Remember the
whole idea of the Abrahamic Covenant, and its being enlarged upon to
Moses was what?
ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation,..."
When we share this we ask the question, "What
even today is the role of a priest?" Well he's a go between. In
the future every Hebrew is someday to be a “go between” for
Gentiles and Israel's God. Now that was the whole idea, but Israel
lost sight of that, and so Israel begin to look within themselves, in the most literal, religious since
and had no time for the Gentile world. We know from the prophets that
they failed to listen to God or receive His Word, “to obey His
voice”, delivered through them and this is why. This is also the
problem in the church of this day as well, it fails to hear the
warnings of Paul because many fail to read Paul's letters. Not in a literal but rather in the figurative since and this causes them great confusion and distress not to meant perplexities of soul. All right
but now come back to verse 6.
ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation...."
The word holy
does not mean sinless, does not mean like God is Holy, but rather it
means "Set apart." And that's what the nation of
Israel understood. They were a set apart nation of people, and this
is what God told Moses to tell the people. They were to be a set
apart people, but on the other hand stop with me in the Book of
Isaiah as we go back to Ephesians and we'll show you what we're
talking about. These are some verses we haven't looked at in a long
while. But in chapter 42 we'll see this is what the Hebrews lost
sight of.
As we get the
Jerusalem Post, on the web a year or so back there was this article written by a Rabbi where
he was speaking of the coming of their Messiah. The Messiah would be
a God King who would not only just bring goodness and prosperity and
peace to Israel, but to the whole world. The Rabbi had the right
idea, because that is the purpose of Christ's return. He's going to
be King of kings and Lord of lords. Yes, first and foremost over the
nation of Israel, but to the whole world, not just Israel. Now here's
where prophecy alludes to that here in Isaiah.
Isaiah 42:1
my servant, whom I uphold mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I
have put my spirit upon him: (upon the servant) he (the
servant-Christ, the Messiah) shall bring forth judgment
(or rule, government) to the Gentiles."
Well who's the
servant? The Messiah, the Christ! But see Israel lost sight of this.
But nevertheless in the divine purposes, God was going to use Israel
as a nation of priests to bring all these Gentile nations to a
knowledge of Himself, so that He wouldn't be just the King of Israel,
but that He will one day rule and reign over the whole earth. This He has already started through the promise of Genesis 3:15 as our Redeemer. Through whom His Salvation will be operative within us.
Now the
next verses are over in chapter 59 of this same Book. This is
prophecy. This is all going to be out in the future from Isaiah's
time, the last part of Psalm 2 verse 9 and continuing, it's still in
the future from our time, but we feel we're getting awfully close. We
just don't see an awful lot of time left. But then again the early
mystics were saying the same thing, weren't they. If I were a Futurist and a Literalist this would be my reasoning but because I'm a "figurativist". I see things in a spiritual sense in other words in the Spirit as being now, the now of faith for faith is our substance and evidence of all things hoped for. For Christ is substance and substance is Christ, just as Christ is Faith and faith is Christ our evidence of all things.
'the Redeemer shall come to Zion, (Heavenly Jerusalem) and
unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob', saith the LORD. 'As
for me, this is my covenant with them', saith the LORD;..."
the Lord repeats the then promised new covenant that is in Jeremiah
31:31 which he expresses, but now to complete the thought about
Israel being a light to the Gentiles let's drop on down to Isaiah
60:1 but before we do listen to the rest of this verse:
LORD: "My Spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth, or out of the mouth of your offspring, or out of the mouth of your children's offspring," says the LORD, "from this time forth and forevermore." This is His doing and it started at Pentecost in Acts 2 when He returned as the Holy Spirit the revealer of all Truth to those who would receive and believe Him.
shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon
thee. (Now here we've got to watch our pronouns. Who is the
thy to whom the LORD's glory is coming? Well the nation of
Israel. And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you, Israel, the
nation) For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
(a spiritual darkness, the reasoning of religion) and gross darkness the people:
(Israel. And did it? Sure it did this is what Paul is calling a
mystery in Romans 11:25 the hardness of heart caused by reasoning's religion) but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory
shall be seen upon thee." Remember this is all future,
but again, we're getting close.
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