stated that God has not revealed any special days or feasts to us in
this Church Age to observe as He did Israel for their learning of His
character in Holiness. Nor did He tell Paul or any of Jesus' disciples to catty on with any of the Jewish feats in the fashion and practice of them. To check that statement I did some checking
with Scripture and found that I was right in my hearing and
understanding. I wanted to know if Jesus, Paul or any other disciple
may have said anything of the sort. The answer is they had, Jesus in
Matthew 15:9 which is also revealed by Mark in 7:7 and then John in
6:27 and even Isaiah in 29:13 in the use of such terms as; the
commandments of men, wives' men fables, meats which perish and like
phrases. Then Paul in 1Corinthians 6:13 and a host of others reveals
that we are NOT in any fashion to participate with those who practice
them (the former Jewish festivals as they have passed away). Even
Peter in 2Peter 2:22, where he calls them dogs that return to its
vomit, and for me that is strong language to be used by him when
speaking of his former heritage. For earlier he said that he did not
use or follow cunningly devised fables when bearing his witness of
Christ in 1:16 of 2Peter and the “wresting” of scriptures
in 3:15. Here are some of the verses I found: Proverbs 1:32,
Zechariah 7:11; 1Timothy 1:4-7, 2Timothy 4:4, Titus 3:9, Colossians
2:22, Galatians 4:9 and Hebrews 12:25. These all relate to what we
said. We are to be a people separated and peculiar unto God through
Christ by bearing His name as a wife bears her husbands. We can not
be true to Him if we participate in the worlds traditions of
religious performances in any fashion. If we do we are a liar and
there is NO Truth in us, as these verses reveal. We are then obdurate
and protractors through the protraction of God and His declared Will.
It is this Will which all unlearned twist and resist because it means
our suffering as Jesus suffered. They resist because they have been
feed a lie, they believe that they are to be healthy, wealthy, happy
and wise......which is not how we learn God and how His Love, Truth
and Grace is received and perfected within us.
left off in Ephesians chapter 4. We will pick up with verse 12.
Remember that in verse 11, Paul leaves the Church with evangelists,
pastors and teachers as we discussed. These are specially gifted men
and women that God is going to provide for the true Christian community.
We think it also ties in with 1Corinthians chapter 13, the love
chapter. It is almost the same kind of scenario, only we shake out
and off the superfluous things and we end up with the three, no
possibly four things that in the end will abide. For remember that Revelation discloses that the Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of
Prophecy. And what are they?
I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do
it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the
testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the
spirit of prophecy.”
does not necessarily mean that there will be Prophets as in the Old
Testament economy but that this whole book of Revelation is a
prophecy, in the revealing of Christ's ministry and activities within
us, the Body. Which Paul's Epistles all say, including the Epistle of
Hebrews. The Spirit of Prophecy is our knowledge of His mysteries,
not that of fortune-telling as we see in operation, this is
perversion of truth and the trust which God places in us.
now abideth faith, hope, charity (love), these
three; but the greatest of these is charity."
are the things that remain with us even today. These three words in
Paul’s Epistles just keep popping up. All three may not be together
all the time, but watch for those words. Coming back to where we were
in Ephesians chapter 4, and we have much the same thing. So for the
various gifts and so forth, that people make so much ado over even
today, they have more or less fallen by the way side, but three of
them remain. These three are as absolute as anything can be even
today, and what are they? Evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
Those are the three main criteria for any local group of believers. But, and this is a strong "BUT" these positions require the knowledge of God in Christ and the ontological essence of Christ in those who fill these ministry gifts to the Church of the Living God. WE, As members of the Body, are to test the spirits of these men and women to discern there knowledge of the mysteries upon which our faith is based. And believe me this has not been the history or the case of the worlds churches as we know them.
In verse 12 again, and what is the purpose of these three?
the perfecting of the saints*, for the work of the
ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"
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