beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so
that they which would pass from hence (paradise side) to
you cannot*; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence
(hell side). Then he (the rich man) said,
I pray thee therefore, father (Abraham), that thou
would send him (Lazarus) to my father’s house: For
I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also
come into this place of torment."
*the souls of those waiting for the resurrection of the dead and the body prepared for the second death and their fiery end.
In verse
29, we emphasize Paul’s writing for us today in
the Church Age, when Abraham was being begged by the rich man to do
something for his brothers, what did Abraham say?
saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear
Abraham did not tell them, "Well they can pray to God."
Abraham said, "They have the written Word." And we
maintain today, if we could talk to the Lord and ask Him a question
or two, do you know what He would say? "You have the letters of
Paul, and in them is everything you need to know, just read them!"
That is what Abraham said here, "They have Moses, and the
prophets, they have the printed Word, and that is all they need.”
know that Abraham and Lazarus were on the Paradise side. We also know
that the rich man who was lost. Because he was over on the torment side and
there was a great fixed gulf between them, where they could not go to
each other. What Jesus implies, in this analogy with Jonah, is that
He also went down to hell on the Paradise side during His three days
and three nights after His crucifixion. And so from Paradise, as we
see Paul explicitly puts it, He ascended upon high, in the second
ascension. Coming back to that reference in the book of Ephesians
chapter 4.
that he (Christ) ascended, what is it but that he also
descended first into the lower parts of the earth?"
was where Abraham, Lazarus, and all the Old Testament saints were
waiting for the everlasting one and His atoning blood of the
Cross so they could then enter into what we now know as heaven.
Remember the blood of animals could not take away sin, and so they
could not go into heaven into the presence of God until the atoning
blood had been shed. Thank goodness for the atoning blood it has been
shed, and now with the work of the Cross finished, Christ could take
Paradise out of its place in the center part (bowels) of the earth. He
takes it with its occupants up into glory. Hell is then enlarged to
accommodate all that would go there, the disbelieving, the
unbelieving, the lost, the infidels, those who refuse this Gospel. Reading on
in Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 9, in it’s entirety.
that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first (after
His death on the Cross) into the lower parts of the earth? He
that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all
heavens, that he might fill all things.)"
is a lot more here than meets the eye at first or even the forth observation. What are some of the "all
things" in verse 10? Well, those Old Testament
believers who were saved by their trust in God's faithfulness, but
they could not be saved by the work of the Cross, because it had not
happened at their passing. That was still clear out into the
future. As we have learned through our short study of the Hebrew with the word
“everlasting”. Once Christ finished the work of the Cross
and went down into Paradise and preached to those souls, spirits in prison (1Peter 3:17-22)
as Peter says, “Now what could Christ tell the Old Testament
believers? ‘I died for you, my blood has been shed, the atoning
blood is done.’" And so He takes them now out of the
Paradise side of hell, out of the lower part of the earth up far
above all heavens, that he might fill all things, because that is
what the work of the Lord's Supper, the Marriage Feast and the Cross
and His final ascension did. Today in the Church Age, as believers
die, their soul or spirit goes right into the presence of Christ in
what the Bible calls the third heaven, the very abode of God. Why and
How? Because of the revelation which the Lord allowed us to share. He
has opened our eyes and understanding to these things and more by His
Grace and our learning of Him!
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