Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ephesians Lesson 19 of 39 part 2

What’s important is, what did God give Moses to tell the children of Israel? The Law. But they refused the revelation of the spiritual renewal which this Law has hidden within it, for the Law is righteous when heard and received a right. They like so much of humanity is stuck in the world of mans flesh and only hears that flesh's voice. Which speaks of the past and future not in the here and now of the spirit. Every man from Adam on has been given a still small quite voice of the conscious, the seed of woman which is Christ. It is this small voice less heard within us because of sin's rule or sway over our conscious, that leads all a stray. It causes nation to rise against nation and is the origin of all evil, for God tells us to love of brother and to care for them that wrong us, to resists not evil but to do good.

And of course the Law was in 3 parts. It was first and foremost the moral code, the Ten Commandments. It was the ritual Law - how to worship, and how to approach God with the sacrifices, and priesthood and so forth. Then it also had the civil law - how to deal with your neighbor and how to settle disputes and so forth. That was all dispensed at Mt. Sinai. But that Law ended and with it all of that which was attached to it. The Cross ended the ritual of temple worship, ceremonies, dietary, sacrifices and priesthood under that Law, because that was when everything was fulfilled dispensationally all that was under the Law. Now the materialistic, ritualistic and religious still press the observance of the Hebrew traditions in ignorance and contrary to God, the Father of spirits of all men. And this you see God in His wisdom could keep things secret as we see in Deuteronomy 29:29.

Deuteronomy 29:29
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” 

Deuteronomy 29:29a
"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God:..."
That means God can keep things totally secret as long as He wants to. And then He will reveal certain things when He is good and ready, and we’ve seen that all the way up through human history. So even though all the ramifications of the Law were fulfilled at the Cross, In Christ, yet we find that when we come into the early chapters of Acts, not a word has been said, "That you’re no longer under the Law." There’s not a word that’s been said, "That you no longer have to go to the temple, or keep the commandments as a system." 

That doesn’t come until this man Paul comes and says, "That if you have heard the dispensation of the Grace of God." This is in total opposition to Law, and is now dispensed by Paul. Through the revelation of Christ, our second Adam as a spirit man or as the Son of man. He taught the name of the Father of spirits, He taught spirit and spiritual Truth our relationship restored though it had actually never been broken but only hid by the darkness within the flesh of man. Now if you will come back with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 4, and while you’re looking for it let me remind you how dispensation was used in the Old Testament economy. When God was approaching Abraham, about beginning a nation (actually two nations one of the material and the other of spirit, spiritual) through him and he didn’t yet have a son, and so what did Abraham say to God? 

Genesis 15:2
"And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?"
What was Abraham saying? Eliezer was the man who managed all of Abraham’s wealth and affairs. Not only did Eliezer dispense orders to the servants, but he also dispensed when to sell and when to buy. Now you want to remember Abraham was wealthy. Why are we saying all of this? Because this is what Paul claims to be concerning the Grace of God. Have we found 1 Corinthians chapter 4? Let’s start with verse 1. 

I Corinthians 4:1
"Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and (what’s your next word?) stewards of the mysteries of God."
Now if we’re a Bible students we'll catch on real quick that Paul is always referring to the mysteries that were revealed to him. And what are mysteries? Secrets! And Who kept them secret until revealed to this man? God did. And when God called Paul out of the religion of Judaism, and saved him on the road to Damascus, He sent him down to Mt. Sinai and poured all these things into him for about a year more or less, all the revelations of the mysteries. There are all kinds of mysteries that Paul speaks of in his writings, and since they were revealed to him he then became the steward of those mysteries. And if he was the steward of them then he was the administrator of them. When we understand that, then this Book becomes as plain as a 300 watt light bulb. It just lays right out in front of us. Of course this is a whole new administration or dispensation. Remember God's ministers are ministering spirits of fire as stated in Hebrews chapter 1 and verse 14 which Peter has this to say:

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