Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 16 of 39 part 5

We're looking at what Jesus said as recorded by John in chapter 12, which is speaking of Himself metaphorical:

John 12:24
"Verily, verily, I say unto you. Except a corn (kernel) of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." 
Now look at the language Paul uses concerning our salvation.

Romans 6:5a
"For if we have been planted..."
What's that planting a reference to? Burial. When we plant seed we bury it. Oh not six feet, but nevertheless we bury it, and as a result of that seed being buried, and the moisture, and warmth of the sun, what happens? New Life! But if you've got a seed that can't die by germination, it's not going to reproduce. It just sits there and remains a seed. All right so Paul is using the same analogy that Jesus used in John chapter 12 verse 24. Now let's look at what he says in the last part of that verse.

Romans 6:5
"For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, (if we're identified with His death, and His burial, then it's an assured fact that we can identify with His resurrection) we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:"
Do you see how beautiful all of this is. At His resurrection, of course that's when He experienced the glorification. There wasn't anything glorious in that cross. It was anything but, It was awful! But when He rose from the dead in power and glory, then that's where we are. Oh to die to self, there's noting glorious about that, but to rise in the promised Newness of Life, and all that goes with it - Oh listen that is what this Gospel is all about,"our whole life is changed." We had people tell us, "You've changed my life, the Lord used you. He opened up the Scriptures to me, and now I just can't get enough of Him." Hay, He did for me and He'll do it for you! By your receptivity of Faith. Just believe Him!

My son took me to the hospital the other day to have my pacemaker changed as it was then ten years old and in need of changing. And while we were there the Lord opened peoples hearts so that they might believe this Gospel, and be gloriously moved from being lost or within the corral of their first estate to entering into salvation’s process. And that's what we all have to experience. We have to die to self, and experience resurrection power and it is a glorious power. But we do have to pay the price, we have to wait under God listening, we have to endure hardships, afflictions, pain and suffering. God never promised a rose garden or an easy street but did and does promise an abundance of His Life.

There are others who have come out of their sin and horrible situations, and we met them years ago and it was the same. "The Lord had totally changed their life, He had cleaned up the mess they were in, and they just can't get enough of this." Well that's what the New Life in Christ and His Life in us does, and that's what makes us the glory of the power of His resurrection. Now while we're in Romans chapter 6, we might as well take the next verse, because this just builds on it. If we've been planted, and have experienced the likeness of His death and resurrection, let's see what it says.

Romans 6:6-7 
"Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin."

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