20-22] after he gave Him the scroll of Isaiah's writing our chapter 11:2-5; 42:1-4, and 61:1-2, leaving off verse 3 which speaks to the trees of planting, (John 12:24's) the seed of the LORD. This coming later on during His earthy mission. Jesus, then told this Pharisee that this passage was speaking of Him and that it was spiritual in nature and content. Indicating why it was that the Sadducee's and Pharisee's of the Jewish religion like all others that sprang from it, could not understand its meaning or purpose. Because they are bound by the Mosaic Law's works of the flesh.

     This may require some time as there are many moving parts from both the OT and NT. To back up what is stated above lets look at Psalm 139:13-16 with our attention drawn to verses 13 and 14, where we find this: Psalm 139:13-14 of 13-16 "For You have possessed my reins: You have covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You; For I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Your works; And that my soul knows right well. My substance was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and curiously (skillfully) wrought in the lowest parts (depth) of the earth. Your eyes did see my substance, yet being unformed; And in Your book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." Now I would be amiss if I did not point out this little known truth, each one born of woman fits the description given here, yes each human being fits here, no one is left out, no one! Jesus Himself describes us all as being vessels of clay within which is hidden a treasure worth its weight in gold. And again He is speaking in the spiritual sense.

     I want to explore the use of one word it being "atonement." It can be a metaphor for another word it being, at-one-ment. In the Hebrew it is both H3722 and H3725 in the Greek it is G2643 and it appears only once in Romans 5:11. In each of the two Hebrew words there is a common word within each meaning given it is: "expiate," meaning to extinguish the guilt incurred, to put an end to.....redeem. When we accept our oneness in GOD and Christ we are at one ment (meant today's word) with Them, our original identity restored as sinless innocence, GOD'S righteousness. This shown to me early this morning.

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